The Keough’s & Vice President Biden

Kevin Keough and daughters Lauren (age 7) and Kristen (age 10) recently had a chance to see old friend, Vice President Joe Biden, again.

This is one of those stories that’s just so good, we had to share it with everyone.

The Keough family is well-known throughout Huletts. Kevin is the past president of the Huletts Landing Property Owners Civic Association and he and his wife Nancy are involved in practically everything here on the Landing. They have three very pretty and talented daughters.

Well, it seems that when Kevin was growing up in the Syracuse area, a certain law school student named Joe Biden was finishing his studies at the University of Syracuse. Joe rented an apartment in the house behind Kevin’s. The house belonged to one of Kevin’s friends.

Not only did Joe Biden get to know Kevin and some of his friends, but he would often play football and baseball with them too.

So, a little time goes by and Joe becomes the Vice President of the United States. When the Vice President visited the Saratoga area recently, Kevin got a call from a mutual friend who said their old friend, Joe, was hoping to see everyone again.

And that’s how this great picture came to be. Kevin and his two youngest daughters had a chance to meet and chat with the Vice President about the “old” days back in Syracuse.

That is one great story. Congratulations to the entire Keough family!

Lecture Enlightens Crowd

John Warren, publisher of the Adirondack Almanack blog, and author of the new book entitled; Historic Tales from the Adirondack Almanack, enlightened the Casino audience on Saturday night with stories about early Huletts life and local history.

If you missed John Warren’s lecture on Saturday night, you missed a good one. John’s talk started with blogging and new media but covered a variety of local history.

He passed on to me a variety of topics for future posts. Topics discussed ranged from the Belden, Burgess and Huletts families, the Millerites, Benson VT where numerous Huletts also settled, Mormon history, and religious intrigue from the mid-1800’s.

I would highly recommend his new book entitled; Historic Tales from the Adirondack Almanack (published by The History Press).

Thanks John for spending the time with us in the Huletts Casino!

Piano Man

Tristan Allen, son of Louie & Miryam Allen of Huletts Landing, plays his original music at the Casino on Friday night.

The beautiful music heard coming from the Casino on Friday night was played by 16 year old Tristan Allen, a Junior at Saratoga Springs high-school. Tristan writes his own contemporary music and performed on Friday night. He has been influenced by classic french music and his miniature piano was a big hit!

They Were a Diverse Group

I took away two things from the NY Giant’s training camp that I wasn’t really aware of before I attended. The first was the fact that the players come from all areas of the country and were actually more diverse than I had expected. Gone are the days, when players on a certain team actually came from the city they played for. I can see that the coaches have to work to turn these very different men into a cohesive unit. The second thing was that many have distinct interests away from football. I wanted to explore these because I figured they always get asked football questions but their own interests are probably as interesting also.

I asked to interview Madison Hedgecock, the Giant’s fullback, because I had heard he was interested in Civil War history. He grew up in the South and attended North Carolina University, so his perspective was a bit different than from someone who grew up in the North. Here he tells a short story about a renowned Southern general that I found interesting.


For many people living in the Northeast, we are at times unfamiliar with many Southern historical figures. J.E.B. Stuart was a legendary Southerner, and is considered one of the greatest cavalry commanders ever in American history. General Robert E. Lee is reported to have said after Stuart’s death that he could hardly keep from weeping at the mere mention of Stuart’s name and that Stuart had never given him a bad piece of information.

To learn more about J.E.B. Stuart click here.

The Recipient of “The Catch”: Interviewed

New England fans I’m really sorry to do this to you, but I had the chance to interview David Tyree briefly, and I couldn’t pass it up. Here on the Huletts Current is the recipient of “The Catch”, probably the greatest play in Super Bowl history.


Behind the Plays: NY Giants Training Camp

Here is a short 5 minute video that I put together which should give a glimpse into what training camp is like for the NY Giants. The drive to the University of Albany from Huletts was exactly 88 miles. It was really a fun day and I would highly recommend it. The morning practice lasted 2 hours but I condensed the highlights down to 5 minutes. My next post will be the interviews I did with some of the players.


Giants Training Camp Preview

I just returned from the NY Giants training camp in Albany with some great video. I also did some interesting interviews. I will be working over the next few hours getting the video cut and up on the site but here are some pictures that I took this morning.

In brief, there was a lot of action, lots of hitting and some very interesting football. Here’s a quick preview.

Stop back later to see the video of the day. It’ll be fun!

Dresden Democratic Caucus Results

The Dresden Democratic Committee met this evening and nominated the following Democratic candidates for the townwide election to be held Nov. 3rd.

Town Supervisor
No Candidate

Town Councilmen (2 Positions)
Carl Sobeck
George Gang

Town Justice
No Candidate

Both major parties have now finalized their candidates for the fall townwide election. I intend to submit questionaires to all candidates in September and will present their positions here.

It’s sure to be exciting! And remember, listen to all the candidates and form your own opinions. We all live in this great town together.

The Current Goes to Training Camp

Because my interview with Baltimore Raven player, Adam Terry, is one of the most read posts since I started the Huletts Current, I thought it would be fun to attend the NY Giants training camp in Albany this week.

So I will be headed down sometime this week with camera, video recorder and notebook in hand. Be forewarned though, I am not a sports reporter so my “angle” will be to get some unique player reactions to training camp and life in the NFL. If you have any questions you want me to ask or suggestions for players to interview drop me a line and give me your thoughts and I’ll try to get them in.

Now I know we also have many New England Patriots fans living in Huletts, but Albany is a lot closer than Foxborough, Massachusetts.

I just hope I don’t get lost in the tackling dummy section!

Saturday Quote

“A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.”

John A. Shedd, Salt from My Attic, 1928

Bits of Everything

New York Giants Training Camp Begins Next Week in Albany

“If you’re a late guy, a half-fast guy, not a full-speed effort guy or if you’re an excuse guy, that does not sounds like somebody whose priority it is to be the very best they can be.” – Tom Coughlin during his first team-meeting with Big Blue.

If you’re a NY Giants fan, read a preview of their training camp here.

Waterkeeper Has No Credibility: Unregistered Since November ’07

Read the Post Star article here on the inability of the Lake George Waterkeeper to renew his professional registration. He and his employer might want to listen to Coach Coughlin’s advice above.

Adirondack Park Agency Loses Major Case

I missed this story in the Times of Ti a few weeks ago but it is a significant loss for the APA.

Children’s Program a Success

17 children, aged 4-12, attended the first children’s program at the new Huletts’ “Gallery”.

Pam Judge Wilson and Lucinda Heidsiek Bhavsar organized a children’s program last Friday at the new Huletts’ “Gallery”, where an engaging docent from Fort Ticonderoga spoke to the children. The kids learned what it was like to be a soldier in the revolutionary war. They made tri-fold hats, examined the contents of a habersack, practiced marching commands, and dressed up in 18th century clothing. The children even asked the docent to come back next year! What a great event for the local youth (and Mom & Dad on a rainy day). Thank you Pam and Lucinda for adding something great to the community.

There will be another children’s program this summer which we’ll tell you about as we get closer.

Bits of Everything

Concepts Proposed for Exit 20

A number of concepts that could ease congestion and improve access along the Exit 20 corridor, also known as the Factory Outlets on Route 9, were proposed recently. The most popular seems to be a number of round-abouts or traffic circles along the stretch to keep traffic moving.

You can read about the proposals here.

Marine Group Ranks Top Boating Sites: NY # 4, Lake George Tops in State

The National Marine Manufacturers Association has ranked the top states for boating in 2009. NY ranks # 4 with Lake George being the hottest spot in the state.

Read the rankings here.

7th Annual Huletts Black Mountain Breakfast

Black Mountain Point 1870 – Seneca Ray Stoddard

Sat. July 25th, 10:00 a.m. – Black Mountain Point*

Serving Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes, Sausage, French Toast, Bagels, Fruit Salad, Coffee, Orange Juice, Bloody Mary Mix and more…
(Please bring your own Booze )

Cost: $15 per person ($10 kids 7 and under)

[*] Proceeds will be donated to the Huletts Golf Course