Governor Andrew Cuomo today announced that domestic travelers will no longer be required to quarantine after entering New York from another U.S. State or U.S. Territory starting April 1st. While no longer required, the NYS Department of Health still recommends quarantine after domestic travel as an added precaution. Mandatory quarantine remains in effect for international travelers. All travelers must continue to fill out the Traveler Health Form. Individuals should continue strict adherence to all safety guidelines to stop the spread – wearing masks, socially distancing and avoiding gatherings. Click here for the full release.
Video from Mars Landing
This is actual video from the landing of the United States Mars rover, Perseverance, which touched down on Mars on February 18th. Unbelievably impressive.
NY State Releases Vaccine Tracker Website
New York state now has a website dedicated to showing how many people in each county have received the COVID-19 vaccine. Washington county has recently gone over 10% of the population having at least one dose administered.
Senator Stec: State Budget Hinges on Robust Federal Aid Package
State Senator Dan Stec (R,C,I-Queensbury) today said Governor Andrew Cuomo has proposed an unprecedented state budget for its heavy reliance on federal aid to balance the state’s financial books. Cuomo is seeking $15 billion in state and local aid from the federal government to close a huge budget gap in the upcoming fiscal year.
“The governor says he has a lot of friends in Washington, DC so when it comes to the funding I say ‘go get it’,” said Stec. “According to the governor, New York State is the number one donor state, putting in more and getting back less from the federal government year after year. He said this has persisted going back to the days of Senator Patrick Moynihan who retired from the US Senate 20 years ago.
“The governor has had ten years to address what he calls ‘a chronic injustice’ but he hasn’t. The time is now and he needs to get the job done,” said Stec.
Stec said the governor’s approach of waiting for federal assistance will create an enormous challenge for lawmakers as well as advocates, including schools, hospitals and not-for-profits, trying to figure out what will and won’t be possible to fund.
“On an executive budget presentation day, we might typically say ‘the devil is in the details’ but, based on what we heard today I am thinking this is a budget based on a ‘hope and a prayer’.
“From my perspective, job one is restarting the economy. I have been and will continue to talk with our chambers of commerce and local businesses to see what the State of New York should be doing to help them in the months ahead,” said Stec.
Dispelling Myths About COVID-19 Vaccines
The University of Maryland Medical System has released this short flyer which is easy to read and dispels some of the myths surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines.
With the rollout of the vaccine beginning, perhaps this might be helpful and informative.
Top News Story of Huletts: 2020
The “Top News Story of Huletts” for 2020 is how the community responded to the COVID-19 international pandemic.
So here we are at the end of 2020, with 2021 now in sight. What a year it has been.
For the “Top News Story of Huletts” for the year – the unforgettable one is clearly how the community responded to the COVID-19 international pandemic.
Everything changed radically as the coronavirus spread around the world during the early months of 2020. States of Emergency were declared in New York and surrounding states, the Chairman of the Washington County Board of Supervisors called upon people to stay away and travel was limited to and from states with high transmission rates. Construction projects in Huletts were halted as workers were forced to “lock down.”
As people started returning to Huletts in the spring, changes were necessary everywhere to protect the community. For a place like Huletts, which has a very active social life, things changed rapidly for the 2020 season. Association meetings moved to online platforms, social gatherings were extremely limited, social distancing started even on beaches and large gatherings ceased. Masks were worn everywhere.
However people worked together to allow the summer season to go on. Everyone stepped up and the season – which had begun with extreme anxiety – transformed with an attitude of “we can do this.” I will not forget, on one early morning walk, I encountered the President of one Association painting “six foot” circles at 5:30 am so that people could enjoy the day but be safe at the same time. Signs were made, changes occurred in the daily routines of almost everyone – but the summer went on and people were able to enjoy the beauty of Lake George and the surrounding Adirondacks. It wasn’t easy at times, but we made it through one year and hopefully the worst is behind us.
As the year ends – a vaccine is now out. When will things truly return to normal? We don’t know. However we look to the future with hope knowing that we made it through the pandemic year of 2020 working together to keep Huletts safe.
May 2021 be a better year, full of good tidings for everyone.
Happy New Year!
Second Sunday of Advent
Looking towards Vicar’s island with Brown mountain to the right. (Click image to see larger version.)
Second Sunday of Advent – MK 1:1-8
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God.
As it is written in Isaiah the prophet:
Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you;
he will prepare your way.
A voice of one crying out in the desert:
“Prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight his paths.”
John the Baptist appeared in the desert
proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
People of the whole Judean countryside
and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem
were going out to him
and were being baptized by him in the Jordan River
as they acknowledged their sins.
John was clothed in camel’s hair,
with a leather belt around his waist.
He fed on locusts and wild honey.
And this is what he proclaimed:
“One mightier than I is coming after me.
I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.
I have baptized you with water;
he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”
First Sunday of Advent
The Huletts Golf Course the last weekend of November 2020. (Click image to see larger version.)
First Sunday of Advent -MK 13:33-37
Jesus said to his disciples:
“Be watchful! Be alert!
You do not know when the time will come.
It is like a man traveling abroad.
He leaves home and places his servants in charge,
each with his own work,
and orders the gatekeeper to be on the watch.
Watch, therefore;
you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming,
whether in the evening, or at midnight,
or at cockcrow, or in the morning.
May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping.
What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’”
Happy Thanksgiving 2020
I wanted to offer you and yours my best wishes for a happy Thanksgiving, and a deeply felt thank you for all you do for Huletts Landing.
Hopefully, your day will be filled with love and lots of good food. May you enjoy a happy and blessed day of rest and gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving with some fun mixed in also!
Twelve Years Old
Well, here it is – another November 9th. Today is the day I celebrate the creation date or “birthday” of the Huletts Current. It has been exactly twelve years since my first post in 2008.
What a year! In national news, COVID-19 has been the major story, but the Presidential election ranks right up there also. I think, in challenging times like these, it’s more important than ever, if your state of being or mental health gets caught up in external events like these, it is helpful to have a wider religious or philosophical view that is grounded in eternal truths, e.g. Loving and serving God and your neighbor, building a better world, being a more just person. There are so many people suffering whom we may not take note of when other events preoccupy our focus.
The one comment that people of different political backgrounds and religious beliefs make consistently about Huletts is what a special place it is. That’s not to say we are perfect but, on the pendulum or scale of places to be, Huletts is a pretty darn good place to be on many levels. From those who painted circles on the beach, to the first responders who serve us all, to those who bring fresh produce over the mountain, to the workers who cleaned houses and collected garbage, to countless others who make our community better by serving and cooperating with their neighbors, I know we all say thank you for doing what you did this year. It wasn’t easy, but we moved forward.
While news this year has been harder to identify because of social distancing and staying inside, I continue to get lots of hits on the site and the ever present demand for more news is always there. Some days I can give more attention to the site than others, but I receive so many positive comments and emails that I know it is useful.
So thanks again for reading and now onto year thirteen! We’re going to make it. Live your best life right now.
Governor Cuomo Announces New Travel Policy
During his daily press briefing on Saturday, Governor Cuomo announced a new travel policy which will require all people traveling from out of State to be tested for the COVID-19 virus. The new policy requires all persons entering New York to have proof of having had a COVID test performed within the last three days. Then, upon arriving in New York, all travelers must quarantine for three days and then take another (second) COVID test on the fourth day. If the test yields a positive result, such persons must remain in quarantine. People that choose not to get tested on the fourth day must remain in quarantine for the full 14 days. The new policy does not apply to people traveling to and from contiguous states (NJ, PA, CT).
Vice President Pence Fishes Lake Bomoseen
Today, Vice President Pence did some fishing on nearby Lake Bomoseen in Vermont (boat above covered dock). Thanks to some of our friends on Lake Bomoseen, I have this picture to share. It was a beautiful day and the Vice President was accompanied by a large security detail (covered boat on the left). I have no information on how the fishing went! (Click image to see larger version.)
Rep. Elise Stefanik’s Full Speech at the Republican National Convention
Please Continue to be Vigilant
Please continue to socially distance and wear a mask.