The Champlain Hudson Power Express Project will run down route 22 through the Town of Dresden.
On or about November 18, 2022, construction activities for certain parts of Segments 1 and 2 of the Champlain Hudson Power Express Project (“CHPE”) are anticipated to begin. The Construction Zone for Segments 1 and 2 consist of a 17.6-mile overland cable route running from the western shore of Lake Champlain in the Town of Putnam to the Canadian Pacific (“CP”) Railroad right-of-way (“ROW”) in the Village of Whitehall. This underground transmission line segment runs through the Towns of Putnam, Dresden and Whitehall, as well as the Village of Whitehall, via County Route 3, Lake Road, New York State Route 22 and Bellamy Street to the CP Railroad ROW, as shown on the enclosed map. The initial construction work will commence at the Project’s construction laydown area located off of Ryder Road in Whitehall.
On October 13, 2022, the New York State Public Service Commission approved CHPE’s Environmental Management & Construction Plan (“EM&CP”) for Segments 1 and 2 of the Project. Upon receipt of a Notice to Proceed with Construction letter sent by the New York State Department of Public Service’s Office of Electric, Gas and Water, CHPE will be authorized to commence construction activities for the approved Segments.
CHPE has established a toll-free number for questions regarding the Project, including a complaint resolution plan for issues arising during construction: 1-800-991-CHPE (2473).
Questions or requests for further information can be directed to: publicoutreach@chpexpress.com or by mail to Molly Hollister, WSP USA, One Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, New York 10119. Facility construction falls under the jurisdiction of the Commission, which is responsible for enforcing compliance with environmental and construction conditions, and which may be contacted through Matthew Smith, Office of Electric, Gas and Water, New York State Department of Public Service, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223, via telephone at (518)474-8702
or email at matthew.smith@dps.ny.gov.
Details of the planned work locations, including construction drawings showing in detail the approved Segments, are available on the Project website at: https://chpexpress.com/overviewof-public-documents/environmental-management-construction-plan/. The full Commission docket for the Project can be accessed via the Commission’s website at:
Paper copies of the EM&CP for Segments 1 and 2 will be available for viewing at the following local document repositories: Black Watch Memorial Library, 99 Montcalm St., Ticonderoga, NY 12883; Whitehall Free Library, 12 Williams Street, Whitehall, NY 12887; Dresden Town Hall, 1 Lillians Way, Clemons, NY 12819; and Putnam Town Hall, 14 Putnam Center Rd, Putnam Station, NY 12861.