Saturday Quote

Midway along the journey of our life
I woke to find myself in a dark wood
For I had wandered off the straight path.

How hard it is to tell what it was like,
This wood of wilderness, savage and stubborn
The thought of it brings back all my old fears.

A bitter place! Death could scarce be bitterer.
But, if I would show the good that came of it
I must talk about the things other than the good.

Dante Alighieri
The Divine Comedy

Happy Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving here, I wanted to express my sincere thanks for the amazing gifts of talent, that everyone brings to Huletts. It is a special place because of those who contribute their unique experiences and gifts to make it the place that it is.

Whatever your plans, and regardless of where they take you, I hope that you will find some time for yourself and your family.

With sincere gratitude, Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday Quote

“God meets daily needs daily. Not weekly or annually. He will give you what you need when it is needed.”

Max Lucado

Ten Years Old

Well, here it is – another November 9th. Today is the day I celebrate the “birthday” of the Huletts Current. It’s now been exactly ten years since my first post in 2008. This year, I have not been able to devote as much time as would like to updating the site but I will announce that over the next couple of months, an overall update in the design of the site will occur. It’s time for a fresher / cleaner look. The content will still be easy to read and all of the historic posts will still be there, but it’s time for a change.

The one comment I consistently get, is why isn’t there more news? Well I don’t make the stuff up, I have to rely on all of you to pass things along. So if you have some news, please let me know.

So as is my custom, here are the most read posts from the past year.

1.) Pictures from the 2017 Huletts Christmas Party
2.) Pictures from the 2017 Dresden Christmas Party
3.) An Aerial View on ‘Black Friday’
4.) New LGLC Leeming Jelliffe Preserve Opens in Huletts Landing
5.) President Trump Visits Fort Drum
6.) Star Trek Original Series Set Tour in Ticonderoga is Unbelievable
7.) Pictures from the Master’s Golf Championship
8.) Postal Service Renews Huletts Post Office Lease
9.) Dresden Final Election Results
10.) 2018 Columbus Weekend ‘Halloween’ Parade

So thanks again for reading and now onto year eleven!!

New Matt O’Malley Mystery Thriller, Ghost Guns, Released

With the recent publication of the book, Ghost Guns, there are now four books in the Matt O’Malley mystery/thriller series set on Lake George. The other three books, include Desperate Hours, Desperate Days, and Kateri’s Treasure.

Another Matt O’Malley mystery/thriller has been released. Entitled; Ghost Guns, by author Thomas G. Kane, Ghost Guns is a thrilling mystery set in both Orlando and the Adirondack’s own Lake George.

The plot involves Kaitlyn Clancy and Matt O’Malley both becoming targets for a ruthless international arms dealer. Neither knows the other, nor do they know why they have been targeted; and yet, their fates, and the fates of countless others, are inextricably intertwined. If Matt cannot save Kaitlyn, he probably cannot save himself; and, a weapon of unimaginable power will be set loose on the Earth. The way wars are fought, and the balance of power among the world’s nations will be forever altered. No one will ever feel safe again!

All of the books in the series are set in the area in and around Lake George, Glens Falls, and the Adirondack Park. Each of the books is designed first and foremost to tell an exciting story and explore a bit of the rich history of the area. Beyond that, each book explores a serious theme. In Desperate Hours, the vulnerability to terrorist attack of “soft targets” in a free and open society were explored. In Desperate Days, the theme dealt with the pervasive evil of human trafficking in the modern age. In Kateri’s Treasure, O’Malley is confronted with the evils of illicit diamond trading while the characters must also deal with the issue of what in nature holds true value. Finally, in this just released thriller, Ghost Guns, the increasingly troublesome issue of untraceable guns is explored along with our failure to protect one of most precious resources—water.

The local color, history and the many plot twists are quite enjoyable and the story-line keeps the reader guessing until the end. The protagonists in this book are middle aged guys who have been friends since college. They are not super heroes or James Bond style heroes. They are ordinary people who, when put in extraordinary circumstances, rise to the challenge and do the right thing. In Ghost Guns, a quirky new character is introduced, the landscaper Bill Bell, or more appropriately, since everyone crams his name together, Billbell. He is a retired lobbyist so disillusioned with the world that he keeps it at bay by working alone as a landscaper and limits attempts at conversation by responding only with Shakespearean quotes.

Day to Remember Results

Participants head out of the starting gate at the 2018 Kerry McNelis Memorial Race, held in early August.

I’m in bit late in posting the results from the 2018 Day to Remember, held in early August, but here they are, better late than never. Congratulations to all the participants and many thanks to those who worked so diligently to make the day a success.

2018 Kerry McNelis Memorial Race


16 & under
1. James Mintel
2. John McNelis Jr
3. Patrick McNelis Jr

1. Patrick Keenan
2. John Keenan
3. Dan Allisio

1. John Schultz
2. Mathew O’Brien
3. Bryan Sonnick

1. John McNelis
2. Kevin McNelis
3. Tim Rodgers

16 & under
1. Rachel Godfrey
2. Bridget Godrey
3. Kyle Shultz

1. Erin Godfrey
2. Haley Cabell
3. Irene McNelis

1. Kathleen Godfrey
2. Kristin Reade
3. Becca Jablonski

1. Donna Baggetta
2. Pam McNelis
3. Cyndy Rodgers

Youngest Boy: Colin Reade
Youngest Girl: Meksusie Godfrey
Most Experienced: Howie & Rosemary Webber

Golf – Scramble format
Brett Palfreyman
John Ripp
Greg Sherger
Patrick Davidow

Email to the Editor

Thank you to the Huletts residents for making the annual Women’s Guild ‘Wine In the Park’ fundraiser on July 20th a huge success!

The ‘Evening in Paris’ theme was a fun way to gather the community together with food, fun, and fellowship.

Almost 100 people attended the event, and over $1,300.00 was raised for outreach in our local community. Throughout the year, these funds go toward the support of families in need of food, clothing, furniture, and fuel oil. What a wonderful way to give back to our beautiful community!

Thank you to all who volunteered their time to help set up, serve and clean up! The beautiful decorations were provided by Ronnie Haring, Cathy Leghorn, and Robin DeLucia. Millie Gorman and Toni Richards provided beautiful flower arrangements. This event is truly a group effort!

We hope that you can join us again next year!

Thank you to all,
Pam Hansen

Happy Easter!

Noli me tangere (Do not touch me) c. 1630 Jan Brueghel the Younger (Jan Brueghel the Younger [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons) (Click image to see larger view.)

This scene by Jan Brueghel the Younger, depicts Christ and Mary Magdalene on Easter Sunday. This Latin expression means “don’t touch me” or “don’t hold me back”. Lamenting over Christ’s death, Mary Magdalene sees him before her without knowing it’s him: she thinks he’s the gardener. Jesus says to her: “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him: “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away.” In this episode, Jesus prevents Mary Magdalene from touching him: he must first ascend to Heaven. Then Mary Magdalene says to the disciples: “I have seen the Lord and this is what he said.”

Wishing you much much happiness and joy as the world celebrates Easter today.

Bascue Pilots 4-Man Bobsled to Top Ten Olympic Finish

Congratulations to Codie Bascue, who piloted the top American sled to a ninth-place finish in the 4-man bobsled.

From NBC’s coverage:

Bascue led the top American sled with two solid runs on the second day of competition. Top U.S. pilot Steve Holcomb, who won gold in 2010 and double bronze in 2014, passed away in 2017, and Bascue filled in valiantly. He couldn’t put together a medal run, but still piloted his sled to a top-10 finish.

To see a highlight clip – scroll down the page here.