DEC seeks help for Moose sightings

The DEC staff from Region 5 are seeking the public’s assistance to locate moose for a moose population study. A moose was seen in Washington County last year (picture here).

If anyone sees a moose, please report it immediately to the DEC at 518-897-1291.

The DEC appreciates the public’s assistance to learn more about NY’s largest mammal.

Tuesday October 28th, Last Day to Submit an Absentee Ballot Application

Please know that the November 4th General Election is fast approaching. Here is how to obtain an absentee ballot if you are registered to vote in NY state.

How to Vote by Absentee Ballot

Applications for Absentee Ballots are available at the county board of elections.

You may also download a PDF version of the New York State Absentee Ballot Application Form.

Upon completion, applications must be mailed and postmarked to your county board no later than the seventh day before the election (October 28th) or delivered in person no later than the day before the election.

You may also request an Absentee Ballot by sending a letter to your county board of elections. The letter must be received by your county board no earlier than 30 days and no later than seven days before the election. The letter must contain the following information:

the address where you are registered
an address where the ballot is to be sent
the reason for the request, and
the signature of the voter

An application form will be mailed with your ballot. The application form must be completed and returned with your ballot.

Washington County Board of Elections
383 Broadway
Fort Edward, NY 12828

Phone: 518-746-2180
Fax: 518-746-2179

NFL Network Series Focuses on NY Giants

Tonight (Tuesday) at 9 p.m., the NFL Network will be premiering the first episode in a four-part series called Finding Giants. There will be a new episode every Tuesday through October 21.

The show is a must-see for New York football fans, providing viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the front office of the Giants and the process of finding the future stars for the organization.

You can view the trailer here.

Tuesday is Primary Day

Primary election is on Tuesday, September 9th from 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m at the Dresden Town Hall.

Judicial contests in the Republican, Independent and Conservative parties.

Democratic primary for Governor and Lt. Governor.

Huletts Landing Post Office to Remain Open

The Huletts Landing Post Office will remain open with realigned hours

Update/Correction 8/12/14

While the survey numbers below were presented at the meeting, the actual vote totals were: out of 136 questionnaires returned, 133 or 98% voted for realigned hours, 3 made no selection. My original numbers – while presented at the meeting by the Postal Service – were wrong.

Postal service officials announced today near the steps of the Huletts Landing Post Office that the Huletts Post Office will remain open, but have its hours reduced to four hours per day. The start date for these new hours has yet to be determined, but will most likely begin in early 2015.

Residents had been asked to submit their preferences and, today, officials from the postal service announced the results.

Out of 231 questionnaires sent out, 136 total responses were received back, with 98 votes to keep the Post Office open with reduced hours. Saturday hours will not change.

The postal service staff suggested that the new hours be 9:00 am to 1:00 pm but a majority of the nearly 30 local residents in attendance preferred the hours of 10:30 am to 2:30 pm.

The new hours will not be finalized at this time.

Because of pension costs, every post office’s hours will be reevaluated every year. Please be sure to continue to buy your stamps and postage in Huletts Landing.

Catholic Bishop Visits Huletts Landing

The Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Albany, Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D. (left), stands with Fr. Rendell Torres, Pastor of the Chapel of the Assumption (right) in Huletts Landing on Saturday evening.

On Saturday evening, July 12th, the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Albany, Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D., visited Huletts Landing to celebrate Mass at the Chapel of the Assumption. The Chapel was filled to capacity with local residents who greeted the Bishop enthusiastically.

The Gospel reading was from Matthew 13:1-23 and the Bishop’s sermon was on the sower who went out to sow seeds.

After Mass, a reception and dinner was held on the Huletts Landing Property Owner’s Civic Association’s beach and pavilion. As the dinner was beginning, rain poured down making for an intimate dinner as all retreated to the cover of the pavilion.

The Bishop greeted everyone warmly throughout the evening, and it was an enjoyable faith-filled night for all.

Many thanks to Bishop Scharfenberger for visiting, Fr. Rendell Torres for organizing the event, and all the many volunteers who made the evening so enjoyable.

Huletts will long remember the Bishop who came to spread the faith and visit our special community.

Statewide Aquatic Invasive Species Legislation Headed to the Governor’s Office

Legislation authorizing the DEC to develop regulations to have boaters make sure their boat is clean, drained, and dry is heading to Governor Cuomo.

Late last week, legislation passed in both houses right at the close of this year’s session that will help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) across the state. The LGA, along with many other organizations working to protect NYS lakes, are extremely pleased with this critical step forward in protecting New York’s waterways.

“The passage of a statewide aquatic invasive species transport bill to address spread prevention is great news. We have been advocating for such a bill for a number of years now since 2011 when I testified in front of the Assembly’s Environmental Committee as to the extent of the problems and associated costs that AIS are causing for Lake George,” said Walt Lender, the LGA’s Executive Director.

On Friday June 20th the State Senate gave final legislative approval to legislation sponsored by Senator Tom O’Mara (R,C-Big Flats). The legislation (S.7851-B/A.9619-B) was approved the day before by the state Assembly, where it was sponsored by Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton (D/WF- 125th District) of Ithaca.

It will now be delivered to the governor to be signed into law. The legislation requires the state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to develop rules and regulations for boaters to take reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of invasive species, such as removing all visible plants and animals from, or washing, draining and drying both motorized and non-motorized watercraft and related gear when entering and leaving a launch site.

“We look forward to working with the DEC to develop the regulations to carry through this legislation, just as we have with the other piece of recent legislation passed in 2012 that focuses on banning the sale of invasives statewide,” said Emily DeBolt, the LGA’s outreach coordinator. “Now, with these two important pieces of legislation, it’s all finally starting to fall into place and a comprehensive, state-wide program to address the sale and transport of invasives is getting underway. The more we can work to shut down the pathways that are moving these species around the state and prevent their spread, the better,” said Emily DeBolt, the LGA’s Outreach Coordinator.

LGA’s Summer Gala to Include Auction of Mad Men Art

A painting featured on ‘Mad Men’ (Season 4 Episode 12 “Blowing Smoke”), will be auctioned at the Lake George Association’s Summer Gala.

The Lake George Association’s Summer Gala is Friday July 11th at the Inn at Erlowest. Every summer this event helps raise funds to support the LGA’s ongoing lake-saving projects and programs. This year’s theme is Mad 4 Lake George. Ladies are invited to wear their best 1960’s hairstyle, and men their finest 1960’s tie for a special contest. Or attendees can join up for a try at Best Dressed Couple – think Don and Megan Draper or Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

“We have lots of really exciting items being donated for auction at the event to help support protecting the Lake,” said Nancy Cobb-Zoll, the LGA’s Director of Membership Development. “A painting generously donated by artist Emily Van Horn is one of the more unique items that we are really thrilled about this year – and it goes with our theme this year based on the Mad Men television series.“

A remarkable piece of contemporary art on its own, the painting was featured on ‘Mad Men’ (Season 4 Episode 12 “Blowing Smoke”) as painted by Don Draper’s bohemian mistress Midge Daniels. Painted by Emily Van Horn, this work was specifically chosen by set designers for its likeness to mid-century abstract expressionist painters of the period. Art for the Mad Men drama is pivotal to evoking the look and feel of the era, and represents both historical collections including Rothko, DeKooning, and Pollock, and contemporary painters working today. Van Horn’s work has also been featured on other television dramas including ‘House’ and ‘Brothers & Sisters’, among others, as well as films such as ’Knight of Cups’ and ’A Single Man’.

LGA’s Director of Membership Development, Nancy Cobb-Zoll, displays the painting generously donated by artist Emily Van Horn.

“We are so excited to have this exceptional piece of art for auction at our event,” said Cobb-Zoll. “Every year we work hard to find new, unique items for our event, and this is certainly a great one. This painting will be a show-stopping conversation piece, and an amazing addition to someone’s collection. We can’t wait to see who is the lucky one who goes home with this remarkable piece of art at the end of the night.”

ESPN: Trump to Consider Buying Buffalo Bills?

From ESPN:

New York City businessman and billionaire Donald Trump says he is committed to buying the Bills and keeping them in western New York, according to The Buffalo News.

“I’m going to give it a heavy shot,” Trump told the News on Monday from his office in Manhattan. “I would love to do it, and if I can do it, I’m keeping it in Buffalo.”

Multiple sources confirmed to the News that Trump has had two conversations with Bills president and CEO Russ Brandon.

Trump, who earlier this month confirmed that he was contacted by a group looking to purchase the Bills following the death of longtime owner Ralph Wilson, also wanted to ease concerns that he would move the team to Los Angeles or Toronto.

He has previously said it would be “catastrophic” if Buffalo lost the Bills. “I live in New York, and it’s easier for me to go to Buffalo than any other place,” Trump said. “Where am I going to move it, some place on the other side of the country where I have to travel for five hours?”

Trump believes his history with the NFL would play no role in a potential purchase of the Bills.

In 1983, Trump bought the New Jersey Generals and was largely responsible for the USFL switching from a spring schedule into direct competition with the NFL in the fall.