Jean Cooper, R.I.P.

I am sorry to report that Jean Cooper, the long-serving former Postmaster of the Huletts Landing Post Office, passed away on Sunday. Jean was a friendly presence for many years in the Post Office, welcoming residents and visitors alike. She always went above and beyond the call of her official duties and did much to foster community spirit in Huletts. She worked tirelessly over many years to make the Post Office a beautiful, welcoming sight to all entering the Landing.

I am searching for a picture that I took long ago of Jean standing in front of the Post Office.

Our condolences go out to her family.

The Post Star has her obituary here.

Bits of Everything

Boy Scouts Get New Stamp

The Boy Scouts of America celebrate their 100th anniversary this year, so to commemorate this event, the Postal Service has issued a new stamp. Please remember to purchase the new boy scout stamp and all your other stamps at the Huletts Landing Post Office.


States Pension Funds Not Enough

The Washington Post had an alarming story on how state governments have promised to deliver $1 trillion more in retirement benefits than they have in their pension funds.

2011 Saratoga Racing Season in Jeopardy

The Saratogian reports that if the NY City OTB closes, then the 2011 Saratoga racing season is in jeopardy.

Former Vermont Governor Celebrates Anniversary

The Burlington Free Press finds out what former Vermont Governor, Madeleine Kunin, is up to.

Saturday Quote

“I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there’s purpose and worth to each and every life.”

Ronald Reagan

Saturday Quote

“And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.”

William Shakespeare

Two Vermonters Win Silver & Bronze in Halfpipe

Congratulations to Hannah Teter, from nearby Belmont Veront, who won the Silver Medal in the women’s snowboard halfpipe and to Kelly Clark, from Mount Snow Vermont who took the Bronze.

The Burlington Free Press Reports here.

Kelly Clark’s two runs can be seen at the NBC site here.

Giants Returning to Albany?

The NY Giants have held their summer training camp at the University of Albany for many years.

The Giants Football Blog is reporting that the Giants are in discussions to bring their training camp back to the University of Albany this summer.

The University of Albany is within easy driving distance from Huletts and the Giant’s camp is a fun day for the entire family. Hopefully, these negotiations will be successful.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) agrees, reports The Hill.

Bits of Everything

Vermont Neighbor Wins Olympic Gold

Hannah Kearney from nearby Norwich, Vermont won the gold medal in the women’s moguls at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics!

Historic Lake George Photos Donated to Bolton Library

The Adirondack Almanack has a story which should interest all history lovers.

Beautiful Bird Pictures

This site: has some stunning photography of different birds.

You will need to:

Click on the Copyright OK
Then select “Photographs”
Then select “Index” to see all birds
When you select a type of bird there are numerous pictures of each type.

Saturday Quote

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.”

Pierre de Coubertin (founder of modern Olympic Games)

Bits of Everything

Famous Jefferson Lake George Quote Put in Context

The Adirondack Almanack gives us great background information on Thomas Jefferson’s visit to Lake George which produced his memorable quote.

Effort to Save Bats Begins in Whitehall

I definitely noticed that the bat population in Huletts was down last summer, so this is some potentially good news that the Post Star reports.

The Immune System in Action

This is a bit dated but behold, a human polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN, or neutrophil) on a blood film, “chasing” Staphylococcus aureus. This is how your body fights back when you get sick. For real. (Requires Quicktime.)

Bits of Everything

Cool Pictures from the Air

I found this site recently,, and there was a page dedicated to local sites which everyone should recognize.

New Lake George Mystery Book

If you want to curl up on a cold winter night with a good Lake George mystery you might want to check out Perky’s Projects review of Cold Winter Nights by Anne White.

Finally the Train May Run on Time

The Post Star reports that things may be speeding up for train service into Whitehall.