Stec Constitutional Amendment Facilitating Camp Gabriels Sale Passes Senate

A constitutional amendment sponsored by Senator Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury) to facilitate the sale of Camp Gabriels in the Town of Brighton today passed the state Senate. Senate bill S27 would enable the property to be sold or leased while ensuring the funds from the sale go toward forest preserve acquisition in the Adirondack Park. This is third consecutive year Stec’s legislation has passed the Senate.

“Camp Gabriels has laid dormant far too long and it’s had a negative impact on our local economy and quality of life,” Stec said. “If we’re serious about repurposing closed prisons, passing this constitutional amendment removes this financial liability from the state and generate the jobs, revenue and economic activity we’ve needed in Franklin County since Camp Gabriels was closed in 2009.

“In addition to the economic potential of a sale, this amendment ensures we continue forest preservation in the Adirondack Park for years to come,” he continued. “I’m hopeful that the Assembly will also take action this year, so we can get one step closer to bringing this amendment to voters and ensure this site is used to better our region.”

Recent DEC Forest Ranger Actions

Town of Lake George
Warren County

Wilderness Rescue: On May 2 at 6:50 p.m., Forest Rangers Carabetta and Donegan responded to a call for an injured hiker on the trail to Prospect Mountain. Rangers reached the pair of hikers by 7:30 p.m. and stabilized the ankle of the injured 23-year-old from Latham. Rangers assisted the hikers back to the trailhead and then to their vehicle. The injured subject chose to seek further medical attention on her own. Resources were clear at 8:10 p.m.

Town of Lake George
Warren County

Training: On May 3-5, Forest Ranger Donegan led technical rope rescue operations training at Prospect Mountain. Twenty-eight Rangers took part in the training that included moving “patients” in steep technical terrain.

Technical rope rescue operations training at Prospect Mountain

Rangers Carrabetta, Hamm, and Nahor and Lieutenant Kerr at Prospect Mountain training

Technical rope rescue operations training at Prospect Mountain

Recent DEC Forest Ranger Actions

Town of Cambridge
Washington County

Wildland Fire: On April 9 at 4:43 p.m., Ray Brook Dispatch requested Forest Ranger assistance with a brush fire in the town of Cambridge. Ranger Carabetta responded to the six-acre fire along with multiple local fire departments. At 7:01 p.m., the fire was put into patrol status.

DEC reminds New Yorkers that the annual statewide ban prohibiting residential brush burning began March 16 and runs through May 14.

Palm Sunday, Holy Week Begins

Remember those special family Easter traditions you experienced as a child and as a parent? Easter baskets, egg hunts, family movies, chocolates, the sheer joy of the day!

Is that joy still there? Those family traditions give holy week a special significance for so many of us. Easter’s coinciding with the newness of another spring should awaken gratitude in our hearts! Winter is fading away; the days are getting longer, and we have hope in our hearts.

So don’t forget those traditions, continue them or begin them again. Try even establishing a new one – holy week is here and so are we. The habit of expressing gratitude tends to keep us focused on the good things of life and prevents us from falling prey to negativity.

May this week awake in you those things that give you joy and happiness and may this week bring you renewed hope. Easter will be here soon. Blessings and joy to everyone, whatever your traditions may be.

Judge Rules Public Hearings Must Precede ProcellaCOR Applications

New York State Supreme Court Justice, Robert Muller, issued a decision and judgement on Friday March 3, 2023 which:

a.) found that the Adirondack Park Agency’s decision to issue permits for the use of the chemical herbicide ProcellaCOR in Lake George without an adjudicatory hearing was arbitrary and capricious.

b.) has vacated the Lake George Park Commission’s April 14, 2022 decision (by a vote of 6-4) to proceed with the application of the chemical herbicide ProcellaCOR in Lake George.

The ruling means that any subsequent APA review of applications to apply ProcellaCOR in Lake George must be preceded by a hearing.

The entire 31-page decision can be read here.

Thoughts on February

With temperatures in the northeast approaching extreme lows, I wanted to reflect on the month of February. I once knew someone who said he simply could not understand why so many people subscribed to the common assumption that February was the dreariest month of the year.

He always said that in his opinion it was no worse than any other month and at least it was the shortest with a bonus every leap year of one day shorter. I suppose he had a point even though we do not have a leap year in 2023. He also said that in February we also see the end of the worst of winter and the lengthening of days.

At any rate, we are now here and so far, the weather hasn’t been too bad up to this point. As my friend said, after a few more nice days – it will be Valentines Day and we will start seeing the budding of the flowers and the trees.

God bless everyone and keep warm and well during this misunderstood month of February. Before we know it, spring will be here!

DEC Automates Day Use Sales for Lake George Islands

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced the transition to automated, online sales for all day use permits at the Lake George Islands.

“Automating the sales of day use permits for the Lake George Islands is easier and faster for visitors,” said DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos. “Instead of boating to an island headquarters to purchase a permit through a manual, labor intensive process, visitors can now quickly and easily book their day use permit online and spend more time enjoying the beauty of Lake George.”

Online day use sales are anticipated to begin May 12, seven days prior to the opening of the Lake George Islands campgrounds. Reservations can be booked as early as seven days prior to the day of arrival and as late as the same day. Visitors will be able to see real-time availability and even book a dock while on the water. The total fee for a day use permit is $12.

All patrons wishing to acquire a permit for Lake George Islands day use will need to do so either online through ReserveAmerica by downloading the ReserveAmerica app (search for RA Camping), or by calling the Call Center at 1-800-456-CAMP (2267). No in-person day use sales will be performed at our Lake George Islands campgrounds.

Online booking of day use will only apply to the Lake George Islands facilities. This new process will in no way change the booking of campsites at our Lake George Islands facilities, nor will it change day use sales at any other DEC campgrounds or day use areas.

For more information on DEC-operated campgrounds, including a list of campgrounds and schedules, visit the Camping page under Recreation on DEC’s website, or call DEC’s Bureau of Recreation at 518-457-2500. To make reservations at any DEC camping facility, call ReserveAmerica at 1-800-456-CAMP (2267) or visit the ReserveAmerica website.