Did the Lost Dauphin of France Really Stay in Huletts?

This is a great piece from Adirondack Magazine about rural legends of the Adirondacks. Was there really a Lake George Monster? What was the biggest buck ever shot here? Did Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother live in the Adirondacks? Does Presidential brother, Jeb Bush really own land in the Champlain Valley?

From Gerald Ford’s son to the Lost Dauphin of France, the legends are all spelled out here. It a great read. Perhaps you’ll learn of a legend you never knew existed.

When You’re Out of Money, You Can’t Spend Anything

From the Post Star:

Bad News Hits Area Schools

This is pretty unprecedented. The issue becomes what will school districts around NY do; use their reserve accounts in the interim and hit property owners with increased taxes next year or actually get control of their spending. Remember the Whitehall school district spent $2.25 million two years ago on tennis courts and a building addition. Sadly the Whitehall school district has never shown a willingness to control spending.

In case you missed it, the Whitehall School district was recently told by the comptroller’s office that they had $150,000 over the amount that the law says they can have in one of their reserve accounts. They have a bunch of them.

Our Dresden > Their Dresden?

Many people are surprised to learn that there are actually two towns named Dresden in the state of New York. The other Dresden is located on the western shore of Seneca Lake in the Finger Lakes region. Check out the other town of Dresden here. Our former Town Clerk, Mrs. LeClaire, would say that both towns would occasionally receive correspondence which was intended for the other. Just a fun fact to know if you’re ever on a game show and there’s a category: Towns in NY State.

Fort Ticonderoga

While this video is about 3 months old, I thought it was appropriate to share on Veterans Day. It illustrates what is happening to the surrounding economy when taxes go up and tourism starts to dry up. Fort Ticonderoga is a non-profit corporation but they sustain the museum in large part through visitor patronage. The next time you’re in Huletts in the summer, it’s a great day trip especially if you like history.

Let Your Christmas Cards & Packages Begin in Huletts

It looks like for the first time in history the U.S. Postal Service will eliminate jobs. Small Post Offices are rated not only by the amount of mail that they disburse, but also by the amount of postage that they sell. While the Postal Service has not indicated that they will close any Post Offices at this time, we encourage you to buy your postage from the Huletts branch. It means much more to them, than some giant suburban branch. So if you send a check to Postmaster, Huletts Landing, you will receive your postage in a few days.

So before you begin your holiday mailings, drop Pam a note and thank her for the wonderful job she does and buy a few Christmas and priority mail stamps from her at the same time.

Admit It – You Always Wanted To Be A Fireman

Just this week, we received this appeal from the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company. The fire company needs your assistance in meeting their fundraising goals. Please help support this worthwhile cause. Almost all the local fire companies are struggling to find volunteer firefighters because so many people have left the area to find jobs and the high property taxes are killing the local economy. Please consider coming out to the firehouse the next time you’re in Huletts and joining the fire company. You’ll even get a card designating you as a fire fighter if you join. Send your donation to:

Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company
P.O. Box 59
Huletts Landing, NY 12841

It’s a Snap

While winter is getting close, one of our reoccurring topics will be spottings of local wildlife. This picture was submitted by Ed Briody of a snapping turtle he came across this past summer. It may have been looking for a place to lay eggs and yes it did snap at him (but only when provoked).


Washington County Budget Criticized by Post Star

This from the Post Star on Washington County’s 2009 Proposed Budget:

“You know when it snows, and they say on the radio that only “essential employees” must report to work? How about counties start their budgeting with the premise that only essential government employees, services and functions be preserved? Washington County must have some fat in the budget. So what do they decide to hack? The night sheriff’s patrol. Other than forcing cutting back on some car purchases and park hours, what else did Washington County do of any significance to save taxpayers money? Oh wait. They did come up with a hiring freeze they hope will save taxpayers $100,000 next year. But in a $117.3 million budget, that’s less than 1/10th of 1 percent. One hundred out of 900 county employees quit or retire each year. Are they all “essential?” How about a plan not to replace any employee who leaves? For that matter, why does Washington County need 900 employees in the first place?”

Read the whole editorial here.