As always on Veteran’s Day, we take a few moments to thank all the veterans of our armed forces for their contributions and sacrifices.
We’re One Today!
Today is November 9, 2009 which is exactly one year since my first post on the Huletts Current. So, we have officially turned one together. During the past year, I’ve published 583 posts and other new sites and blogs regularly link to the Huletts Current. We’ve even broken some stories here.
We’ve done a lot in one year. We’ve gone from the Today Show to the NY Giants football training camp. We’ve done interviews, posted pictures, and tried to cover what’s going on in Huletts and regionally. We even saw the coldest night of the year. When things were slow, we even looked at some history now and then. We interviewed all the candidates running for the school board and the Dresden town board this past year!
To celebrate our first year, I thought I would share a note that I received which really captures what I hoped to do with the Huletts Current.
Dear Mr. Kapusinski,
I continue to enjoy the Huletts Current on a daily basis (except when I’m fortunate to visit the Lake). I’ve mentioned it to several people and they’re viewing it too. Because of you I found out about the history talk as Mountain Grove Church on the 19th of July (and was able to make arrangements to attend) and the Washington County Beach T-shirts (they were sold out when I went to get one but they’re getting more in and I’ve prepaid for one – they seemed happy when I told them, I “found” them in the Huletts Current).
I also taped the Today Show and loved what you wrote when you climbed the tree. Thanks so much for all the wonderful information you put together. I expect it takes a lot of work, effort, and time. I want you to know it is appreciated.
Thanks for the Noble webcam – I view that daily (at least) too. Please pass along my thanks to Jeff K for making it available to us.
It brightens my days in so many ways!
Thank you,
Marge Butler
I have to say the thank you, Marge, goes right back to you and all the readers of the Huletts Current from me. I’ve seen our unique page views climb to approximately 400 per week and without people reading the Huletts Current, I wouldn’t be doing this. We’re now even syndicated on Amazon’s new wireless e-reader, the Kindle.
So we’re going to celebrate this week with some fun posts. I haven’t run out of ideas and I have some more funs things in store for the year to come. We’ll also cover the “news” that impacts our community.
Tomorrow, I’ll recap the top 10 posts from our first year and don’t forget the absentee ballots in the Dresden town board race will be counted this week! We’ll report on it right here on the Huletts Current. Now 1 year old.
Bits of Everything
Please Buy Postage from Huletts
Please remember that even when you’re not in Huletts, you can still buy postage for all your mailing needs from the Huletts Post Office. I recently received a copy of our Postmaster’s appeal, which I pass along here.
PBS Stations Picking Up Locally Made Documentary
The Adirondack Almanack tells about a documentary shot locally at Fort Ticonderoga that will be seen on PBS stations throughout the country.
Governor Says Deficit Worse Than Expected
Governor Paterson says the state’s deficit will hit $10 billion over the next two years. The NY Post reports on it here.
WOW Picture of Chimps Grieving
This National Geographic picture really jumped out at me. It shows chimpanzees grieving for one of their own.
Rachael Ray Wants These Rockers Inducted
Spinner reports that Lake George’s own Rachael Ray wants some certain rockers inducted into the Hall of Fame. If successful, maybe she can get them to play the Casino.
Interview with Town Board Candidate Wayne Barrett
Today, I present my questions to town board candidate, Wayne Barrett, and his responses. He is running for one of the two seats up for election on the town board this year. This concludes my interviews with all the candidates running for the town board.
Could you please tell us about yourself and why you are running for the town board?
“I’m 53-years-old and have lived in Dresden my whole life. I married Elizabeth LeClaire 23 years ago, and we have two teenage daughters: Ashleigh, who is 18 years-old, and Kathyrn who is 15 years-old. I worked for the town highway department back in the mid 70’s and also the county highway department. I now work for the New York State Department of Corrections as a correctional officer. I have been there for 32 years. I’m running for the Town Board because I care about the town and the people who live here. I would work hard to do what is right for the town and the people.”
What do you feel is the biggest issue that the Town of Dresden will face in the next 5 years?
“I feel the biggest issue would probably be the yearly budgets, trying to keep a handle on spending to keep taxes from going too high. Also to see what might be available in aid or grants for the town from county, state or federal levels.”
I understand that you are related to long-serving and recently retired, Town Clerk, Pat LeClaire. Mrs. LeClaire is one of the most widely known people in the Town of Dresden. Has her philosophy of serving the public through elective office influenced you?
“Yes, Pat LeClaire is my mother-in-law. The remarkable job that she did for the town for many years would be a positive influence on anyone who knows her or worked with her. She earned a great deal of respect as town clerk. She did the job to the fullest, dotted every “i” and crossed every “t.” I learned a lot of good things being around her for so many years. She is truly a wonderful lady.”
This year the Town subsidized the Washington County Beach to keep it open. Could you give us your thoughts on what people should expect in the future if you are elected?
“I cannot make any promises. With today’s economy, all towns in the county are feeling the pinch. You can be sure that the town will work hard to keep the County Beach open, if at all possible. In the future, I will work hard on any projects that are important or needed for the good of the town.”
You have lived in Dresden for a number of years and have been involved in civic life. What are some of the things you would share about small town life with those who might be thinking of moving here?
“Having lived in Dresden my whole life has been nice. You have Lake George on the West side of town and Lake Champlain on the East side with beautiful mountains in between. It’s a great place to live and raise a family. If elected, I would work very hard to keep it that way.”
Saturday Quote
“I have a tip that can take 5 strokes off anyone’s golf game. It’s called an eraser.”
Arnold Palmer
The 5th Town Board Candidate
Previously I had posted the names of the Republican and Democratic nominated candidates for the Dresden Town Board. This year there are two open seats on the Board. Both parties have nominated two candidates. I have posted all 4 of these candidates answers to my questions already.
However, I was recently made aware that there is another candidate running as an Independent. Mr. Wayne Barrett is on the ballot and was unknown to me at the time I sent out my questionnaires. He is the son-in-law of former town clerk, Patricia LeClaire. I recently spoke to Mr. Barrett and gave him a questionnaire to complete. He has assured me he will be returning it to me this week. My policy was that would I post candidate responses in the order they were returned to me. However, because Mr. Barrett was unknown to me when the original questionnaires were mailed out, it is not his fault his questionnaire is the last returned. As soon as I have Mr. Barrett’s answers to my questions, I will post his responses.
Once again, Dresden is fortunate to have 5 qualified candidates running for the two open seats on the Town Board this year.
Saturday Quote
“If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze!”
St. Catherine of Siena
Bits of Everything
Study Shows Adirondackers Pay High Taxes
The Adirondack Journal reports on an interesting study.
Canon Mishap Story Questioned
The Post Star tells about a freak accident at Fort William Henry in Lake George.
Pakistani President Lands in Rutland
Who would have known? According to Denton Publications the President of Pakistan touched down in Rutland recently.
Washington County Searching for Ways to Deal with Budget
According to the Post Star, the Washington County Board of Supervisors is looking at all options to close the gap in next year’s budget.
Saturday Quote
“Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith? So do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.”
Matthew 6: 26-33
Interview with Town Board Candidate George Gang
Today, I present my questions to town board candidate, George Gang, and his responses. He is running for one of the two seats up for election on the town board this year.
Could you please tell us about yourself and why you are running for the town board?
“I have been a member of this community for thirty years and have been attending town meetings, on and off, for most of that time. My wife of twenty eight years is a teacher at BOCES in Hudson Falls and I am currently retired. I was a Senior Purchasing Agent for Tyco Healthcare in Argyle for 22 years until the medical device plant moved to Mexico. I have an undergraduate degree in Business Management and a Masters degree in Public Administration. I am currently a full time care-taker for my mother-in-law and a seasonal part-time employee for H&R Block as a tax preparer. I see my role on the town board as a person who will work toward bringing the diverse communities of Dresden together for the betterment of all.”
The first question has to do with taxes. The readers of the Huletts Current are concerned about rising property taxes. The current Town Board has cut taxes 2 years in a row. Will you try to continue this practice? If not, why? If so, what will you cut?
“As for the current level of taxes levied upon the residents of this town I can promise I will do my best not to allow any future increases. I realize that we have very little to say concerning the level of school taxes we now pay to Whitehall due to taxes assessed thru property values. I will work with other towns and our state representatives to make changes in the way our school taxes are assessed. We also need to look into the availability of stimulus funds for projects around the town, possibly to upgrade and repair our town buildings or better cell phone availability. Monies are being made available and if we do not access them they will be spent somewhere else.”
Many residents of Huletts Landing have turned to renting their property in order to afford the exorbitant taxes we pay. What steps should the Town of Dresden take to market and promote Huletts Landing as a popular destination?
“I feel that the marketing of our town, both Lake George and Lake Champlain, is an area that the town has not handled very well. There are many ways, some with little cost, in which Dresden can be positively promoted. For one we should have signs on both the north and south borders of the town on RT 22. We should also have an official town website that is tied into the state tourism website. Fishing on Lake Champlain, water sports on Lake George, historical sites and the Beach at Huletts can all be presented. These can be completed at minimal costs with help from the diverse residents of the town.”
This year the Town kept the Washington County Beach open. Could you give us your thoughts on how things are going with the Town running the beach and what we should expect in the future if you are elected?
“We are currently awaiting a report from the current town board on the status of the town helping to keep the Washington County Beach opened this past summer. I cannot comment on this until this report is issued but I will say that it is imperative that the beach remain opened and maybe we can find some stimulus monies to help keep it opened in the future.”
You have lived in Dresden for a number of years and have been involved in civic life. What are some of the things you would share about small town life with those who might be thinking of moving here?
“I moved up here from the bustling city of New York. Having traveled extensively around the world, both with the Navy and on my own, I found Dresden to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. For the peace and quiet, access to two beautiful lakes, a strong sense of history and all of the friendly people, this town cannot be beaten.”
“Again, thank you for the chance to answer these questions to the voters of Dresden. If anyone would like to discuss these subjects, or any others, any further they can contact me at the phone number below or visit me on Lake Road.”
Thank you,
George D. Gang
39 Lake Road
Whitehall, N.Y. 12887
Aged Tires a Hidden Danger
This is an ABC video worth watching. It’s about a problem with tires that sit on the shelf too long.
Interview with Town Board Candidate Art Borin
Today, I present my questions to town board candidate, Art Borin, and his responses. He is running for one of the two seats up for election on the town board this year.
Could you please tell us about yourself and why you are running for the town board?
“My wife and I have been married for 48 years. We have 6 children and 15 grandchildren. We have had a home in Dresden for 20 years. I served on the town board for 4 years. I believe I was a contributor to many areas in the town and I feel that my experience would serve the town well.”
As President of the Huletts Landing Volunteer fire department you spearheaded the construction of the new firehouse. For this you should be commended. Other Adirondack communities are dying rapidly. What other businesses and/or development would you like to see Dresden attract?
“I would like to see a country store in Dresden and I would like to see it also be a farm market so that residents who grow local product would have an outlet for their eggs, fruit and vegetables. This would be a co-op. It would also be nice to be able to buy the basics without a long car ride.”
Because the Town of Dresden pays a high percentage of the taxes to finance the school budget, and the school district shows no willingness to curb spending, this percentage will likely grow in the years ahead. What specific steps will you advocate that will “grow” the tax base of the Town of Dresden?
“I do not feel that a large increase in the tax base is the answer. Rather I have joined a group that is petitioning the legislators to fund the schools with an alternative means. Currently Huletts Landing has 0 students in the Whitehall school yet we pay a large percentage of the budget. Dresden in total has less than 10% of the student population and Dresden pays a large portion of the school costs.”
Over the last 30 years, radical elements of the environmental movement have moved into the area often proposing rules which either they don’t want to comply with themselves or which they show no understanding of how these rules will affect the tax base of local communities. How should the Town best “stand up” to these radical environmental elitists?
“It is difficult for the town to react to the radical elements. One of the worst is the APA. They stifle any attempt at progress in our area. As an example, it took me over 1 year to get APA approval for the new firehouse. Their attitude is costing jobs in the area and we are powerless to resolve the problem.”
Many residents of Huletts Landing have turned to renting their property in order to afford the exorbitant taxes we pay. What steps should the Town of Dresden take to market and promote Huletts Landing as a popular destination?
“Dresden is fortunate to be bordered on one side by Lake George and on the other by Lake Champlain. We should have a Dresden website that promotes our town.”
Saturday Quote
“Every problem has two handles.
You can grab it by the handle of fear or
the handle of hope.”
Margaret Mitchell
Interview with Town Board Candidate Carl Sobeck
Today, I present my questions to town board candidate, Carl Sobeck, and his responses. He is running for one of the two seats up for election on the town board this year.
Could you please tell us about yourself and why you are running for the town board?
I moved to Dresden a few years ago and was welcomed by many to this wonderful town. I am the proud father of two daughters and grandfather of one grandson. Today I would like to serve my community by running for the Town Board. I feel a need to be active in town affairs and would like to make a viable impact in my community. In this regard, I refurbished the old Huletts school house and have made it my home. If you would ever like to discuss any issue, stop at the red school house as you come down the mountain into Huletts. I’m always willing to listen to, and help anyone who wants to make our community a better place.
Since you moved to Dresden you have gotten involved in civic life and have volunteered your time for a number of worthwhile causes. What are some of the things you would share about small town life with those who might be thinking of moving here?
I truly believe Dresden is a special place and I will work hard to keep it that way. Since I moved here, I have refurbished my own house, painted the Chapel of the Assumption, helped rehab the old firehouse and donated my time to help build the new firehouse. I am involved in the Huletts Volunteer Fire Co. as the Assistant Fire Chief.
A number of people have told me that they have been impressed with your campaign materials and your forthrightness when campaigning. Could you share these with the Huletts Current and give us your thoughts on what type of campaign you are running.
I believe in running an honest and sincere campaign. I will not engage in mud slinging.
Since you decided to run, you have had some vicious untrue smears spread about you. Has it been a surprise to you that this would happen in a town the size of Dresden and why do you think this person is doing this.
Sadly, I have had an individual spread lies about me. I think this person is uncongenial.
Finally, our readers are concerned about rising property taxes. The current Town Board has cut taxes 2 years in a row. Will you try to continue this practice?
Yes. I am against any tax increases and will vote “NO” to any tax increases. I am running as a fiscal conservative. I will watch over the town budget like it was my own checkbook.
Sincerely submitted,
Carl Sobeck