Dates LGA’s Floating Classroom Will Be in Huletts

The Lake George Association’s Floating Classroom will visit Huletts Landing twice during the summer of 2010, courtesy of the Friends of Historic Huletts

The Floating Classroom teaches over 1,000 area students, adults and visitors each season, providing hands-on activities about lake ecology, geology and stewardship. In 2009 the LGA purchased a new 40-foot custom-built catamaran boat and outfitted it with water quality measurement tools, including Secchi disks, plankton nets and other lake monitoring equipment. Schools, youth groups, adult groups and tour groups are invited on board for programs customized to their interests.

It is scheduled to make two stops in Huletts this summer: Saturday July 10th at 2 pm and again on Monday August 2nd at 2 pm.

I will have more details on how to sign-up for boarding the Floating Classroom in the next two weeks. Please do not contact the Lake George Association for sign-up information. Both of these events are sponsored by the Friends of Historic Huletts and more information regarding sign-ups will be forthcoming soon.

Board of Education Vote

Because of the “issues” with our server this past week, I was not able to report on the final vote on the election of school board members.

Current incumbents Mark DeLuca and Theodore LaRose ran unopposed for reelection.

Mr. DeLuca received 243 votes and Mr. LaRose received 227 votes.

While I provided both candidates with questionnaires, I never received Mr. LaRose’s questionnaire back. I mailed the questionnaires to the addresses listed on each candidate’s nominating petition. I provided multiple ways in which the questionnaire could be returned (either through email or regular mail). I never heard anything from Mr. LaRose.

One of the things I hoped to accomplish with the creation of the Huletts Current was to inform residents and friends of Huletts Landing of ongoing issues that might be of interest. In this regard, the number of comments I have received have been overwhelmingly positive. Additionally, the number of unique pages views, of people reading and checking the site, have risen every month since the site came into existence. So while I am disappointed that I did not receive all the questionnaires back, and could not accurately share with you the views of all those running for the school board, it is ultimately you, the readers of the Huletts Current, who Mr. LaRose ignored.

I congratulate both candidates on their victories and service to the community. I would especially like to thank Mr. DeLuca for taking the time to answer my questionnaire and to inform you about his positions.

School District Vote Results

Budget Passes / Single Proposition Pulled from Ballot
No Tax Decrease Next Year

    Yes     No
Budget – No Tax Decrease     245     53

In one of the strangest occurrences in recent memory, the Proposition to fund $10,000 for the Whitehall Library was pulled from the ballot on Monday night.

The library raised a legal objection that only the library board can set the amount requested. Even though the proposition was announced in the legal section of the newspaper, the school board pulled the proposition at a special board meeting on Monday.

The district’s contribution will remain the same as last year at $15,000, even though it was not voted on this year.

The School District Election

The Whitehall School District will have an election Tuesday, May 18th between 12:00 noon and 9:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Junior/Senior High School on Buckley Road:

1.) To adopt next years budget.
2.) To elect two (2) members of the school board.
3.) To vote on one (1) proposition:

a.) To appropriate and grant the Whitehall library $10,000.

Please remember to vote!

Interview with School Board Candidate, Mark DeLuca

This year there are two vacancies on the Board of Education and two candidates running for these seats. The Huletts Current submitted the following questions to each candidate running for the school board. I explained to each candidate that I would run their answers as they submitted them on the Huletts Current.

Today I present how, Mr. Mark DeLuca, candidate for the school board, replied to my questions.

Could you please tell us about yourself and why you are running for the school board?

“My name is Mark DeLuca. I reside in Whitehall with my wife and children. I have three daughters and I have been employed in the health field for the past 33 years. In addition, I have an interest in music. I have performed in several bands throughout the years. At the present time I am the director of our church choir. For the past 10 years, I have served as a member of the Whitehall Central School Board of Education. It has been my pleasure to be involved in providing opportunities that provide student success and to act in the interest of the taxpayer.”

There are many residents of Huletts Landing who are “seasonal” and who are not in the area year round. Could you share with us, what you see as the successes of the Whitehall School District from the past year?

“Our students continue to excel and gain admittance to area colleges on a par with larger school districts. This year’s graduates will be attending such schools as Drexel, Albany College of Pharmacy, Ithaca College, Union, University of Vermont. Our seniors in Advanced Placement programs can acquire as many as 21 college credits, transferable to almost all colleges.”

The Whitehall School District has held the line on tax increases the last two years. However enrollment has declined over the past several years, so per-pupil spending has continued to increase. When do you expect that falling enrollment will mean lower taxes for all?

“The Board of Education approaches the budget keeping in mind a balance for student success at a reasonable cost. Falling enrollment does not necessarily mean a reduction in taxes. The Board of Education considers class size, educational opportunities and contractual requirements with the local teacher’s association and non-instructional bargaining units. Continued support from the State is necessary to offset mandated requirements in Special Education and pension costs.”

Even with the cuts in state aid this year, state spending on education has increased 45% over the last 5 years. The Governor feels that School Boards aren’t doing enough to halt spending and has started a new website:, where people can share ideas on cutting school spending. Is there a specific idea that you will champion to help save taxpayers money?

“In this year’s budget preparation the Board of Education approved elimination or reduction of 16 positions both in the instructional and non-instructional areas. Staffing will continue to be evaluated on an annual basis.”

It’s obvious that people are really hurting in this economy. There is a lot of property for sale in Whitehall and Dresden and people are leaving the area. Do you feel a responsibility as a school board member to cut taxes to halt this decline?

“My responsibility as a School Board member is to work cooperatively with other board members to provide the best education possible for the students of the school district at the most reasonable cost to the taxpayer, keeping in mind that the education of our young people will have an impact on our whole society in the future.”

Another Background for You

This spring view of Deer’s Leap is the Huletts Current newest desktop background.

I’ve updated the Wallpaper page with a spring background of a clearly recognizable shot from Huletts.

Here for the Last Time

The cottage “Adirondack”, one of the oldest cottages in Huletts, as seen the day before it was demolished last week.

Seen below as it stood in 1900, it existed before many other houses in Huletts were built.

School District News

The Whitehall School Board has been very busy lately, but as soon as I was about to post one item, I was made aware of another. So before I get any more school news, I will post what I know.

Proposed Budget – No Increase in Tax Levy

The school board had a meeting on March 29th where a proposed budget was adopted to send to the voters. The school board may be finally recognizing that out-of-control school spending is contributing to the rapid decline of Whitehall. The board made further cuts to the budget and is now proposing a 2010-11 budget with $13,186,012 in spending (a 3.45 % decrease) and a tax levy of $4,829,164 (no increase). They took a number of prudent fiscal steps that were much needed. However, please note that enrollment for the school district is on a downward trend, so even with a 0% tax increase, per pupil spending will most likely rise again. I will report on the enrollment numbers in the near future but this is something to watch and consider.

2 Seats Open on School Board

Two seats on the board of education are up for election in May. Last year only two people ran for the two open seats. The deadline for filing a petition is April 19, 2010. While the Huletts Current does not endorse candidates, if you are a fiscally conservative person who understands what is going on in the district or know someone who would make a good school board candidate, you should consider running or encourage someone to run. A contested field is better than an uncontested field for a discussion of the issues. Sadly, the board of education has historically been hostile to the concerns of Huletts taxpayers. No one is against a quality public education, people in Huletts simply ask that for the amount of taxes the Huletts area contributes, the board listen to and consider our concerns.

Budget Hearing

There will be a public hearing on the budget on Monday May 10, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Junior/Senior high school. (I have added it to the calendar.) You may want to consider attending this meeting.

Budget Vote

The vote on the budget and two seats on the school board will be held on Tuesday May 18, 2010 from 12:00 o’clock noon till 9:00 p.m. (I have added it to the calendar.) This is your chance to vote.

Spring Smelt Run Started

A school of smelt can be seen in Foster brook.

Just this week, I noticed one of the more interesting occurrences of the spring. The smelt have begun their trip upstream to spawn in many area streams.

Smelt are a food source for salmon, lake trout and bigger fish. They traditionally swim in schools and are easy to see in the bright sunlight against the bottom of a shallow stream.

You know spring is here when you see the smelt start “running”.

This shot was difficult to take because they were swimming so fast in the cold water.

It was a pleasant surprise to see such large numbers of smelt in Foster brook this year.

I think these ducks were even trying to get a mouthful.

No Snow Mold Means Greener Greens

The greens of the Huletts Golf Course have come through the winter extremely well.

I’m pleased to report that the mild winter has produced very little to almost no “snow mold” on the greens of the Huletts Golf Course. Last year the greens weathered a very difficult winter and a fungus attacked the greens. This year, there is little evidence of any “snow mold” on any of the greens. For those who saw the greens at this time last year, they were almost entirely white last April. It’s nice to report that this year they are almost entirely green.

Maple Season Almost Over

These maple taps, attached to trees near Pike Brook road, are almost finished producing syrup for this year.

Some people may not realize that there are many small producers of maple syrup right here in the Town of Dresden. If you go for a ride toward Ticonderoga or even down Pike Brook road, you will see the taps attached to the trees and the syrup flowing in plastic lines down to bigger drums where it is collected to be heated.

This season is almost over because of the warmer weather and the buds appearing on the trees. (Once the buds appear, the syrup gets a bitter taste to it.) However, I took a ride recently and here were some taps that I could see right from the road.

So the next time you have your pancakes, you might pause and consider that your syrup might have come out of some trees in Dresden!