Bits of Everything

Bids Too High for Bolton Town Park

The Post Star reported that plans to renovate Rogers Park Pier in Bolton Landing have been set back after bids came in too high and were rejected.

Public Employee Pay Blasted

WNBZ had a story about Unshackle Upstate’s charges that the state’s pay structure is not only outpacing the private sector, but also burdening local tax bases with the bill. Amen to that!

Rare Weapons Donated to Fort Ticonderoga

Fort Ticonderoga has been given a collection of more than 100 antique firearms. Read about it here in the Press Republican.

Net Neutrality Rules a Boon to Consumers

What is this all about? Read the Wall Street Journal to learn more.

Michael Jackson Video Showing Penguin Dance Leaked

I had heard that Michael Jackson was going to debut a new dance expected to be as big as his moon walk. YouTube has a leaked clip of what it may have looked like.

Bits of Everything

Governor to President: Stay Out, I’m In

The NY Daily News reports on the Governor’s response, when asked by the President not to run for re-election.

DEC Changes Some Fishing Rules for Lake George

The DEC has proposed new fishing regulations for 2010-2012. Some of these would apply to Lake George, Warren and Washington counties. These include: allowing the use of alewives and blueback herring as bait and applying the statewide regulations for pickerel which would eliminate the “no size” limit regulation currently in effect when catching pickerel. (In other words, you’d have to throw the small ones back.) Read about them here.

Bits of Everything

President Asks Governor Not to Run

MSNBC reports that President Obama has asked Governor Paterson not to run for re-election. Quite frankly I am not surprised. We’ve gotten more taxes, more regulations, no school tax relief, and stimulus money used to fill in the state budget deficit.

Post Star reports on Stream Rules Delay

The Post Star reports on the delay in moving ahead on the stream rules. My only problem with this article is that it neglects the fact that Washington County and the towns of Dresden and Putnam have also passed resolutions opposing the stream rules. Memo to the Post Star, Lake George has an east shore.

Bits of Everything

Post Star Editorial on Making the APA Pay

Sound familiar?

“The agency’s staffers can read. They knew they were twisting the law beyond any legitimate shape, but they pushed ahead anyway, in bad faith.”

It’s not just happening in Huletts. The APA is taking unjustified positions in other areas also. For this they’ll most likely pay. Literally. Read the Post Star editorial here.

How Do You Spend You Day?

The NY Times has this neat interactive graphic which shows how different groups of people spend their day. Cool.

Enviros Can’t Take Truth: Try to Change What Happened

I just got off the phone with the Post Star reporter who will be doing a story over the weekend about the whole Foster Brook saga. The reporter told me that the APA spokesman who they interviewed made the assertion that the APA went out of their way to accommodate us.

As the landowner of where the dredged material was going to be put, I can say that is completely untrue.

They weren’t cooperative on their site visit when they alleged the material was waste and both the LGA representative and I argued with them on the spot.

They weren’t cooperative when the DEC told them their interpretation was wrong and in conflict with theirs.

They weren’t cooperative when I wrote to them on August 18th and told them that if they continued their interpretation; “we doubt we would be able to file this permit and/or allow our property to be used for accepting the dredged materials.”

They weren’t cooperative when we asked to see a draft permit leading up to Labor Day so we could update the community on what was happening. They waited until Tuesday, September 8th, after everyone had left for the weekend.

They certainly weren’t cooperative when they issued the draft permit, which attempted to declared our property a “waste disposal area” and place other ridiculous conditions upon us. (Don’t be surprised by this, but they weren’t cooperative with the Post Star reporter either, refusing to release the draft permit to him, but don’t worry I did.)

If you want to know the truth, they weren’t cooperative at all. They hoped that by springing a permit on us at the last moment which we told them we wouldn’t accept, and which the DEC told them was wrong, they would blow up the deal entirely for at least another year and maybe permanently. They didn’t expect that the LGA would find another location to accept the materials. That’s the truth.

No where in this whole saga did they care about the environment.

They certainly didn’t care about the tiny smelts who can’t run up the stream anymore because they’re being blocked by the delta.

They didn’t care about 100 dump trucks going over the mountain to a site 10 miles away as opposed to our site less than a mile away.

The only thing they cared about was their extreme anti-people agenda which we just told you about. This is a perfect example of why a high level state official told me these radical environmentalists, “have no credibility left with anyone”.

Bits of Everything

Man Wanted for Murder Arrested in Whitehall

The Post Star reports on an arrest made this week in Whitehall.

Triathlon Scheduled for October

The Adirondack Almanack reports on the Rogers Rangers Challenge triathlon scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd, in the area.

Study Shows Men Lose Their Mind Talking to Pretty Women

There is now proof! Beautiful women have an effect on men. Read about it in the Telegraph.

Now Becoming the Weak State: Business Must Now Pay Tax to Collect Sales Tax

Forget the empire state, we’ve become the tax state! This Times Union piece illustrates what NY has become.

What Henry Hudson Saw

National Geographic has a neat video which recreates what Henry Hudson saw when he landed on Manhattan Island in 1609. Take a look.


Bits of Everything

Concepts Proposed for Exit 20

A number of concepts that could ease congestion and improve access along the Exit 20 corridor, also known as the Factory Outlets on Route 9, were proposed recently. The most popular seems to be a number of round-abouts or traffic circles along the stretch to keep traffic moving.

You can read about the proposals here.

Marine Group Ranks Top Boating Sites: NY # 4, Lake George Tops in State

The National Marine Manufacturers Association has ranked the top states for boating in 2009. NY ranks # 4 with Lake George being the hottest spot in the state.

Read the rankings here.

Bits of Everything

National Grid Says Enough

While National Grid says they have enough electricity for the summer season, please conserve when you can.

DEC Decides High Profile Road Case

The Lake Placid News reports that the DEC has ruled in the interesting case of Lake Placid Snowmobile Club President, Jim McCulley, driving his truck on an old Town Road.

Jimmy Hoffa Would Be Proud

The Post Star reports that Washington County recycling station workers have joined the Teamsters. I will not make a joke about about the mafia and the trash hauling business!

Hopefully, They Won’t Look in the Garbage.

This is the story about trash hauling.

Bits of Everything

Can Anyone in Albany Balance a Checkbook?

The NY Post reports that the recently passed budget is already projected to be out of balance by as much as $3 billion and that next year’s deficit could grow to $6 billion.

Home is Where They Don’t Pick Your Pocket

Three-time gubernatorial candidate, Tom Golisano, just announced he’s leaving the state of NY. Why? You guessed it. High taxes. The Times Union reports here.