Bits of Everything

Capri Village Fire on Lake George Caught on Video


Sewer Break in Lake George Village Closes Beach

The Times Union reports on a sewage break in Lake George Village that closed Shepard Park and the state-run Million Dollar Beach.

Have You Seen the Whale?

Sleeping Whale Island, sometimes also called Whale Rock, is a familiar sight for boaters.

Indian folklore, handed down for many generations, told of a species of fresh water whale that once inhabited numerous lakes in the north country.

Sleeping Whale Island gets its destinctive name from this legend. The story that I’ve always heard and which is corraborated in the book, Stories of Lake George, Fact and Fancy, by Thomas Reeves Lord is that the Indians told that the only proof left that these whales existed was through enormous casts where one could see their shape.

Thus the name Sleeping Whale Island. Can you see it?

Warren County: No to Stream Rules Again

The Warren County Board of Supervisors have now passed a second resolution opposing the Lake George Park Commission’s proposed stream regulations. You can read it here.

It’s getting a bit disingenuous to keep hearing the Lake George Park Commission say that they’ve been consulting with Towns in the basin on the proposed stream regulations, when the Supervisors keep voting heavily in opposition to them.

Consultation doesn’t mean telling someone your changing the rules to their detriment, it means working with and listening to the other party.

Think anyone from the LGPC will show up on July 17th?

Washington County Beach Opens for 2009

Lifeguards, Nicole Enny, Lindsay Martell and Elyse Putorti stand in front of the new donations box at the Washington County Beach.

The Washington county beach at Huletts Landing is now open for the 2009 season. The park is open 7 days a week from 8 a.m – 8 p.m. and the swimming beach is open from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

There are a few improvements for the 2009 season. Sand has been added to the volleyball court and a new donation box has been added to collect contributions.

The Washington county beach is the only free beach on Lake George in Washington county.

While the county cut funding this year, there are plans to hold a golf fundraiser and there will be some really neat T-shirts for sale which I got a preview of but which are not quite ready yet. I should have a copy of the design which I will post in the next few days.

So take a break and stop by for a swim or picnic. The Washington county beach is a hugh asset to the community and the county!

Bits of Everything

Lake George Forum Sold to Father of Actor Ralph Macchio

That’s right, the father of the Karate Kid, Ralph Macchio Sr., and owner of the Wild West Ranch, purchased the Lake George Forum.

Read about it in the Post Star.

Lake George Stream Rules Move Forward

The Albany Times Union reports that the proposed stream rules are moving forward but any further public hearings will take place in the “off-season” preventing seasonal residents from attending. Not a good sign for openness.

Changes Proposed for Bolton Pier

An artist’s rendering of the proposed changes to the Bolton Landing town pier at Rogers Park.

The Town of Bolton has completed the final phase of the Hamlet Sustainability Plan and invites the public to a presentation of the draft concepts and a vision for the community. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 30 at 7:00 the Bolton Town Hall.

A formal presentation of the master plan is scheduled for 7:20 p.m. and will be followed by an exchange of comments and questions. Attendees will be encouraged to come at 7:00 p.m. to review the drawings.

The format for the event is to introduce the public to the project through the various draft concepts and drawings for Rogers Memorial Park and Town Pier, the Lake Shore Drive Streetscape, Veteran’s Park, and Norowal Marina.

For those unable to attend the meeting, you may follow the progress of the Bolton Landing Hamlet Sustainability Plan through the Town’s website:

Read the plan here.

See a full scale version of the picture above of the Rogers Park proposed pier here (This is a large download: 5 MB’s)

I think the best thing from a Huletts’s perspective is increased public boat docking if people want to go down to Bolton to visit or shop.

Bits of Everything

Lake George Park Commission: June Meeting Agenda

Please note that the June Meeting of the Lake George Park Commission takes place in Cleverdale this month. The meeting agenda is here.

Fort Ticonderoga to Host Major Reenactment

The Times of Ti reports on Fort Ticonderoga’s scheduled encampment set for June 27th & June 28th.

How to Get That Island Site

In an effort to learn more about the procedures for reserving an island for either picnicing or camping I stopped by the ranger station on Narrow Island.

Overnight camping goes for $24.00 per night with a $2.75 service charge.

Picnic sites go for $10.00 for a full day, and $5.00 for half a day. Picnicing is strictly on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Overnight camping sites should be reserved through the website:

In the “Find the Best Camping Spots” search area, put “Huletts Landing, New York” in the Near Box.

The coolest thing I picked up however, was this map of all the sites administered through Narrow Island, and the location of the different sites and their docks.

To call Narrow Island directly, the phone number is 499-1288.

LGPC: Thanks for Writing

The Lake George Park Commission released this letter today thanking those who took the time to comment on their proposed stream regulations. The process now moves to the next phase because the LGPC approved the Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement at their May meeting.

To learn more about what happens next, read the letter.

Americade is Coming

The Saratogian has a good article on the upcoming Americade weekend. Please don’t become hysterical if you see motorcycles in Huletts this week. These are motorcycle enthusiasts simply out enjoying themselves. They are not a threat to public safety. These folks are on licensed vehicles bringing in much needed tourist dollars to the area. If you stop and talk to them, they love talking about their motorcycles. So if you see a motorcycle this weekend, please don’t become alarmed. They are just normal folks out enjoying themselves. Please welcome them as you would welcome any new friend.

The Dolphin Boat

Here’s a cool video of the new Innespace Submersible Watercraft, otherwise known as the Dolphin Boat, from the Travel Channel’s Extreme Playtime show. (The actual video of the Dolphin Boat doesn’t start until 2:00 into the clip.)
