Happy Labor Day

The arrival of Labor Day brings fewer children to the beach as the school year begins.

As we celebrate Labor Day with family and friends, I hope you’ll join me in remembering the hardworking men and women of American Labor who make America so great!

If you’re leaving Huletts today, drive safely and come back again soon.

HLPOCA Labor Day Picnic Details

The Huletts Landing Property Owners Civic Association will hold their annual Labor Day picnic on Saturday 9/5

Join your friends, family and neighbors on the “beach and village green” for a full day of barbeque, refreshment, music, adult and children’s games, raffles, 50/50 and door prizes.

Adults 21 & Over $ 30 (INCLUDES DOOR PRIZE ENTRY)
Child 10 & Over $ 15

Each family – please donate one wine or liquor bottle for “Baskets of Cheer” to Nita Smith, No later than Friday 9/4 – aluminum trays for food donations may be picked up at the Caddy Shack or from Mike and Nancy Gorman

Fundraiser to Help Ticonderoga’s St. Mary’s School

Margot Kapusinski stands in front of St. Mary’s in Ticonderoga with a donation for the school, which is still recovering from last year’s fire.

Last September, St. Mary’s School in Ticonderoga, was ravaged by a suspicious fire prior to the start of the school year. Now almost a year later, the school is about to reopen.

The school is asking for donations of school supplies which can be found here and here.

Margot Kapusinski has begun a School Supply fundraiser to help the children of St. Mary’s school in Ticonderoga.

She dropped off her first donation on Sunday and is in the process of generating more donations.

She would appreciate your support and any donations of supplies for these nearby children.

Saturday Quote

“One of the strangest faculties of the Christian religion, and one of the hardest to understand, is the power of giving direction and consolation to everyone who has recourse to her, in no matter what circumstances, at no matter what time. If there is a remedy for what is past, she prescribes it, and gives us the vision and strength to carry it out. If there is no remedy, she shows us how to make a literal reality of the proverbial expression ‘to make a virtue of necessity’. She teaches us to continue wisely in the course we entered upon out of frivolity. She chastens our heart to accept gladly that which is imposed on us by tyranny, she gives a reckless but irrevocable choice all the sanctity, all the wisdom, all the – let us say it – all the joyful happiness of a true vocation. She is a great road, which a man may find after wandering in the most tangled labyrinth, amid the most dangerous precipices, and once he has taken one stride along it, he can walk on safely and gladly, and be sure of a happy end to his journey.”

Alessandro Manzoni
The Betrothed


Pictures from the Ladies Guild Fundraiser for Community Outreach

Pictured above – top row left to right: Roberta Raymond, Millie Gorman, and Bernadette Perrone; seated left to right: Toni Richards and Marian Knight

The Huletts Landing Ladies’ Guild Fundraiser for Community Outreach event, held at the Washington County Park on the evening of July 17th, was a great success and exceeded all expectations.

Many thanks to the ladies of that committee for their teamwork in crafting and creating such an enjoyable gathering. The proceeds received from this gala event will benefit the organization’s community outreach program.

Pictured below are some of the Huletts Landing residents who attended. Using the old cliche – ”A picture is worth a thousand words” – it should be obvious that a good time was had by all. The Ladies Guild extend their sincerest appreciation to all who attended and to those who generously responded to this charitable appeal.

Saturday July 25: Peter Spiess Watercolors Art Show & Reception

The Central Park SE Reservoir Bridge by Peter Spiess. (2014)

This Saturday, July 25th, the Friends of Historic Huletts Landing will host an art show and reception between 5:00 – 7:00 pm featuring Peter Spiess Watercolors at the Library & Gallery.

Please stop by and support the cultural work of the FHHL and enjoy some food, fellowship and great art.

(Click pictures to see full-scale.)

Liam Ballantyne Heads Into Eagle Scout Board of Review

Liam Ballantyne (left), son of Peter and Angela Ballantyne, as he goes into his Eagle Scout Board of Review.

Congratulations to Liam Ballantyne as he goes for his Eagle Scout Award. Since he is with the Sea Scout division of the Boy Scouts of America, he has on a sailing uniform.

Liam is headed to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in August.

In 1910, Lord Baden-Powell, founder of Boy Scouts, created Sea Scouts to serve as an extension of Scout training. Young men would develop personal character—pluck, patriotism, and intelligent discipline—through a sense of duty. By teaching boat management and seamanship, young men would also gain individual knowledge to help them become self-supporting. Sea Scouts performing coast guard duties, lifesaving and salvage at wrecks would also perform invaluable community service.

Baden-Powell’s belief that Sea Scouts would combine the best attributes of seamanship with training in character was shared by the Boy Scouts of America. Two years after the Boy Scouts of America was born, Sea Scouts was organized in the United States with the aid of the Secretary of the Navy in 1912.

The Sea Promise
As a Sea Scout I promise to do my best:

• To guard against water accidents
• To know the location and proper use of the lifesaving devices on every boat I board
• To be prepared to render aid to those in need
• To seek to preserve the motto of the sea: Women and Children First

Saturday Quote

“Leisure consists in activities which are neither toil nor play, but are rather the expressions of moral and intellectual virtue – the things a good man does because they are intrinsically good for him and for his society, making him better as a man and advancing the civilization in which he lives.”

Mortimer Adler

From the Deck of the USS Midway

Peter Ballantyne (right) standing on the deck of the USS Midway with the Secretary of Veteran Affairs, Robert A. McDonald (left), and the President of the Paralyzed Veterans of America, Al Kovach, Jr. (front), during a reception hosted by Mr. Ballantyne’s Paralyzed Veterans of America chapter. Secretary McDonald gave the keynote presentation this morning to the national PVA convention. (Click image to see larger-scale)

Bits of Everything

Expanded Lake George Trail System Eyed

The Adirondack Almanack reports on the “Trails Master Plan” for the west shore of Lake George.

New Fishing Tournament for Lake George

Grab a fishing pole and maybe you can win $2,500 in grand prize money between Friday, July 10 to Sunday, July 12th. Read in the Lake George Mirror.

Cuomo’s Quiet Medicaid Miracle?

“New York still spends more on Medicaid than California and Texas combined.” Read the NY Daily News article.

NASA JPL: Heat-Converting Material Patents Licensed to Troy Company

The future is happening now. Read the JPL Press Release.

Adirondacks Burn Ban In Effect

With fire season upon us, Dresden is covered until May 14th. So says the Adirondack Almanack.