Dresden’s Sales Tax Revenue Explained
Late last month, the Washington County Board of Supervisors voted to change the allocation of sales tax revenue to towns in the county.
New York state allocates a portion of sales tax revenue collected in a county back to that county. Counties are free to allocate those funds to individual towns as they see fit.
Under Washington County’s previous policy, the county distributed $1 million dollars to the towns in the county using a formula based on assessed valuation and population.
Last month, the supervisors voted to allocate 7 percent of all total sales tax revenue to the towns. After 2016, the county is no longer guaranteeing $1 million to be split among the towns, just whatever 7 percent is. This could mean more total dollars to Dresden or less, depending on how much sales tax is raised.
In an effort to learn more about this issue, Dresden Supervisor George Gang, explained what the rational of this change was and how he voted.
After a study of other counties throughout the state it was found that Washington County was on the very low end of sales tax distributions to its towns. Some counties were distributing as much as 25 percent. The formula for distribution of the $1 million is based on two factors; 1) town population (50%) and 2) assessed value (50%). Dresden does well on the assessed value portion and poorly on the population portion.
Dresden currently receives approximately $34,000 per year in four installments. In the future distribution this will be 7 percent of the total of all sales tax receipts, using the above 50/50 formula, which means the $1 million is no longer guaranteed.
Receipts have been trending upwards in Washington County even though they have been trending down in the rest of the State. If we were to get the 7 percent distribution this year, Dresden would have received an extra $12,500. Of course, if county receipts go down, we could receive under the $34,000 that we are now guaranteed.
Three towns in Washington County currently pay approximately 25 percent of the total county taxes. (Putnam, Dresden and Fort Ann) This is mostly due to our assessed values. Supervisor Gang voted against the change in distribution because now that the county will be paying out a higher percentage of receipts to the towns, the county will have to find those lost monies from somewhere else. Supervisor Gang’s reasoning is that this will mean that the lost funds to the county will be “made up” from county taxpayers or from fund balances.
The three Towns noted above will end up paying for the largest part of that increase, thus subsidizing the other fourteen towns in the county who would make out very well. If Supervisor Gang had his druthers, he would love the formula to be based solely on assessed values, in which case Dresden would get back a fairer share of the taxes we pay into the county. However, this would never be approved by those other fourteen towns.
To conclude, it always benefits Dresden residents to shop in Washington County. Instead of buying groceries in Glens Falls or Vermont think about buying your groceries in Fort Edward or Kingsbury. (Or for that matter, anywhere in Washington County). Buying a new car? Make sure you get it in Washington County!
Rep. Stefanik Visits Ticonderoga
Great event in Ticonderoga today launching the "Rails to Wheels" partnership between Amtrak and Fort Ticonderoga! pic.twitter.com/P5imFcABSA
— Rep. Elise Stefanik (@RepStefanik) May 22, 2015
Rep. Stefanik Announces Winner of 2015 Congressional Art Competition

“The Beauty of a Cold Winter’s Day” by Keely O’Connor
Today, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY-21) announced that Keely O’Connor of Carthage Central High School has won the 2015 Congressional Art Competition for New York’s 21st District for her piece, The Beauty of a Cold Winter’s Day.
“I am thrilled to announce that Keely’s piece will be displayed for a full year at the U.S. Capitol, proudly representing the talent of our North Country artists,” said Congresswoman Stefanik. “The volume of amazing art that was submitted for this contest was overwhelming and I thank each and every student that participated. The North Country is a proud home to many gifted students and I look forward to continuing this competition next year.”
Keely’s art was one of four finalists selected by a committee from 59 total pieces of art submitted to Stefanik’s Glens Falls, Watertown and Plattsburgh district offices. In addition to having her work showcased at the Capitol, Keely will also have the opportunity to visit Washington for a reception in June. The other semi-finalists will have the opportunity to have their work showcased in Congresswoman Stefanik’s district offices for the next year. To view the semi-finalists, click here.
Students Submit Entries to Congressional Art Competition
Thanks to all the gifted #NY21 high school students who submitted entries to the Congressional Art Competition! pic.twitter.com/Fmu3kLKScz
— Rep. Elise Stefanik (@RepStefanik) April 25, 2015
Bits of Everything
Expanded Lake George Trail System Eyed
The Adirondack Almanack reports on the “Trails Master Plan” for the west shore of Lake George.
New Fishing Tournament for Lake George
Grab a fishing pole and maybe you can win $2,500 in grand prize money between Friday, July 10 to Sunday, July 12th. Read in the Lake George Mirror.
Cuomo’s Quiet Medicaid Miracle?
“New York still spends more on Medicaid than California and Texas combined.” Read the NY Daily News article.
NASA JPL: Heat-Converting Material Patents Licensed to Troy Company
The future is happening now. Read the JPL Press Release.
Adirondacks Burn Ban In Effect
With fire season upon us, Dresden is covered until May 14th. So says the Adirondack Almanack.
Congresswoman Stefanik Announces 2015 Congressional Art Competition
Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY-21) has announced the 2015 Congressional Art Competition for New York’s 21st district. The Congressional Art Competition is open to all high school students in the 21st District.
“The North Country is home to many gifted students and the Congressional Art Competition is a great opportunity for them to showcase their talents,” said Congresswoman Stefanik. “The winner of this competition will have their artwork displayed in the U.S. Capitol for a year where it will be seen by visitors from around the world. I look forward to seeing what our students can create!”
Artwork entered in the contest must be original in execution, may be up to 28 inches by 28 inches, 4 inches in depth and cannot weigh more than 15 pounds. The artwork may be:
Paintings – including oil, acrylics and watercolor
Drawings – including pastels, colored pencil, pencil, charcoal, ink, and markers
Collage (must be 2 dimensional)
Prints – including lithographs, silkscreen and block prints
Mixed Media – use of two or more mediums such as pencil, ink, watercolor
Computer Generated Art
Art submissions along with a Congressional release form must be submitted to one of Congresswoman Stefanik’s district office locations no later than April 24, 2015. The Congressional release form can be found here and more information about the competitions rules and guidelines is posted here.
Stefanik Discusses Fort Drum, Sequestration on House Floor
Information Alert: Lake George Park Commission Codifying Dock Decisions
Members of the Lake George Association staff attended a presentation by Lake George Park Commission officials on Wednesday where Commission staff presented to the public a proposal it had drafted discussing the Commission’s jurisdiction over various components of docks and wharfs.
As part of the Lake George Association’s educational mission, they wanted to make sure members and friends were aware of the Commission’s proposed changes.
The Commission says that it wants to codify into policy years of Park Commission decisions that officials say have been based on current regulatory definitions and longstanding practice.
For instance, the Commission’s draft policy notes that permits are generally not required on accessories and incidental structures associated with docks and wharfs like diving boards, slides (that don’t pass the 16-foot height limit), temporary timbers used between docks in the off-season, as well as boat whips and cleats.
There is a list included in the Commission’s draft policy of 16 examples of additions where permits are not required. You can find it on the Commission’s website at http://www.lgpc.state.ny.us
On the other hand, the Commission’s proposed policy notes that permits are required to change or add ramps, new square footage on docks, independent tie-off points in the Lake, sundecks and permanent frame structures (with or without canvas), and rails and fences, among other projects.
There are 12 examples of projects where permits are required that are listed in the draft policy. Those are included in the Commission’s document on the commission’s website at http://www.lgpc.state.ny.us
The Commission’s draft policy notes that structures or items not listed in the document are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
You can find the Commission’s draft Policy and Procedure Memorandum on the Commission’s website at http://www.lgpc.state.ny.us
If after reviewing the proposed changes you would like to comment, the Commission is taking comments through the Commission’s email account until March 1. You can send comments to info@lgpc.state.ny.us
Colligan Wins Gold in Lake Placid
Pickerel Bay’s, Aileen Colligan, recently won a Gold Medal in figure skating at the 2015 New York State Winter Games.
Competing in the pre-juvenile figure skating division on Feb. 6th, at the prestigious 2015 New York State “Winter Games” in Lake Placid, Pickerel Bay’s, Aileen Colligan amazed the judges and her viewers with an outstanding performance that took the gold medal.
Aileen is the daughter of John and Beth Colligan of Troy, New York. She also participated in the opening ceremonies at the Games with her synchronized skating team. Aileen, who has been an ardent competitor of ice skating for 6 years, is a firm believer that “practice makes perfect.”
Aileen was also quick to add that she attributes her skating successes to date to two very important attributes, namely “Outstanding Coaching” and “Supportive Parents.” The Colligan’s are members of the Pickerel Bay Association here on the Landing, and John is a member of the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Department.
Congratulations Aileen!
Congresswoman Stefanik Visits Fort Drum Soldiers During Visit to Middle East
Congresswoman Stefanik during a visit with troops in Afghanistan. (Click image to see full-scale.)
Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY-21), member of the House Armed Services Committee, returned today from an official bipartisan Congressional Delegation visit to Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. Stefanik was one of few Members invited to attend this Congressional delegation. Upon returning from her visit, she released the following statement:
“Over the last week, I had the honor of being invited to attend a small congressional delegation visit to Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee and the Representative to Congress for the Fort Drum community, this trip was essential to gain a personal perspective of the circumstances under which so many of our brave soldiers from Fort Drum have served abroad.
“On this trip, I was privileged to meet with soldiers who are based out of Fort Drum as well as many who have trained there. I thanked them for their service and discussed ways we can work to strengthen and protect Ft. Drum for our district.
“Additionally, I was able to meet with many important foreign dignitaries, including King Abdullah II of Jordan, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, and Iraqi President Fuad Masum to discuss issues of concern to the region and to our national security.
“Our nation and our world face enormous threats right now and this trip was a historic opportunity to hear from our service men and women on the ground about real issues related to the readiness of our armed forces and the tools they need to keep our country safe. Serving the Fort Drum community in Congress and as a Member of the House Armed Services Committee is an incredible honor and I thank our men and women in uniform and their families for their service to our country.”
21st Ticonderoga Ball: Union League Club in New York City, Friday, March 6
Fort Ticonderoga’s fundraising event, the Ticonderoga Ball, begins at 7 pm on March 6 at the Union League Club in New York City, featuring music, dancing, a silent auction and a lavish dinner.
Spend an elegant evening at the Union League Club in New York City celebrating Fort Ticonderoga’s history and future. The Ticonderoga Ball will be held on Friday, March 6, 2015 beginning at 7 pm. Music, dancing, a silent auction and a lavish dinner make for a festive black-tie evening benefiting Fort Ticonderoga. Individual tickets are $325 and junior tickets are $210 (30 years old and under); Reservations are required.
“The Ticonderoga Ball is Fort Ticonderoga’s largest fundraising event of the year, “said Beth Hill, Fort Ticonderoga President and CEO. “The event, set in the elegant and historic setting of New York’s Union League Club, brings together Fort Ticonderoga supporters from across the United States to celebrate Fort Ticonderoga’s epic history, current programs, and future plans. The Ticonderoga Ball’s theme this year is inspired by Fort Ticonderoga’s 2015 annual focus on its French history in the year 1756. The elegant dinner will be inspired by Fort Ticonderoga’s rich French history which dates to its origin in 1755 when the fort was first established as Fort Carillon in the southernmost part of New France. Support for this event makes possible Fort Ticonderoga’s educational programs, exhibitions, gardens, and all other preservation and restoration efforts.”
The Ticonderoga Ball attracts more than 170 people each year who attend in support of Fort Ticonderoga’s mission of preservation and education. Event honorees for the 21st Annual Ball are Dr. and Mrs. C. Wayne Bardin, longtime Fort Ticonderoga supporters and enthusiastic advocates of Fort Ticonderoga’s French connection. The night begins with a cocktail reception and silent auction at 7 pm; followed by an elegant dinner at 8 pm. A live auction and dancing complete the night. Dance music will be provided by the Lester Lanin Orchestra, known for their unique, homogenized music with lively patina. For more information or to receive an invitation, please contact Martha Strum at 518-585-2821 or by emailing mstrum@fort-ticonderoga.org. There is a flexible RSVP deadline of February 20.
Fort Ticonderoga is an independent non-profit educational organization. All proceeds for the Ticonderoga Ball support Fort Ticonderoga’s mission to ensure that present and future generations learn from the struggles, sacrifices, and victories that shaped the nations of North America and changed world history.
Mars Rover’s 11th Anniversary: Hilltop Panorama & U.S. Flag
A panorama from one of the highest elevations that NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has reached in its 11 years on Mars includes the U.S. flag at the summit. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./Arizona State Univ.)
The view is from the top of “Cape Tribulation,” a raised section of the rim of Endeavour Crater. The panorama spans the interior of the 14-mile-wide (22-kilometer-wide) crater and extends to the rim of another crater on the horizon. (See full picture here.)
The U.S. flag is printed on the aluminum cable guard of the rover’s rock abrasion tool, which is used for grinding away weathered rock surfaces to expose fresh interior material for examination. The flag is intended as a memorial to victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. The aluminum was recovered from the site of the Twin Towers in the weeks following the attacks. Workers at Honeybee Robotics in lower Manhattan, less than a mile from World Trade Center, were making the rock abrasion tool for Opportunity and NASA’s twin Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit, in September 2001.
Opportunity has driven 25.9 miles (41.7 kilometers) since it landed in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars on Jan. 25, 2004 (Universal Time, which was Jan. 24, PST). That is farther than any other off-Earth surface vehicle has driven. The rover’s work on Mars was initially planned for three months. During that prime mission and for more than a decade of bonus performance in extended missions, Opportunity has returned compelling evidence about wet environments on ancient Mars.
Opportunity has been exploring Endeavour’s western rim since 2011. From a low segment of the rim that it crossed in mid-2013, called “Botany Bay,” it climbed about 440 feet (about 135 meters) in elevation to reach the top of Cape Tribulation. That’s about 80 percent the height of the Washington Monument.
Bits of Everything
The Adirondack Almanack: Lake George from Green Island Bridge
A great picture of the lake in cold weather from the bridge to the Sagamore.
NY State DEC: Adirondack Forest Ranger Search and Rescue Highlights: 12/29/14-01/04/15
You might end up in this report if you get lost in the woods.
Governor Cuomo’s 2014 End of Year Report
The actual report is 44 pages but it’s broken down by category.
Office of the State Controller, Thomas P. DiNapoli
State Pension Fund Commits Additional $50 Million
to Invest in New York-Based Companies
USA Today: North Korean Reality Isn’t Funny for Christians