The view of Lake George looking north from Bradley’s Lookout in the town of Bolton. Photo Credit: Lake George Land Conservancy (Click photo to see larger version.)
The Town of Bolton and the Lake George Land Conservancy (LGLC) have announced their intention to purchase a 62 acre parcel of land in the town known as Bradley’s Lookout. The Town will purchase the property from the LGLC upon completion of their acquisition expected to occur late this summer. The property will be encumbered by a conservation easement held by the LGLC.
The Hawkins family has owned the 62+/- acre property known as “Bradley’s Lookout” in Bolton since the 1970’s. The property contains 7 acres of wetlands, including half of the pond that is located on the Town of Bolton’s Community Center property. The remainder of the land is wooded, including many stands of healthy hemlocks. The land includes a 1000-foot summit that offers views of Lake George including Dome Island as well as Black Mountain, Shelving Rock, and the Sagamore. The name comes from the historical use of the property, as the Bradley family who ran a horse-riding business in town, brought their horses up the summit to allow visitors to enjoy the views.
“First, I would like to thank the Lake George Land Conservancy Board of Directors and staff for their vision, leadership and support of this acquisition and for shepherding this purchase to a successful conclusion” said Ron Conover, Supervisor of the Town of Bolton. “This is a tremendous accomplishment and addition to Bolton’s Hub Program. It connects the Community Center and the Pinnacle as well as Cat and Thomas Mountains and upon completion will offer another spectacular hiking experience and Panoramic Views of Lake George to our visitors. In addition, it affords us sufficient land to provide additional much needed on-site parking” Conover said.
“The Lake George Land Conservancy has been a critical partner in the development of Bolton’s Hub Plan,” said Susan Wilson, Deputy Supervisor of the Town of Bolton who served on the original planning committee for the trail Hub. “The Pinnacle has already become one of the southern Adirondacks most popular hiking attractions and the Lookout builds upon this success. People come from all over the state and country to hike our trails. Bolton is quickly becoming a major four-season hiking destination attracting thousands of visitors annually to our region.”
“The protection of Bradley’s Lookout will benefit both the community and the lake for generations to come,” said LGLC Executive Director Jamie Brown. “Thanks to our continuing partnership with the Town of Bolton, the generosity and cooperation of the Hawkins family, and the help of our community, this amazing land will be protected forever. With its easily-accessible iconic view, thriving wetlands, gently sloping hardwood-hemlock forest, and essential role within the larger Bolton Hub Initiative, the protection of this property exemplifies how the LGLC protects the land that protects the lake for everyone.”
“The Lake George Land Conservancy is honored to be able to permanently protect this wonderful iconic property,” said LGLC President Michael O’Reilly. “Partnering with the Town of Bolton will ensure that everyone will forever enjoy the beauty of this land while the Lake’s water quality is enhanced.”
“Our mother loved The Lookout,” said Lee Harrison. “I think mostly because of her memories of riding along the back roads of Bolton with Mr. Bradley. Mother knew the back roads of Bolton like the back of her hand, having spent every summer of her girlhood there, and she led us on many expeditions to fields and streams to play in, pick blueberries in, or just to admire the view. When The Lookout came up for sale, she just had to save it, so she did.”
This project follows another similar land acquisition in December of 2019 that added 212 acres to the Bolton Hub region. The protection of that property, part of the Twin Pines Resort owned by the McGurl family, was also made possible thanks to the LGLC’s good working partnership with the Town of Bolton.
The Bolton Recreational Hub (the Hub) is a collaborative effort between the LGLC, Town of Bolton, and Bolton Landing Chamber of Commerce, that combines the goals and outcomes of land conservation for water quality protection with the access to quality recreational opportunities and commerce within the Town of Bolton. A comprehensive Bolton Recreational Hub Strategy was published in 2019, and provides guidance for conservation and recreational projects going forward.