Dresden Democratic Caucus Results

This afternoon, I spoke to Louise Davidson, who is the Co-Chair of the Dresden Democratic Committee. She told me that the Dresden Democratic Committee met earlier this week and did not nominate anyone to run for any town office.

“We were very disappointed,” said Ms. Davidson. “If there are any Democrats out there who would like to run, they should talk to the committee,” continued Ms. Davidson.

What does this mean? Presently, the Republicans have filed a slate of candidates and while there are other independent lines that candidates can run on, some offices may go uncontested.

I’ll have more after Labor Day and I will will still submit candidate questionnaires to all those running.

Bits of Everything

Little Asian Clam Wants to Stay

The Post Star reports on the spread of the Asian clam.

The Tongue Range Hike

The Times Union tells about the difficulty of the Tongue Mountain Range.

Ticonderoga Successfully Attracts a New Tractor Business

Ticonderoga is doing those things that Whitehall should be. Read the Press Republican.

Rabid Raccoon Confirmed Nearby

Southern Essex county, right up the road, confirmed a case of rabies, also in the Press Republican.

Diamond Island History

The Lake George Mirror has an interesting story on Diamond Island’s significance in the Revolution.

LGA Names Two to Board

Dan Davies, left, and Jim Casaccio, right, have joined the Lake George Association Board of Directors.

The Lake George Association has appointed James Casaccio and Daniel Davies to its board of directors.

James lives in Bolton Landing with his wife Tenee and has 18 years of experience in the human resources and software field. He is currently a salesperson with McDonald Real Estate Professionals. In addition to serving on the membership committee for the LGA, he is a volunteer for the Hyde Collection in Glens Falls. Jim graduated from Johnson & Wales University in Providence, RI with a degree in management.

Daniel Davies is the co-owner of Davies & Davies and Associates Real Estate LLC and has sold real estate in the Lake George area since 1993. He has homes in Dunham’s Bay and Queensbury. Dan is a past treasurer and president for the Warren County Real Estate Multiple Listing Service and a past chief of the North Queensbury Fire Company. He also served on the board of directors for the Warren County Association of Realtors. He received a B.S. degree in finance from Siena College.

Congratulations Dan & Jim.

Clemons Post Office Update

Text of Notice Hanging in Huletts Landing Post Office

Notice of Taking Proposal and Comments
Under Internal Consideration

Date 7/22/2011

Postal Customers of the Clemons Post Office. The Postal Service appreciates receiving the views of those of you who submitted comments on the proposal to close the Clemons Post Office, which was posted 05/27/2011 through 07/28/2011. These comments will be considered carefully as the matter is reviewed further in my office and at higher levels within the Postal Service.

When a final decision is made by the Postal Service, that decision will be posted in place of this notice. If the decision is to approve the proposal, any customer of the Clemons Post Office who disagrees will have the right to appeal that decision to the Postal Regulatory Commision in Washington, DC.


Daniel Cronin
30 Karner Rd.
Albany, NY 12288-9992

Exhibitors Coming to the LGA Lake-Friendly Living Open House

Replacing impermeable asphalt with permeable pavers can significantly reduce stormwater runoff problems on steep sites, while enhancing the aesthetics of any landscaping project.

The Lake George Association’s Lake-friendly Living Open House on Saturday, June 4 at the LGA office, 2392 State Rt. 9N, Lake George. It will host over 15 “green technology” exhibitors. Experts in lake-friendly landscaping, permeable pavement, and alternative septic systems will be on hand from 10 am – 2 pm, to share information and advice. The event is free and open to the public.

Who will be exhibiting?
Representatives and installers for:
Permeable pavers and pavement: Belgard, Tehno-Bloc, Unilock and Flexi-pave;
Alternative septic systems: Puraflo, Orenco and Eljen;
And others: Fiddlehead Creek Native Plant Nursery, DeFranco Landscaping, Gould’s Landscaping, Green Planet Products, Chip’s Landscaping, KLC Property Enhancement, Sweeney Company, and Crandall Excavating.

Experts from the LGA, Cornell Cooperative Extension, the Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board will provide information about lake-friendly lawn care, septic system maintenance, and more. Rain barrels and native plants will be available for sale. Free soil pH-testing will be available.

“We are excited that so many regional companies will be on hand for people to meet. We’ll have product representatives, civil engineers, designers, installers and other people who work in green landscaping here to share information and brainstorm solutions for lake-friendly living,” said Emily DeBolt, director of education for the Lake George Association.

For more information contact the LGA at 518-668-3558. In addition, the LGA’s new website has extensive information on the topic. Visit www.lakegeorgeassociation.org and search on “lake-friendly living.”

Memorial Day: 2011

Please pray for all those who have given their all to protect and defend our nation AND all those currently serving to keep us free.

The Post Star had a moving piece about the Aiken family of Huletts Landing and the sacrifices they have endured. If you read one thing today, this should be it.

Saturday Quote

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.

W.B. Yeats

Saturday Quote

“I participated in the great experience of my contemporaries – humiliation at the hands of evil.”

John Paul II – speaking about living under the totalitarian regimes of fascism and communism.

Basket Fundraiser: Saturday 4/16

The Basket party for Gidget Connors will be held on Saturday, 4/16/11 at the Whitehall Elks lodge starting at 11:00 am.

Drawings will start at 1:00 pm.

Five dollar admission, refreshments will be offered for sale.

The Whitehall Elks lodge is located just across the street from Lock 12 on the Champlain Barge Canal at 7 Williams Street.

If you would like to make a donation or learn more information, please contact Bernadette Perone or Sue Young.

LGA Launches New Website and Facebook Page

The Lake George Association has launched a new website and Facebook page for LGA members, educators, local residents and tourists. Both the website (www.lakegeorgeassociation.org) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/LakeGeorgeAssociation) provide accurate and current information on the watershed, its ecosystem, and the environmental programs that protect the Lake.

“The scope of content on the new website is quite broad,” said LGA Communications Coordinator Lynne Rosenthal. Homeowners can learn about lake-friendly landscaping and septic systems. Tourists can request a reservation on the Floating Classroom. Potential volunteers can download training materials to become an LGA Citizen Scientist. Teachers can plan an LGA stream monitoring field trip, or find lesson plans and information on native and invasive flora and fauna. The status of lake-saving infrastructure projects underway and completed around the watershed is also detailed, from sediment ponds and streambank remediation, to delta removal and shoreline restoration. LGA publications, presentations and events are also posted on the site, and people who want to support lake protection efforts can join the LGA online or make a donation.

“In order to protect Lake George, two key things have to happen,” said LGA Executive Director Walt Lender. “First, people must appreciate just how unique, beautiful and special our Lake is. Second, we must provide easy- to-understand, current information that motivates people to keep Lake George clean and clear. As the nation’s oldest lake protection non-profit, the public trusts and relies on the LGA to provide balanced and accurate information. Both our new website and Facebook presence support these efforts.”

“On the Facebook page, the LGA will seek to create a community of caring people who love the Lake for its unequaled natural beauty and outstanding recreational opportunities, as well as those who depend upon a pristine Lake for their livelihoods,” said LGA Communications Coordinator Lynne Rosenthal. “We will encourage our Facebook fans to share what they are doing to protect Lake George, and we will post late-breaking environmental news, as well as invitations to participate in events and programs,” she said.

A key partner in producing the website, Mannix Marketing of Glens Falls created the infrastructure and navigation for the site and provided extensive in-kind services and support for its development.