Lake George Association Members Approve Merger with The FUND for Lake George

In a historic and inspiring show of support for the future of Lake George protection, the members of the Lake George Association have overwhelmingly approved the merger of the LGA with The FUND for Lake George to create a new, preeminent Lake protection organization.

Ninety-eight percent of LGA voters (745 of 760) said yes to the historic union in results announced tonight at a special virtual membership meeting. The approved merger plan will now go to the Office of the New York State Attorney General for final review and approval. The newly created organization will retain the LGA name. The LGA is the longest-serving lake protection organization in the country, having been founded in 1885.

“The future of Lake George protection is brighter than ever,” said Pete Menzies, current president of the LGA board of directors, which previously voted unanimously to proceed with the merger. “We are thrilled and thankful to the LGA membership for their tremendous vote of confidence in what these two outstanding organizations will be able to accomplish together. As they always do, LGA members have stepped up to protect Lake George.”

Jeff Killeen, current chairman of The FUND for Lake George and the chairman-elect of the new organization, said, “We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity and responsibility that has been granted to us. With so many water quality threats looming, Lake George has never needed us more — and I can say without hesitation that our combined staff, board of directors, members and many community partners are up for the challenge. The new LGA will bring our Lake’s already-unrivaled level of protection to new and essential heights.”

The new LGA will be focused on action, working collaboratively with public – and private-sector partners to achieve breakthrough performance in water quality protection programs that are guided by world-class science and supported by community education, awareness and advocacy.

Protection programs will focus on the Lake’s most pressing threats: harmful algal blooms; nutrient loading from wastewater and stormwater runoff; invasive species, both aquatic and the new terrestrial threat, hemlock wooly adelgid; and road salt contamination — all of which are compounded by the effects of a changing climate. Mounting pressure on the Lake’s water quality was a driving factor in bringing the two organizations together.

The new LGA will be led by Eric Siy, currently executive director of The FUND for Lake George, who will become president of the new LGA, and Walt Lender, currently executive director of the Lake George Association, who will serve as senior vice president.

“The incredible team that will make up the new LGA has been working closely together in preparation for the formal merger,” said Mr. Siy. “Their expertise and dedication — combined with the power of our many partners and the world class science and technologies of the Jefferson Project — create a truly one-of-a-kind commitment to protecting a one-of-a-kind natural treasure.”

“The threats to the Lake’s water quality are unrelenting, and the new LGA will be relentless in combatting them,” said Mr. Lender. “From our citizen scientists to world-leading research, from public education and advocacy to results-driven protection programs, we will employ state-of-the-art practices to keep Lake George clean and clear for generations to come.”

The following officers and directors have been elected to the new LGA board from among members of the existing LGA and FUND boards:

Jeffrey M. Killeen, chairman; Peter Menzies, vice chairman; William Creighton, treasurer; Roy Davis, secretary; Dr. Mary Caravella, member of executive committee; Keith Ferguson, member of executive committee; Thomas West, member of executive committee; I. Robert Wolgin, member of executive committee; Bob Bailey; Lucinda Bhavsar; James Casaccio; Geoff Cook; Charles Crew, William Dutcher; Dr. Linda Schadler Feist; George R. Hearst III; Victor Hershaft; Blair
Keller; Dr. John E. Kelly III; Ginger Henry Kuenzel; George Morris, Dennis O’Connor; and Ken Parlin.

State Senator Stec Votes ‘No’ on Budget


“New York’s budget has ballooned to a whopping $217 billion, which is an astonishing increase of more than $41 billion in just two years. Despite the billions and billions of federal dollars to plug the state’s budget hole, this year’s budget includes more than $4 billion in new taxes to fund more spending.

“High taxes and a very challenging business environment, not the weather, has chased a lot of people out of New York State. Rather than improve our competitiveness, this budget will likely hasten the exodus of residents, particularly professionals who have found this past year that they can do business in New York, but remotely and much more affordably.

“The $2.1 billion so-called ‘excluded worker’ fund to provide financial benefits of up to $27,900 for ‘off-the-books’ workers, including illegal aliens, held up budget negotiations for days as far-left New York City senators battled with more moderate fellow members. At a time when businesses – many of them ‘mom and pop’ small businesses – are financially devastated and in need of help, the ‘excluded worker’ fund became the focal point.

“While I am very pleased funding and language for a comprehensive broadband study is in the budget, they also put in the budget a laudable but costly and unfunded mandate for low-cost broadband that may put small providers of broadband services out of business.

“Finally, while some might call this budget transformative, it has been far from transparent. The ‘messages of necessity’ and rush to pass bills late at night continues to reflect badly on a budget process that is anything but ‘good government’.”

‘First Boat’

This sailboat, seen on Saturday April 3rd, with occupants in wetsuits, was the ‘first boat’ seen on Lake George in 2021.

Happy Easter – 2021

Peter Paul Rubens – Christ Resurrected – circa 1616.

I hope all of our readers will have a happy and blessed Easter today! I would also like to wish our Jewish readers a belated Passover greeting, as this year Passover ends the evening of Sunday April 4th.

Hopefully everyone will be back in Huletts soon and the upcoming ‘season’ will be as refreshing as always.

Dresden to Receive $70,000 in Federal Stimulus Money

The formula for distributing federal stimulus money projects to $70,000 for the town of Dresden. This is always subject to change and there are strict restrictions on how it can be spent. As this becomes more definitive and the Town Board and Budget officer describe their intended use of this money, I will try to report on it. Dresden has always done a good job at keeping town taxes low, so here’s to hoping that the money will be wisely used or saved.

School Board Election & Budget Vote: May 18th

Voting for three seats on the school board, adoption of the annual school budget and a school bus purchase resolution will take place on Tuesday, May 18th between 12:00 noon and 8:00 pm at the Large Group Instruction Room of the Junior-Senior high school building on Buckley Road in Whitehall.

Petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education can be filed with the Clerk of the District, between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, no later than April 19, 2021. Each of the seats open are for 3-year terms: commencing July 1, 2021 and expiring on June 30, 2024.

The budget for the 2021-2022 school year has not been finalized at this time but the public hearing for the presentation of the budget is scheduled for May 10, 2021 at 6:00 pm in the Large Group Instruction Room of the Junior-Senior high school building on Buckley Road in Whitehall.

DEC Wilderness Rescue

Town of Fort Ann
Washington County

Wilderness Rescue: On Mar. 20 at 8:11 p.m., DEC’s Ray Brook Dispatch received a request for Forest Ranger assistance from Warren County 911 for a report of three 19-year-old hikers from Saratoga Springs lost on Buck Mountain in the Lake George Wild Forest. The reporting party stated the hikers had no light source and were cold. Forest Rangers St. Claire and Donegan responded to the trailhead and hiked into the woods, locating the lost group at 9:44 p.m. The hikers were in good condition and able to hike out on their own. All parties involved were cleared of the incident at 10:15 p.m.

Happy Arrival of Spring. Time to Shake off the Cold, Awaken Your Soul and Spring to Life

The picture above was taken on Saturday March 20th – the first day of Spring.

The ice on the lake is beginning to break up, especially near the edge of the shore. Most of the snow has melted and the high winds from the past week have subsided. Hopefully, if you have been away from Huletts, the beginning of warmer weather will bring you back again soon. Spring is now in the air. Take a good whiff. Hope to see you soon!

Saturday Quote

“Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love.”

– Sitting Bull

Two Lake Organizations Propose Merger

During the past week, the Lake George Association (LGA) and The FUND for Lake George announced that their boards have agreed to a merger. The LGA will now bring the proposal to its members. The new entity will retain the LGA name, upholding and carrying forward the tradition of accomplishment as the oldest (1885) lake protection organization in the country.

The proposed new organization will be led by a board of directors selected from the current board members of the LGA and The FUND. Jeff Killeen, currently Chairman of The FUND, will Chair the new organization. Peter Menzies, current President of the LGA board, will serve as Vice Chair. Eric Siy, currently Executive Director of The FUND, will become President of the LGA. Walt Lender, currently Executive Director of the Lake George Association, will serve as Senior Vice President.

Members of the Lake George Association will receive additional details about the proposed merger via email and/or U.S. mail, along with a ballot for voting on the measure.

Read the entire press release here.

Quarantine for Domestic Travel Will No Longer Be Required Starting April 1st

Governor Andrew Cuomo today announced that domestic travelers will no longer be required to quarantine after entering New York from another U.S. State or U.S. Territory starting April 1st. While no longer required, the NYS Department of Health still recommends quarantine after domestic travel as an added precaution. Mandatory quarantine remains in effect for international travelers. All travelers must continue to fill out the Traveler Health Form. Individuals should continue strict adherence to all safety guidelines to stop the spread – wearing masks, socially distancing and avoiding gatherings. Click here for the full release.