The draft minutes from the February 2025 meeting of the Dresden Town Board, have been posted on the town’s website.
It Will Be Summer Someday
January Sewer Committee Minutes
The draft January minutes from the Huletts Sewer District # 1 & #2 committees have been posted on the Town’s website. These districts serve those with property in Huletts Landing District #1 and #2.
Dresden Town Board January Meeting Minutes
The draft minutes from the January 2025 meeting of the Dresden Town Board, have been posted on the town’s website.
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts. Hello, Winter
The Golf Course in January
Dresden Town Board December Meeting Minutes
The draft minutes from the December 2024 meeting of the Dresden Town Board (held on December 9th and continued on December 30th), have been posted on the town’s website.
Top News Story of Huletts: 2024
Well here it is – the end of 2024. I hope it was a good year for everyone. While all the major media outlets are recapping the big events of the past year, I like to take one last look back at what I consider the top “news” story of Huletts Landing from this past year.
A lot happened this past year; there were flagmen on Route 22 for most of the summer – with multiple stretches down to one lane causing delays just to get to Whitehall, the remnants of Hurricane Irene struck Lake George hard on July 16, 2024 with lots of trees down, the Dresden Town Supervisor resigned unexpectedly and a new Town Supervisor was appointed by the Town Board. All of these things were quite newsworthy.
However, one story got everyone’s attention like none of the others. That big story was the Lake George Park Commission’s decision to test out the aquatic herbicide ProcellaCOR in two areas of northern Lake George, one area directly off of Huletts Landing.
A well-attended rally in opposition to the application of ProcellaCOR in Lake George was held at 8:30 am on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 outside the office of the Lake George Association. The Lake George Association opposed the use of ProcellaCOR in Lake George.
While there were lawsuits, opposition protests and even a restraining order, eventually a judge allowed ProcellaCOR to be applied by the Lake George Park Commission to the two locations in Lake George. Once that decision was made, the Lake George Park Commission moved quickly with the testing at the two sites.
While the application only allowed the test at the two sites in northern Lake George, there most likely will be more news (and lots of interest) about this in the year(s) ahead. So for 2024, I am naming the Lake George Park Commission’s decision to test out the aquatic herbicide ProcellaCOR in the two areas of northern Lake George as the story of year for Huletts Landing.
Happy New Year to all and on to 2025!
Hiker Dies on Black Mountain
I’m sorry to report that a hiker died on Black Mountain this past week.
November Sewer Committee Minutes Posted & No December Sewer Committee Meeting
The draft November minutes from the Huletts Sewer District # 1 & #2 committees have been posted on the Town’s website. These districts serve those with property in Huletts Landing District #1 and #2.
Additionally there will be no meeting of the Sewer Committee in December 2024.
Snowman is an Island
It’s a little over a week away from Christmas and there is almost no snow on the ground in Huletts, hence the snowman pun.
The rain from last week has washed most of the snow away. The lake has risen and there is some work going on but everything is relatively quiet.
People always email and share how they like seeing pictures, so here are two of the golf course from today. (Click on both images to see larger versions.)
UNFINALIZED Preliminary Engineer’s Report on Sewer District #1
The Unfinalized Preliminary Engineer’s Report on Sewer District # 1 has been posted on the Town’s website. This report, undertaken during the summer of 2023, has been submitted to the state of New York.
The process was for the engineering firm to create the PER, then they sent it to the Town to review, then it was sent to the State for comments/questions, then the engineering firm responds to the comments/questions, then the State indicates they are satisfied (or not) and then it is finalized. Evidently, the state can take a substantial amount of time to complete their first review. The link above is for the unfinalized draft that was submitted to the state.
October Sewer Committee Minutes Posted
I’m happy to report that the October minutes with attachments a & b from the Huletts Sewer District # 1 & #2 committees have been posted on the Town’s website. These districts serve those with property in Huletts Landing District #1 and #2.
What Does Huletts Landing Mean to You?
As we approach Thanksgiving, I thought I would share some of the ideas behind the answers people have shared with me over the years when I’ve asked this question. If you have something you’d like to share, I’d love to hear from you.
The question has many different answers but I believe it comes down to making connections.
Connectedness is defined in two ways: a.) the state of being joined or linked, and b.) a feeling of belonging to or having affinity with a particular person or group.
So the answers I have heard when I’ve asked this question can be summed up in these ideas:
Connectedness to the land.
Connectedness to Lake George.
Connectedness to past and future generations.
Connectedness to the people, friends, places, activities and good times that Huletts offers.
Connectedness to our neighbors.
Connectedness to the beautiful environment and the abundant wildlife.
Connectedness to happiness.
Connectedness ultimately to God – the creator of it all.
Since all happy people share similar marks of human flourishing and thriving, discovering our own way of living out and fulfilling our human nature is something we all share in common. All the great Greek philosophers wrestled with the question of happiness.
So ponder and appreciate the question, “What does Huletts Landing mean to me?”
By contemplating the bigger questions of life, we can be led to deeper understanding and gratitude.
“The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt.”
Frederick Buechner, The Hungering Dark