Catholic Bishop Visits Huletts Landing

The Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Albany, Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D. (left), stands with Fr. Rendell Torres, Pastor of the Chapel of the Assumption (right) in Huletts Landing on Saturday evening.

On Saturday evening, July 12th, the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Albany, Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D., visited Huletts Landing to celebrate Mass at the Chapel of the Assumption. The Chapel was filled to capacity with local residents who greeted the Bishop enthusiastically.

The Gospel reading was from Matthew 13:1-23 and the Bishop’s sermon was on the sower who went out to sow seeds.

After Mass, a reception and dinner was held on the Huletts Landing Property Owner’s Civic Association’s beach and pavilion. As the dinner was beginning, rain poured down making for an intimate dinner as all retreated to the cover of the pavilion.

The Bishop greeted everyone warmly throughout the evening, and it was an enjoyable faith-filled night for all.

Many thanks to Bishop Scharfenberger for visiting, Fr. Rendell Torres for organizing the event, and all the many volunteers who made the evening so enjoyable.

Huletts will long remember the Bishop who came to spread the faith and visit our special community.

Lake Restaurant Review: Blue Water Manor Tavern on the Lake

Blue Water Manor’s Tavern on the Lake offers a delightful dining experience on Lake George.

I know many people like to go out to eat by boat. So this year, I thought I’d start doing “reviews” of places that I’ve tried and enjoyed.

If you’re looking for a nice place to eat on Lake George that’s accessible by boat, you might want to consider Blue Water Manor’s Tavern on the Lake. Located in Basin Bay in Bolton, the new owners have recently constructed new docks for lakeside visitors.

A view from the lakeside, as you come in by boat.

It sits high off the water, offering commanding views from it’s lakeside bar. The food was delicious but expect to climb the stairs to enjoy the ambiance.

There was ample docking the day I visited, but is on a ‘first come – first serve’ basis.

Catholic Bishop’s Visit to Huletts Rescheduled for July 12

The Roman Catholic Bishop of Albany, Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D., will visit Huletts Landing, Saturday July 12th.

After a scheduling issue prevented the Roman Catholic Bishop of Albany, Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D., from visiting Huletts Landing in June, Father Torres has informed me that the visit has been rescheduled for Saturday, July 12th.

The Bishop will celebrate Mass in the Chapel of the Assumption at 6:00 pm and will be joining parishioners afterwards for a reception at the Huletts Landing Property Owners Civic Association’s pavilion.

(Note: this is not the Washington County Park pavilion. The reception will be at the Huletts Landing Property Owners Civic Association’s pavilion .)

Parishioners from Huletts Landing, Whitehall and Fort Ann are invited to attend and it is suggested that attendees bring their own lawn chairs.

Lloyd Ballantyne Flies Western Skies in World War II Training Bi-Plane

Lloyd Ballantyne in the front seat of a WWII training bi-plane.

Lloyd Ballantyne (son of Peter & Angela Ballantyne and grandson of Buck & Connie Ballantyne), recently graduated from high school in San Diego, CA.

For his graduation, one of the paralyzed veterans that Lloyd assists with race cars gave him the gift of this flight.

This plane was originally used to train Navy pilots. The pair flew low over southern California, like those learning during World War II would have.

Lloyd’s grandfather, Buck Ballanytne, earned two Purple Hearts in World War II fighting in the mountains of Italy.

Way to go Lloyd!!

Flying low over southern California.

(Click pictures to see full-scale.)

LGA’s Summer Gala to Include Auction of Mad Men Art

A painting featured on ‘Mad Men’ (Season 4 Episode 12 “Blowing Smoke”), will be auctioned at the Lake George Association’s Summer Gala.

The Lake George Association’s Summer Gala is Friday July 11th at the Inn at Erlowest. Every summer this event helps raise funds to support the LGA’s ongoing lake-saving projects and programs. This year’s theme is Mad 4 Lake George. Ladies are invited to wear their best 1960’s hairstyle, and men their finest 1960’s tie for a special contest. Or attendees can join up for a try at Best Dressed Couple – think Don and Megan Draper or Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

“We have lots of really exciting items being donated for auction at the event to help support protecting the Lake,” said Nancy Cobb-Zoll, the LGA’s Director of Membership Development. “A painting generously donated by artist Emily Van Horn is one of the more unique items that we are really thrilled about this year – and it goes with our theme this year based on the Mad Men television series.“

A remarkable piece of contemporary art on its own, the painting was featured on ‘Mad Men’ (Season 4 Episode 12 “Blowing Smoke”) as painted by Don Draper’s bohemian mistress Midge Daniels. Painted by Emily Van Horn, this work was specifically chosen by set designers for its likeness to mid-century abstract expressionist painters of the period. Art for the Mad Men drama is pivotal to evoking the look and feel of the era, and represents both historical collections including Rothko, DeKooning, and Pollock, and contemporary painters working today. Van Horn’s work has also been featured on other television dramas including ‘House’ and ‘Brothers & Sisters’, among others, as well as films such as ’Knight of Cups’ and ’A Single Man’.

LGA’s Director of Membership Development, Nancy Cobb-Zoll, displays the painting generously donated by artist Emily Van Horn.

“We are so excited to have this exceptional piece of art for auction at our event,” said Cobb-Zoll. “Every year we work hard to find new, unique items for our event, and this is certainly a great one. This painting will be a show-stopping conversation piece, and an amazing addition to someone’s collection. We can’t wait to see who is the lucky one who goes home with this remarkable piece of art at the end of the night.”

Saturday Quote

“I believe that there is one story in the world, and only one, that has frightened and inspired us, so that we live in a Pearl White serial of continuing thought and wonder. Humans are caught – in their lives, in their thoughts, in their hungers and ambitions, in their avarice and cruelty, and in their kindness and generosity too – in a net of good and evil. I think this is the only story we have and that it occurs on all levels of feeling and intelligence. Virtue and vice were warp and woof of our first consciousness, and they will be the fabric of our last, and this despite any changes we may impose on field and river and mountain, on economy and manners. there is no other story. A man, after he has brushed off the dust and chips of life, will have left only the hard, clean questions: Was it good or was it evil? Have I done well – or ill?”

– John Steinbeck, East of Eden

Acclaimed Artists to Perform August 16th at Mountain Grove Memorial Church

I’m pleased to announce that on August 16th, the Mountain Grove Memorial Church will host a concert by two world acclaimed artists; Findlay Cockrell and Lincoln Mayorga.

This event will be a fundraiser for a new piano for the church. Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased from Bruce or Sue Young, Arnie Galbraith and/or Wayne Smith. Tickets will be limited and are sure to sell out fast so be sure to get yours soon.

We are fortunate to have a an event of this magnitude during the summer of 2014.

Lincoln Mayorga

For many years, Lincoln enjoyed one of the busiest studio careers in Hollywood. He was the staff pianist for Walt Disney Studios and contributed to the soundtracks of such motion pictures as Chinatown, Pete’s Dragon, The Competition, The Rose, and Ragtime. As pianist, arranger, and conductor, Lincoln made many recordings with such artists as Johnny Mathis, Barbra Streisand. Vikki Carr, Mel Torme, Phil Ochs, Andy Williams, Frank Zappa. and Quincy Jones.

Findlay Cockrell

Findlay Cockrell, is a retired professor of music at SUNY Albany, a teacher, pianist and mentor. Findlay attended Harvard and the Juilliard School (BS, MS), and has taught at Albany for almost 50 years. Those in the Capital District have enjoyed his recitals (especially the Noon Concert series), chamber music, and performances with the Albany Symphony and other local orchestras. Findlay was also the first performing artist to play at the EGG (The Empire State theater of performing arts in Albany). He was also guest soloist with the San Francisco Symphony under Arthur Fiedler, and a highlight of his career were guest solo performances in Tula, Russia and in Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow with the noted Ossipov Russian Instrumental Orchestra.

A native of California, and a part time resident of the Napa Valley, Findlay has his own amphitheater there for local concerts. This September and November he will be giving two concerts at the request of Earlham College in Indiana for the opening of their new arts center.

Many thanks to Carol Putnam for planning this event and notifying me.

Margot Kapusinski Finalist in SNY Kidcaster Contest

Margot Kapusinski, pictured here in the the SNY studio, was selected as one of ten finalists in the New York Mets Kidcaster contest.

My niece, Margot Kapusinski, (daughter of Frank and Doreen) recently got a chance to audition at the SNY studio in New York City as one of ten finalists in the New York Mets Kidcaster contest. This contest, open to children ages 7 to 12, invites the winner to join the Mets broadcasting team of Gary Cohen, Keith Hernandez and Ron Darling in announcing a half inning of a Mets game on-air from the SNY booth.

Ten finalists were selected to read their essays in front of a panel of judges in the SNY studio.

Margot’s essay was selected as one of the ten finalists and she not only read her essay but also “called” some plays in front of the judges. She told me she had a “delightful” day with her parents (as she missed a day of school) to travel into the city.

The winner will be announced on the Mets broadcast, Thursday May 29th.

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in our community, and on this day we pray for all mothers, living and deceased, those close by and those far away.

Gratitude for my Mother

Dear Lord, today I turn to you to give you thanks for my mother. With your own gift of life, she bore me in her womb and gave me life. She tenderly, patiently cared for me and taught me to walk and talk. She read to me and made me laugh. No one delighted in my successes more; no one could comfort me better in my failures. I am so grateful for how she mothered me and mentored me, and even disciplined me.

Please bless her, Lord, and comfort her. Help her loving heart to continue to love and give of herself to others. Strengthen her when she is down and give her hope when she is discouraged.

Most of all, Lord, on this Mother’s Day, give my mother the graces she most needs and desires today.


Email to the Editor

Hi, I just happened across your page and enjoyed reading it. I visited Hulett’s Landing 10-15 years ago on vacation and will never forget the place. Not sure if I am related in any way to the Hulett’s that founded the area, but it’s possible. My Dad was born in South Dakota but his grandfather was one of 12-15 children, so who knows?

Dave Hulett

More Outlet Stores Coming Near Exit 20

More outlet stores are coming to the area off Exit 20 on the Northway.

I got this picture as I exited the Northway at Exit 20 heading north.

I pulled over for gas and pointed my camera across the road. As you can see, the outlets at Exit 20 will have some more stores this summer.

(Click picture to see full-scale.)

Saturday Quote

“Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets.”

Yogi Berra