Updated 5:55 p.m.
is now closed. Try again next week.
Today is Sunday, and it’s afternoon, which means you can register.
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News & Opinion About Huletts Landing, N.Y.
Updated 5:55 p.m.
is now closed. Try again next week.
Today is Sunday, and it’s afternoon, which means you can register.
You will get a confirmation email, once you have been verified.
Work continues on the house being constructed on the former recreation-room site. Here are some pictures that illustrate the positive change that has taken place on the site in the last year.
Spring 2009 – New Construction
“Today new houses continue to replace the last vestiges of the old Huletts Landing while keeping the original charm and beauty intact.”
“He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the maze of the most busy life. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidence, chaos will soon reign.”
Victor Hugo
At the last meeting of the Huletts Volunteer Fire Department, William Borden was named Chief of the Fire Department and Carl Sobeck was appointed Assistant Chief.
The Huletts Volunteer Fire Department prides itself in providing the community with a variety of emergency services in time of need. Because of your donations, and the generous service of many volunteers, they are able respond to our needs with a fleet of well-equipped fire trucks and support vehicles. Many thanks go out to our fire department and the volunteers who serve Huletts Landing so faithfully.
To celebrate the 300th post on the Huletts Current, here is a “futuristic” painting of the Huletts Hotel. It was an artist’s conception from the 1950’s of how the Hotel would look in the future if it had been renovated. The rest is history.
Off Roaders Travel the Road Less Traveled
This is an interesting piece from Channel 9 about off-road highway users who drive on ancient town roads through state forest just to keep them open. The DEC doesn’t like this.
National News
Maryland School Boy Builds New Type of Computer
This is such a great story because it’s what makes the U.S. a leader in innovation and technology. A 17 year old Maryland boy has built a computer out of spare parts and a fish tank which uses mineral oil to cool itself after being told it would never work. Why on earth would he want to do it? He just wanted to prove he could. This is the type of device which will most likely lead to other advances in computing. Bravos to young, Brandon Glorioso, who demonstrates first hand where innovation comes from. Read the whole article.
PSA’s on the Swine Flu from the 1970’s
I found this and thought it was applicable today. The only problem is there isn’t a vaccine for the current strain yet. Follow Mom’s advice and wash your hands and use a tissue until one becomes available.
Everyone has heard of Evel Knievel’s attempt to jump the Snake River Canyon in the 1970’s but the single greatest car stunt in history was probably Kenny Powers attempt to jump from Canada into New York, crossing the St. Lawrence River in his rocket powered Lincoln Continental. Here is a short video of his attempt. Please don’t get any ideas about the next time you come down the mountain!
Gov. David Paterson signed an executive order this week, that requires the state to conduct a public accounting on the fiscal effects of any new measure or rule affecting property taxes in New York.
Here is the press release from the Governor’s office and here is the actual executive order.
I contacted the Lake George Park Commission to see how this potentially impacts the new stream corridor rules but have yet to receive a reply. It appears from this language that it probably applies to the LGPC’s stream corridor rule making process.
No state agency shall recommend, propose, publish or submit any legislation or regulation containing a mandate without an accounting of the impact of such mandate on local governments, which shall include the fiscal impacts of such mandate, a cost-benefit analysis, documentation of input sought and received from affected local governments, and proposed sources of revenue to fund such mandate. Prior to the formalization of any such proposal, such accounting shall be provided in writing to the Secretary to the Governor, the Counsel to the Governor, the Director of State Operations and the Director of the Division of Budget; provided, however, that if such proposal is necessary to protect against an urgent threat to public health or safety, such proposal may be formalized and advanced without such accounting only upon the approval of the Director of State Operations and the Counsel to the Governor, provided that such accounting shall be completely promptly thereafter.
If you haven’t been in Huletts all winter, we invite you to stop by the Casino this summer because there are some positive changes in store for 2009.
Significant work has been done on the building.
The bathrooms have been completely remodeled and a new roof and windows have been added. The front room has been updated and the last two sides of the building will be painted in June.
The hours will be more “community friendly”.
The hours will be more consistent and the Casino will close earlier in the evening. These are the tentative hours for the 2009 season:
Tuesday – Thursday: 5pm-11pm
Friday & Saturday: 5pm-2am
Sunday: 5-9pm
There will be a new Wine and Cheese Social Hour every Saturday evening at 7 pm. So join your friends for a glass of wine and complimentary cheese and crackers.
The building is under new management.
Leann Ingalls, who has run successful area restaurants and who has catered dinners in the Casino, has taken over the operation from Justin and Heather. Leann has been working in the Casino since January and you will really like what she has done. She will be offering private chef services so whether it’s family visiting, or a large gathering, she can prepare any event. Just call ahead to discuss menu and prices. We’ll be doing an interview with Leann in the weeks ahead so that you can learn about her connection to Huletts, and about her.
There will be cool things happening there.
A number of interesting events are in the works for this summer. This will include family events, interesting speakers, social activities and more. So you’ll want to stop by and enjoy. We’ll see you at the Casino this summer.
The Casino at Huletts Landing
Opening Soon for 2009
Here’s something you really need to know.
With the start of the wedding season upon us, we wanted to make sure you know this very important new dance called the hoe down throw down.
Now we preface this by saying, if you have a teenage girl in the house who watches Hannah Montana, this is information that you already know.
Here’s Hannah Montana performing it in her new music video.
Here’s a quick tutorial on how you can learn it also.
When you’re at a wedding (or at the Casino) this summer and you’re on the dance floor doing this craziness you’ll remember who taught it to you. Yeah, we know, it’s a slow day on the news front.
Update 5:53 pm
Registration for today is now closed. Try again next week.
and today is Sunday, which means you can register.
You will get a confirmation email, once you have been verified.
On this day, April 25th 1865, a 6-year old Theodore Roosevelt watched the funeral procession of President Abraham Lincoln in New York City. With him at the second story window (corner of Broadway and 14th) was his brother Elliot.
Interestingly, though the photograph has been famous since it was taken, only recently was the little face at the window discovered to be the future Governor of New York and President of the United States.
“I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom.”
Bob Dylan