Give Bob Banks credit for trying, but another attempt to fund the Washington County beach failed today. Washington County uses weighted voting based on population so the beaches were closed because larger towns voted against it. This does not mean that the beach will be closed this summer though. Many supervisors are still open to ways in which it can be kept open. We will keep you updated in the days ahead.
Washington County Budget Revisited
The supervisors are trying to cut 50% of the Cornell Cooperative Extension. What’s the Cornell Cooperative Extension?
The Post Star has a good piece about what it is here. Our opinion is very clear, if they can cut funding for the Washington County Beach, they must cut the Cornell Cooperative Extension also.
Lots of Budget
Some things to note in Saturday’s Post Star:
A great editorial about school districts entitled: “Districts Must Cut Costs”
Ominious cuts still coming from the State?
Can more savings be found from cell phones?
A database of what Washington County pays all its employees. If you pull the drop down arrow, you can see the employees names.
An Educated Taxpayer is the Best Citizen
Over the next few months one reoccurring topic the Huletts Current will examine, is how we as a community are regularly treated by both Washington County and the Whitehall School district. More importantly, we will discuss strategies were we can effectuate positive change. Today’s editorial in the Post Star is right on the mark, noting that the Board of Supervisors really took the easy way out by closing two county parks, noting also that these two parks are located in two of the smallest towns in the county.
Read the whole article: Supervisors Lost Track of What’s Important
Post Star Bravo for Our Town Supervisor
The Post Star gave a bravo today to our Town Supervisor.
“Bravos to the Washington County supervisors who gave up their mileage reimbursement to help trim the county budget. Many supervisors have to travel quite far to attend county meetings in Fort Edward And on Friday, they were ready to approve a $25,650 package. But on Friday afternoon, when supervisors were polled individually as to how much they could accept as mileage, 14 of the 17 responded, “zero.” Wow. Those three supervisors who did accept reimbursement — JoAnn Trinkle, Vernon Scribner, and Bob Banks — live in the farthest reaches of the county, and even they accepted substantially less than what they might have been eligible for. In the end, supervisors cut more than $20,000 from their reimbursement, leaving only a $5,000 bill for taxpayers.”
Washington County Beach – Continued
Updated – Saturday, November 22, 2008 10:15 am
In an attempt to give our readers the facts behind the cut in funding to the Washington County beach, the Huletts Current contacted Bob Banks, Town Supervisor of Dresden. Mr. Banks is our representative on the Washington County Board of Supervisors.
To begin, the County is under tremendous pressure to cut their budget not because spending is increasing, but because both revenue and state aid is declining because of the overall economy. It was not reported in the Post Star that the Board of Supervisors actually cut $750,000 from the budget yesterday. They should be commended for this stance, because the last thing a bad economy needs is more taxes. We in Huletts have struggled under the burden of high propery taxes for many years.
Mr. Banks assured us that the Washington County Beach will be open this upcoming year. It appears to him that the operation of the beach may be able to pay for itself with increased user fees and some adjustments in spending. If Washington County is not able to make these adjustments, the Town of Dresden will enter into some type of agreement to run the beach and to see that the beach remains open.
We will keep our readers informed as this develops.
Breaking News – Washington County Funding Cut
We’ll find out more about this in the hours ahead.
The Washington County Board of Supervisors have cut funding for the Washington County Beach for 2009
Washington County Slammed in Editorial – Labor Contract Kept Secret
It claims the Supervisors are voting on a budget and all the facts are not known.
Washington County Important Friday Meeting
From Thursday’s (Nov 20, 2008) Post Star:
“The Washington County Board of Supervisors on Friday will weigh slicing $264,583 from the tentative 2009 county budget in order to chisel down a projected 8 percent tax levy increase.
Items on the chopping block include closing the two county-run beaches in Jackson and Dresden.
The beaches at Lake Lauderdale in Jackson and at Huletts Landing on Lake George in Dresden would be closed for the 2009 summer season, which runs from May through September, saving the county $78,624.”
From A …… to Z
This is a good article from the Albany Times Union about what is going on with the budget process, which will ultimately effect the budget for the Whitehall School District and Washington County.
Washington County Budget Drawing Heat
From Saturday’s Post Star:
“The 2009 Washington County budget isn’t pleasing everyone. More than 100 concerned citizens filled the Board of Supervisors chambers on Friday to voice their opinions on the proposed $117.3 million spending plan.
The tentative budget contains an 8-percent hike in the tax levy, a $106,000 cut to the county Sheriff’s Office’s budget and a 50 percent reduction in funding to the Hudson Falls arm of Cornell Cooperative Extension.”
Update – ALERT:
“At the same time, supervisors on the committee backed the elimination of two county-run parks,” .. AT THIS TIME THIS INCLUDES THE WASHINGTON COUNTY BEACH
Washington County’s Budget
Some interesting posts regarding Washington County’s budget:
No Salary Increase for Department Chiefs
County Avoids the Nuclear Option
Budget Concerns: Taxes and Tourism
One raises a good point: Why isn’t the County’s Budget Online?
Washington County Budget Criticized by Post Star
This from the Post Star on Washington County’s 2009 Proposed Budget:
“You know when it snows, and they say on the radio that only “essential employees” must report to work? How about counties start their budgeting with the premise that only essential government employees, services and functions be preserved? Washington County must have some fat in the budget. So what do they decide to hack? The night sheriff’s patrol. Other than forcing cutting back on some car purchases and park hours, what else did Washington County do of any significance to save taxpayers money? Oh wait. They did come up with a hiring freeze they hope will save taxpayers $100,000 next year. But in a $117.3 million budget, that’s less than 1/10th of 1 percent. One hundred out of 900 county employees quit or retire each year. Are they all “essential?” How about a plan not to replace any employee who leaves? For that matter, why does Washington County need 900 employees in the first place?”