New Bond Act Website

Governor Hochul has announced the launch of an enhanced website for the Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, which was approved by voters in 2022.

The site is part of New York State’s commitment to a transparent process that empowers the public to track and learn about Bond Act investments statewide. New resources and features on the website:

An interactive statewide map to access facts about Bond Act-funded projects;
a funding finder tool; eligibility guidelines; and
Bond Act funding allocations based on project category.

Please encourage our state, local and school officials to apply for grants. It’s easy to spend other people’s money, the real work is bringing money into the town to benefit everyone.

Casino to Open Soon

The Casino will be closed Memorial Day weekend, but it is getting ready to reopen soon. Stay tuned for the date and hours.

We can’t wait to welcome you!

LGLC’s Sucker Brook Preserve, in Putnam, Now Accessible by Boat

The new seasonal dock, now open to the public, at the Lake George Land Conservancy’s Sucker Brook Preserve.

A seasonal dock is now available on a first-come, first-served basis at the Lake George Land Conservancy’s Sucker Brook Preserve, in Putnam.

The Sucker Brook Preserve is made up of multiple protected properties, including those previously known as the Gull Bay Preserve (protected in 2003) and Last Great Shoreline Preserve (protected in 2009). In total, the Sucker Brook Preserve encompasses a total of 1,078 acres and more than 6 miles of trails. Now you can visit by boat.

Most trails at the Sucker Brook Preserve are considered moderate, with many relatively flat and easy stretches. There are also challenging, though short, sections, notably at the southern end of the Orange Trail, and the Red Trail-South. In addition, because these are active beaver ponds, water levels vary throughout the seasons and years, which may impact trail conditions.

You can download and/or print a copy of the LGLC’s Sucker Brook Preserve brochure here to reference when hiking.

Happy Mother’s Day

To all our mothers, you’ll never get the thanks and recognition you truly deserve and even if you did, you know that’s not what you want. You want the best of life and love and hope and eternity for your children and family. Fortunately, you have a mighty, mighty power over the outcome. And you will, until the day you die. Please use it.

The Solar Eclipse from Huletts

A picture taken this afternoon in Huletts of today’s solar eclipse.

It was a beautiful sunny day with a wonderful view of the eclipse for the hearty folks who watched it today from Huletts.

The next time a total solar eclipse will be visible again from the contiguous United States will be August 22, 2044. Today’s event is now preserved here!

Thoughts on April

I’ve always thought April is such a good month. The worst of winter is usually over, and the world begins to wake up again. While it can be a little damp and rainy at times – the old axiom; April showers bring May flowers always holds true.

When we were children, we would always come to Huletts for our Spring Break. My grandmother would recite Longworth’s, Paul Revere’s Ride, from memory because it happened on the evening of April 18, 1775. Both my grandparents would tell us that rote memorization was a big part of their education as children. They would recite poems that were emblazoned in their memories as children.

Work would begin again on things that couldn’t be done in the winter and the lake’s ice would usually melt in April. (I always remember the sound the ice would make as it creaked and groaned in the winter.) Birds would start singing in the morning again as they returned from their winter migration.

My parents and my grandparents would always talk about the ideas of community, faith and family. I’ve sensed a greater longing for community and family in these tumultuous times where there seems to be a greater loneliness and anxiety loose in the world.

These discussions on the ideas of faith, family, and community still resonate with me today. My grandfather would say that the most important commission in the bible was Christ’s admonition to Peter; “to strengthen the brethren” which is also, at times, translated as “strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22:32)

Hopefully, you have weathered the winter and April finds you enjoying the longer days and soon to be warmer weather. May you hear birds singing in the morning as we all look forward to returning to Huletts.

Happy Easter

(Click image to see full-scale.)

The Resurrection of Christ
Francesco Fontebasso
circa 1759
The Tridentine Diocesan Museum
Trento, Italy

In the painting, based on a highly effective theatrical variant, Christ resurrected in a burst of clouds is invested by light and floats above the sepulchre, holding the white banner. Below, two angels open the empty tomb, while the terrified guards flee.

Wishing everyone much much happiness and joy as the world celebrates Easter today.

DEC Forest Rangers in the News

Town of Greenwich
Washington County

Wildfire: On March 18 at 2:45 p.m., Ray Brook Dispatch received a call for Forest Ranger assistance for a wildland fire on Lick Springs Road. The fire had started in a garage and spread into the woods. By 4:20 p.m., Rangers contained the fire to half an acre.

Holy Thursday: 2024

(Click image to see full-scale.)

Wilhelm Marstrand
Kiss of Judas, n.d. (after 1860)
Oil on canvas, 57 x 51 cm.
The Nivaagaard Collection – Denmark

With dynamic brush strokes, dimmed lighting and a dramatic composition, Marstrand has depicted the moment of Judas’ betrayal of Christ. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas has just identified Christ to the soldiers by means of a kiss. With weapons and torches in hand, the menacing soldiers have gathered around the company, ready to arrest him. Marstrand has depicted Judas in a stooped posture to emphasise his treasonous but also guilt-inducing act of betrayal. This stands in sharp contrast to the depiction of Christ, who with his straight posture, calm expression and stoicism radiates an acceptance of his ultimate fate. Marstrand amplifies the dramatic nature of this fateful scene by painting the entire composition in a sombre colour palette, only broken by a single light from a torch. The format suggests that the picture is a sketch for an altarpiece.