Logging in the Adirondacks

This is a real good piece (about 7 minutes) about the history of logging in the Adirondacks. Logging and tourism are two industries that the Adirondack Park Agency is supposed to specifically encourage. It’s also presents the history of the formation of the Adirondack Park in the late 1800’s. It points out correctly, that private land has always been a big part of the Adirondack Park.

Dresden Gets It Right – Cuts Taxes

Lower Taxes Mean Vibrant Communities Dresden recently released it’s 2009 budget which shows the amount to be raised by taxes will be $1,500 less than 2008. This translates into a 0.50 percent reduction in taxes from 2008 to 2009. While the budget grows a little over 9 % from the 2008 amount, this growth is offset by new revenues. Congratulations to our Dresden Town Board for lowering taxes 2 years in a row. This is a perfect example of keeping government spending and taxes in check, a lesson that the Whitehall School District hasn’t learned yet.

Washington County Important Friday Meeting

From Thursday’s (Nov 20, 2008) Post Star:

“The Washington County Board of Supervisors on Friday will weigh slicing $264,583 from the tentative 2009 county budget in order to chisel down a projected 8 percent tax levy increase.

Items on the chopping block include closing the two county-run beaches in Jackson and Dresden.

The beaches at Lake Lauderdale in Jackson and at Huletts Landing on Lake George in Dresden would be closed for the 2009 summer season, which runs from May through September, saving the county $78,624.”

Read the entire Post Star Article Here

Please Bear With Us

Please bear with us as we upgrade and improve our site during the next two weeks. Our goal is to have a fully operational and extremely cool site with advanced functionality by the the middle of December. Stay with us – you’ll be glad you did.

No Mid-Year Budget Cuts

It looks like there won’t be any mid-year budget cuts to the Whitehall School District’s budget.

“A 90-minute meeting of the Democratic governor and legislative leaders was filled with accusations and some name calling. But they failed to approach any agreement on Paterson’s proposed $5 billion in spending cuts or any alternatives, some of which surfaced for the first time in the leaders’ meeting.”

Read the whole piece here.

Wouldn’t Want to Run Into One of These

A really cool short clip (about 3.5 minutes) on how the prehistoric short faced bear differed from today’s grizzly bear and black bear. I saw a black bear once on top of the mountain about 15 years ago. If you’re interested in bears, here’s an interesting clip for you.

[hulu=ra06vuFlOWTX4zsJfKSN5w,LEFT,340,16:10,Prehistoric Bear,AUTOPLAY]

Washington County Budget Drawing Heat

From Saturday’s Post Star:

“The 2009 Washington County budget isn’t pleasing everyone. More than 100 concerned citizens filled the Board of Supervisors chambers on Friday to voice their opinions on the proposed $117.3 million spending plan.

The tentative budget contains an 8-percent hike in the tax levy, a $106,000 cut to the county Sheriff’s Office’s budget and a 50 percent reduction in funding to the Hudson Falls arm of Cornell Cooperative Extension.”

Read the entire piece here.

Update – ALERT:

“At the same time, supervisors on the committee backed the elimination of two county-run parks,” ..  AT THIS TIME THIS INCLUDES THE WASHINGTON COUNTY BEACH

Saturday Quote

“We’ve uncovered some embarrassing ancestors in the not-too-distant past. Some horse thieves, and some people killed on Saturday nights. One of my relatives, unfortunately, was even in the newspaper business.”

Jimmy Carter