Interview with Assemblyman Tony Jordan, Part 1

Today, I post part one of my interview with Huletts Assemblyman, Tony Jordan.

Thank you Assemblyman Jordan for agreeing to be interviewed by the Huletts Current. You are the Assemblyman for Huletts Landing and the Town of Dresden. While you are a relatively new Assemblyman, you have strong roots in the Adirondacks. Could you tell our readers about yourself?

I grew up in North Creek in the heart of the Adirondacks and graduated from Johnsburg High School in 1982. I received my Bachelor’s degree in business with a concentration in finance from the University of Notre Dame in 1986. After working for eight years in Glens Falls as a corporate lender, I went to law school receiving my Juris Doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania School of law, graduating in 1995 Magna Cum Laude.

I now live in the Town of Jackson in Washington County with my wife Wendy and our four children: Gabrielle, Tricia, Luke and Eliza. In addition to being the Assemblyman for the 112th Assembly District, I am a Partner in the Law firm Jordan & Kelly located in the Village of Greenwich.

Right now you are pushing for some broad ethics reforms that are much needed. Could you tell us what you’re hoping to accomplish?

Ethics Reform has been a much discussed topic in Albany and necessarily so. Whether it is the Joe Bruno trial, Governor Patterson’s current distractions, including charges of ethical violations, or a litany of prior legislators who are under investigation or have been removed for inappropriate conduct, it is important that we pass strong and effective ethics reform to begin restoring confidence in New Yorkers in their elected officials. To me personally, the most important element is to look at the causes for ethical violation and how best to address the conduct.

One would hope that a person’s own moral compass would guide them properly. For the vast majority of the legislators in Albany that is the case. Unfortunately, the few who lack a solid moral compass have caused a black eye for the whole.

One of the primary contributing factors to the recent instances of apparent ethical violations all seem to stem from power and money. In the Albany political system currently, the leaders of the respective houses of government control all of the power both in terms of allocation of monetary resources and staffing allocation. Additionally, the majority also control what Bills are advanced through committees and make it to the floor for vote. With this disproportionate control and power comes great opportunity for abuse and attempted influence by special interest groups. One way to address this problem is to allocate resources, including both monetary, staffing and movement of Bills, equally rather than based on ones membership in a particular party.

Another issue being addressed is outside employment. Many suggest we should go to full-time legislators banning outside employment. Our founding fathers never intended our legislators to be full-time. In fact it is the proliferation of full-time professional legislators that has contributed to our ever-growing government. If we were to restrict the length of legislative session to perhaps two months, as many other states do and have done successfully, reduce the pay to legislators correspondingly and then require all legislators to disclose not only their outside income but also the amount of time they commit on a monthly basis to that outside employment, we could go a long way toward reducing influences of Special Interest groups through employment opportunities. At the same time by reducing the legislative season, we reduce the number of Bills that become law that frustrate and limit business opportunities in the State.

In April of 2009 the Assembly passed an Ethics Reform bill that introduced many important new safeguards. Regrettably, neither the Senate nor Governor acted on that legislation. Earlier this session both the Senate and the Assembly passed an Ethics Reform bill that was not as strong as it could have been but was widely regarded by watch dog groups as a vast improvement over current law. Unfortunately, the Governor vetoed the Bill. I imagine because of the Governor’s current personal crisis and the fact that we are in the budget negotiation season the Ethics Reform Bill has not received the attention it should. It is my hope that once we move through the budget season that we are able again to pick up this important piece of legislation to find an appropriate compromise to insure its passage.

Presently, the Huletts Volunteer fire department is trying to obtain approval for a cell phone tower that would cover a major part of the northern basin of Lake George. The public would benefit and the volunteer fire department would also receive much needed income. You must hear many comments about the slow approval process for cell phone towers in the Adirondacks. The Adirondack Park Agency has moved from protecting the environment to actually working against Adirondack communities. Is there anything that can be done to encourage high tech investment in Adirondack communities and make the APA accountable for nonsensical delays?

Expanded agency control and regulation is one of the biggest issues facing our state right now. Many State agencies have run wild and wandered far from their original purpose and intent. The APA is a prime example. Instead of focusing on protecting and/or enhancing the natural beauty of the Adirondacks, the APA has created a bureaucratic machine that has stifled any meaningful economic development in the park since the late 1970’s. Much of what the Park Agency does is important and well intended. Cell phone towers and the current wind project at Barton Mines are examples where the Agency has lost its way. Projects that should be completed in 6-10 months take years. As an example, cell tower projects outside the park are generally subject to 2-5 photo simulations as a part of the balloon tests. In the Park, they have to perform up to 50 photo simulations which can more than triple the cost of the application to the company.

The State Legislature and Governor must reign in these out of control agencies and get them back to working toward their primary goals. In addition, a modicum of common sense needs to be exercised by these agencies rather than an endless pursuit to render business and manufacturing opportunities in New York extinct.

…. to be continued. I will post part two of my interview with Assemblyman Jordan on Saturday.

An Interview with Assemblyman Tony Jordan

I had the distinct privilege and honor this week to conduct a wide-ranging interview with our NY State Assemblyman, Tony Jordan. We discussed many interesting topics, ranging from Assemblyman Jordan’s deep roots in Washington County, his work on ethics reform, the growing problems at the Adirondack Park Agency, to even the dysfunction of New York state government as a whole and his predictions for the 2010 elections.

We covered so many topics I will break the interview out over two days. I expect to post part 1 of our interview later on Friday afternoon and part 2 on Saturday.

So stop back later to the Huletts Current for an interesting look at local issues with our Huletts state representative in the NY Assembly, Tony Jordan.

Innovative Transport of Power Through Whitehall & Canal Proposed

A major supplier of electricity to the Northeast is proposing to go down Lake Champlain, through the Champlain Canal in Whitehall, and back into the Hudson River to bring power to New York City and Long Island. This would be a new way to supply the growing power needs of our country without disrupting scenery.

It has been reported on North Country Public radio about a proposed power supply route that would use the historic route between Canada and New York which passes through Whitehall.

What is truly innovative, as I understand it, is that there would be no overhead lines, no cutting of trees and the power would come from renewable sources.

Here is a video that describes the concept.


I’m sure we’ll hear more about this in the months ahead.

Bits of Everything

APA Considering Delegating New Boathouse Rules to Lake George Park Commission.

The Adirondack Almanack reports that the APA is speaking to the Lake George Park Commission about enforcing their new proposed boathouse rules. The bigger question is why are new rules necessary when this has no bearing on water quality?

Washington County Business

The Post Star was at the most recent meeting of the Washington County Board of Supervisors.

Paul Smith’s New Cell Phone Tower Resembles Tree

Paul Smith’s College, The College of the Adirondacks, just released this video showing off their new cell phone tower. If they can get one, hopefully Hulett’s can get one soon also.


Bits of Everything

Ground Broken on Bolton Pier

Even though it’s a bit cold outside, work started this week on improving the pier in Bolton Landing. The renovation will include 10 more dock spaces. Read about it in the Post Star.

Why Can’t The Cell Phone Companies All Get Along? (and share a tower)

The Capitol Confidential Blog has a great picture of a cell phone tower that looks like a tree and some great commentary on cell phone towers in the Adirondacks. I agree with the Adirondack Council on this one. There’s no reason why numerous carriers can’t share one pole.

Meeting Matters: Washington County Board of Supervisors

The Post Star reports on garbage stickers, tourism and the Sheriff from the Washington County Board of Supervisors.

Beach Funding Intact

I spoke with Dresden Town Supervisor, Robert Banks, today about the passage of the Washington County budget and funding for the Washington County Beach was included in the 2010 budget.

The operation of the Washington County beach, according to Mr. Banks, will be the same as it was in 2009 and there is even the possibility that the beach will have increased hours of operation in 2010.

The Washington County Beach in Huletts Landing is the only public beach on Lake George in Washington County.

Bits of Everything

Panel Urges Pay Cut, Furloughs for Washington County Supervisors

Give them credit for trying to cut the budget. Members of the Washington County Finance and Personnel Committee proposed cutting supervisors’ pay by 6 percent in addition to taking the equivalent of two furlough days. Read about it in the Post Star.

Unknown Filmmaker Gets $30m for Robot Movie

This is what’s great about the Internet. An unknown filmmaker from Uruguay has been given $30m by Hollywood studio bosses – to turn his $500 YouTube video of a giant robot invasion into a movie. Read about it and watch the clip here.

Ice Age Giants from our Backyard

Denton Publications reports that Mastodons roamed our area long ago. Learn about a great exhibit in Albany where 100’s of extinct local animals are detailed.

Bits of Everything

New York’s Budget Crisis Worse

The NY Post reports that the Comptroller says the budget crisis is even worse than Gov. Paterson says it is.

Washington County Cuts Some / Adds Some

The Whitehall Times reports on some cuts and additions to the budget.

World’s Most Amazing Golf Courses

Check out this link to to see some really unique golf courses. Be sure to check out the pictures and video for the Legend Golf & Safari Resort (the second one down).

Bits of Everything

West Brook Project Awarded $2.5 Million

The Village of Lake George has been awarded a $2.5 million by the state Department of Transportation to be used to complete the public park elements of the West Brook Conservation Initiative, Denton Publications reports.

“The park will consist of walking paths, an extension of the Warren County bike trail, restrooms, a children’s play area, fitness trails and interpretive educational areas. The conservation initiatives will dramatically reduce the nutrients and solids reaching the lake that has contributed to a large delta at the foot of West Brook.”

Read the whole piece.

Washington County Taxes: 2008-2010

Nick Reisman at the Wash Blog takes a good look at Washington County taxes from 2008-2010. The Post Star has done a great job covering the tax problems of many local jurisdictions.

Girl Scouts Split over Sale of Camp in Fort Ann

The Albany Times Union reports that the Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York want to sell Camp Little Notch, a 2,300-acre Girl Scout camp in Fort Ann. However, another group wants to keep the camp open. The Friends of Camp Little Notch have organized to try to buy the camp. See their website here.

Bits of Everything

Steamship Company to Stop in Bolton

The Adirondack Almanack has an interesting story about the Lake George Steamboat Company resuming service into Bolton Landing.

Supervisors Delay Budget Vote

The Washington County Board of Supervisors is trying to come up with a 2010 budget during difficult fiscal times. Read the Post Star story here.

Stream Rules Postponed Again

Read the press release from the Lake George Park Commission.

Bits of Everything

Lake George Land Conservancy Gets Big Gift

The Lake George Land Conservancy was the recipient of a large grant from the Helen V. Froehlich Foundation recently.

Washington County Budget Cuts Protested

A number of people turned out to protest cuts to the Washington County Budget, the Post Star reports. Presently, no cuts have been proposed to the Washington County Beach.