Bits of Everything

Giants Break Camp in Albany, Perhaps for Good

The Times Union takes a look at the Giant’s recently completed training camp and if they’ll return next year.

Bike Trip Around Lake George

The Warren Pieces blog tells about a planned bike ride around the entire lake.

People Coming Upstate to Vote

WNBZ has a story about people who live downstate, coming upstate to vote.

Diving Deep for Art

The Post Star takes a look at a new exhibition, which runs through Sept. 10 at the Lake George Arts Project Courthouse Gallery, that “combines art and science to study how testate amoebae living at the bottom of Lake George have interacted for centuries with the submerged remnants of the “Sunken Fleet of 1758.”

Sign Time

George Reis tested his boat, El Lagarto, (The Lizard) in Lake George before winning the Gold Cup for three consecutive years in the 1930’s. A sign marks the spot where he lived, on the road that leads to the Sagamore resort.

The Gold Cup is the oldest active trophy in all of motorboat racing. Bolton Landing resident, George Reis, would capture the Gold Cup in 1933, 1934, and 1935 in a boat he tested on Lake George. The Lizard flew by Huletts Landing while it was being tested, in route to trouncing the competition in those years.

In another little known fact about the Gold Cup, boat designer Christopher Columbus Smith (of the Chris Craft boat company) captured the Gold Cup in 1915 in a boat that topped the elusive 60 miles-per-hour speed barrier.

Bits of Everything

Good Samaritans Help Survivors of Dresden Car Wreck

The Post Star reports here on a bad car crash that took place on Route 22 in Dresden. I spoke to some at the scene and from what I can gather, it was quite a bad wreck. A helicopter was brought in to air-lift the survivors out. Everyone who stopped and helped should be commended.

Lake George Park Commission Delays Stream Action Another Month

The LGPC issued this press release recently.

Two Indian Warriors Overlooking Lake George

This is a really cool painting entitled “Life and Death” by artist Robert Griffing. These two Indian warriors are scouting Lake George. The Iroquois and Algonquin tribes competed viciously in this area and this picture caught my attention.

I’ll be doing more on the Indians this winter but this painting really captures what they must have looked like. I wouldn’t want to run into these dudes walking through the woods.

Alleged Fire Sighting Causes False Alarm

The Huletts Volunteer Fire Department received a warning from fire control late this afternoon, that someone across the lake allegedly saw smoke somewhere on the mountain coming into Huletts.

After 3 hours of searching by both the Huletts and Dresden fire companies, no fire was found. The old axiom, “better safe than sorry”, certainly applied here.

Our thanks go out to all the volunteer firemen who spent hours searching the steep woods of the mountain.

Two Press Releases for You

The Lake George Property Owners Group sent out these two press releases which I’m linking to in this post.

The first press release is about the recent vote in Dresden to oppose the Lake George Park Commission’s proposed stream rules. Their take on the vote is interesting.

The second press release is actually a letter which I pass along for the sheer enjoyment of the first line alone; To Editors of Local Newspapers and Blogs. While there are some who are critical of bloggers and even what I do here, the blogosphere is here to stay. This is the first press release/letter that I’ve received that recognizes this. It explains who the founding members of this group are and lays out a serious argument.

Dresden Votes to Oppose Stream Rules

At Monday’s meeting of the Dresden Town Board, this resolution opposing the Lake George Park Commission’s stream rules was passed unanimously.

This adds Dresden to a growing list of towns surrounding the lake that are opposing the stream rules the Lake George Park Commission is proposing.

Town Councilman, John Barber, said it best: “They’re infringing on people’s liberty. You have to make a stand at some point.”

Towns To Make Complaint Against Waterkeeper

The Towns of Lake George and Bolton have passed resolutions to make a complaint to the Department of Education and the Attorney General against the Lake George Waterkeeper for misusing the letters P.E. after his name for approximately 18 months. Looks like they are even going to work together and submit the documents that were provided with the letters P.E. to both Towns.

Here is a copy of the Bolton resolution.

We Got Mail and a Clarification

I received the following email from Jeffrey Klauder, clarifying my earlier post on next year’s life jacket change.


Just a quick clarification on the new life jacket rule – it only applies to boaters from November 1 to May 1. It would not be applicable during the period each year from May 2 to October 31. I’m not sure that was clear in your blog.

The text of the relevant rule follows:

No owner or operator of a pleasure vessel less than twenty-one feet, including rowboats, canoes, and kayaks shall permit its operation, between November first and May first, unless each person on board such vessel is wearing a securely fastened United States Coast Guard approved wearable personal flotation device of an appropriate size when such vessel is underway.

I apologize for my mistake. Remember the rule is to help prevent cold water deaths, so Nov. 1 to May 1 makes sense.

Lecture Enlightens Crowd

John Warren, publisher of the Adirondack Almanack blog, and author of the new book entitled; Historic Tales from the Adirondack Almanack, enlightened the Casino audience on Saturday night with stories about early Huletts life and local history.

If you missed John Warren’s lecture on Saturday night, you missed a good one. John’s talk started with blogging and new media but covered a variety of local history.

He passed on to me a variety of topics for future posts. Topics discussed ranged from the Belden, Burgess and Huletts families, the Millerites, Benson VT where numerous Huletts also settled, Mormon history, and religious intrigue from the mid-1800’s.

I would highly recommend his new book entitled; Historic Tales from the Adirondack Almanack (published by The History Press).

Thanks John for spending the time with us in the Huletts Casino!

Coming Soon: Mandatory Life Jackets

Lightweight, inflatable type III life vests will be all the rage next year, so you may want to buy one soon.

The New York State Legislature, despite its recent dysfunction, has passed a new navigation law which is awaiting the Governor’s signature. Dubbed the “seat belt law for boaters”, it will require mandatory use of a personal flotation device aboard a vessel 21 feet and under.

No longer can a boater just stow a life jacket or cushion in the boat. A Coast Guard approved, type III life vest must be worn at all times.

The new law, if signed by the Governor, will take effect November 1, 2009 and enforcement will start April 1, 2010 and will continue thereafter.

The purpose of the law is to protect coldwater boaters from falling in and dying before anyone knows they’re missing.

That’s right. You will be required to wear a life jacket if you’re on the lake in a boat 21 feet or less, otherwise big brother will get you!