What is a 403.6 Error?

I am currently aware of an issue causing intermittent 403.6 errors to be displayed when trying to reach this site. The error indicates “The IP address from which you are browsing is not permitted to access the requested Web site” but despite the indication in that error, this is not a case of your specific IP address being blocked.

The hosting company is experiencing some server-side issues that are causing this error to be displayed and their engineers are working on a long-term permanent fix to the problem.

I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. If you receive this error, wait a few moments and try again.

The Hamsters Are Running as Fast as They Can

… but you may have noticed that all of the sub-pages on the site, listed in the top menu, are not working.

This is related to the move to our new server. I am working on this and hopefully everything will be back to normal soon.

Update June 10th, 6:00 am

The menu bar and links now seem to be back up and working correctly.

Google Chrome Speed Test

I’ve been using Google’s Chrome browser pretty exclusively for about a year now. Its clock stopping fast as this fun video from Google demonstrates. Here it goes up against the forces of a potato gun, lightning, and the speed of sound.


If you haven’t tried it, it’s worth the download.

The Civil War Ended There: Today

Today is April 9th, which is the anniversary of the surrender of the Confederate Army under Robert E. Lee to Union commander Ulysses S. Grant in 1865, effectively ending the Civil War. It is one of the most significant events in the history of our nation.

The Appomattox Court House National Historical Park is famous for containing the house of Wilmer McLean, where the surrender took place.

Huletts Current reader, Sam Knaus, recently visited the Appomattox Court House National Historical Park and forwarded me these pictures. Sam emailed me and said; “My boys and I had a great time looking around and taking pictures, so I thought I’d pass them along.”

So this is a perfect opportunity to make the first test of our new embedded slideshow feature. So without further delay, here are some beautiful pictures of of the McLean House at Appomattox Court House National Historical Park. Thanks Sam!

[album: http://www.hulettscurrent.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Appomattox/]

One of the nice things about Huletts is that we have many people who spend their “off-season” in many areas of the country. If you have pictures of unique places near where you spend your winter, please consider sharing them here.

Bits of Everything

See Pictures of the iPad

Engadget has some great pictures of the new iPad.

Scaring the Birds Away

The Post Star reports on a novel way to scare birds away from the lake.

Report: School Hiring Increasing, Enrollment Decreasing All Over State

The Post Star reports on a new study which documents the problems caused when NY public schools hired nearly 15,000 teachers and almost 9,000 administrators over the last 10 years as enrollment dropped by more than 121,000 students. This is what we need more of. (Watch the videos.)

That Would Make a Great Desktop Background

The Huletts Current now has a new page entitled; Wallpaper, where you can download pictures that make great computer desktop backgrounds.

A couple of people have asked for this feature so I’ll be adding pictures throughout the year that make great backgrounds for your computer desktop. Feel free to download and enjoy. You’ll think of Huletts every time you sit at your computer!

Is It A Date?

A number of people have requested this, so I’ve gone ahead and added a Calendar to the top menu which will bring you to an embedded Google calendar on its own page. I’m going to be testing this over the next couple of weeks. If you single click an event, you will get a pop-up box with more details of the event.

I just have some Town Board and School Board meetings in it so far but hopefully this will grow. If you have an event that you want me to add, just drop me a comment.

It’s Been Slow

I received an email today which basically said; “Why has everything been so quiet on the Current lately.”

Well, please don’t forget that January is not the time when things are really busy in Huletts.

I know it’s been quiet recently, but I’ve been working on some stories and interviews which I’ll be posting shortly. I’ve also been working on a calender page, that I hope to debut soon.

I’ve also been getting ready to migrate the site to our new “green server” which will take place in February.

So don’t worry, things will start to pickup soon and the summer is definitely getting closer!

The Wind & The Current

Over the last month, I’ve noticed some performance issues with the website so I’ve decided to move it to a new hosting company. This will mean some “growing pains” but by the end of February the Huletts Current will be migrated to a new server and you’ll see some additional improvements.

In researching where I would move the site to, I noticed several innovative companies that offered “Green Web Hosting”. Does this mean the server is painted green? No. What it does mean is that after we move, we will be a green-certified web site, where our data center and server will all be powered by 100% wind energy.

The company we are migrating to will offset all of their electricity use with wind-generated Renewable Energy Certificates, which prevent the release of 2,660 metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each year. I know, while breathing the clean Adirondack air, that is something we all care about.

To put this in perspective, the estimated yearly benefit to the environment is equivalent to either one of the following:

1.) Planting approximately 2,390 acres of trees or
2.) Not driving 6.1 million miles

One of the misnomers that the environmental movement perpetuates is that it is only through regulation and the taking of property rights that the environment can be protected. They forget the power of innovation and the fact that people’s actions can change without regulation. We can choose to walk more, drive less and recycle all on our own.

So shortly without any cost to you, when you read the Huletts Current, feel the wind bristling through the air and know you’re helping the environment. We’ll keep you updated as we move.

What’s Your Take?

While the cold air is blowing down the lake right now, I thought I’d start dedicating some time this month to update the Huletts Current in a couple of different ways. If you can take the time to answer these questions to help me make this site better for you, I’d appreciate it. Today, I try my first poll.

Basically, I’m trying to understand what people like about the site. What posts do you like? Are there any you dislike? What posts should be regulars or that I should cut entirely? What can I do to make the site better?

If my poll below doesn’t reflect what you’re thinking, drop me a comment.

Update 12/19/09:
This poll is now closed.
Thank you for your feedback!

What types of posts would like to see more of on the Huletts Current?

Bits of Everything

HBO’s Cool New Video Technology

This will really draw you in. It’s called the Art Heist. It’s HBO’s cool new technology which allows you to view a movie from numerous different perspectives. Spin the movie while you watch and go on to other scenes. Click on the “Chart Your Progress” link on the top and watch the whole movie, scene by scene. It will capitivate you.

The Original Lone Ranger

The Washington Post has a book review of, War on the Run, The Epic Story of Robert Rogers and the Conquest of America’s First Frontier. This sounds like a great read.