Italian Adventures at the Casino: Thursday

Standing with a model of the statue of Laocoön and His Sons (Italian: Gruppo del Laocoonte), also called the Laocoön Group. The original is a monumental sculpture in marble now in the Vatican Museums, Rome. The statue is attributed by the Roman author Pliny the Elder to three sculptors from the island of Rhodes: Agesander, Athenodoros and Polydorus. It shows the Trojan priest Laocoön and his sons Antiphantes and Thymbraeus being strangled by sea serpents.

Want to see pictures of great art and beautiful places in Italy? Then you’ll want to come to my talk in the Casino this Thursday night.

Come and hear about Rome, Florence & other exciting Italian adventures!

When & Where: The Huletts Casino @ 7:30 pm on Thursday July 28th.

Vedervi lì

Now for Some History: 1938

My grandparents talked about using “wooden nickels” when they were young, but here is an actual Lake George wooden nickel. It’s made of very thin balsa wood and looks like it was issued for use in Lake George in 1938. (73 years ago.)

I scanned the back also.

I have to credit my brother, Al, for sharing this unique item from his great collection of memorabilia.

Old Time Religion at the Casino Saturday

This Saturday, July 16th at 5:30 pm at the Casino, the Friends of Historic Huletts Landing is sponsoring John Warren of the Adirondack Almanack who will present a lecture and talk entitled:

Old Time Religion in Washington and Warren Counties:
Mormons, Millerites, and the Woman Who Lived Without Eating

Learn about the people of Putnam and Dresden who refused to join their Mormon friends to start the Free Will Baptist Church of Dresden instead, and William Miller’s connection to the 19th century medical “wonder” of Chestertown, Warren County.

John Warren is the publisher of the Adirondack Almanack, the author of multiple books, and a popular local historian.

His latest work is entitled: “Historic Tales from the Adirondack Almanack”

See you at the Huletts Casino on Saturday at 5:30 pm.

New Business Opens on Top of Mountain

A new business, Sugar Loaf Mountain Antiques, recently opened on top of the mountain.

I recently stopped in to a new antique business which opened off of County Route 6 on top of the mountain. I spoke to the proprietor, Kathy Huntington, who also happens to be the new Town of Dresden historian.

“I’ve always loved history and antiques, so I thought it would be a good business,” said Kathy Huntington.

There are many interesting items for sale and Kathy is around on weekends or you can call her for an appointment. “I don’t have regular hours yet, but people can stop by on the weekend, or call for an appointment.”

The display area is very well organized and there are some really unique items.

A baby carriage from the 1930’s.

A large cash register used in a department store.

So if you’re looking for antiques or just want to browse, consider stopping in and supporting Sugar Loaf Mountain Antiques.

You can call the store at: 499-2969 or you can email Kathy at:

Happy 4th of July

Young Ben Franklin as Printer
Joe Brown & Vincent Masylin
1980 Bronze
19″ x 19″ x 19″
Loan of Order of Masons
Philadelphia Chapter
as seen in
University of Pennsylvania Alumni Club

(Click image to see full view)

Support FHHL, Buy Note-Cards

The Friends of Historic Huletts Landing will be selling boxes of historic Huletts note-cards.

Here’s a great idea that will benefit a worthy cause.

The Friends of Historic Huletts Landing are selling boxes of note-cards with historic pictures on the front.

For $12.50 you get a box of 10 different images 3 ½” x 5” note-cards from Vintage Postcards of Huletts Landing. Packaged in a black box with a clear acetate cover.

Each card has information about the card from which it was reproduced printed on the back

Use as a note card, a great house gift or minatures for framing. What a novel idea!

Available at the Huletts Casino, Island View Marina, Huletts Library & Gallery, and the Blackburn Gallery in Glens Falls. They will be sold at FHHL events this summer. Proceeds will benefit FHHL.

Framed or unframed prints are also available. A limited number will be on display at the Huletts Library and Gallery. If you’re interested in a framed or unframed print, contact: Brian Blackburn at the Blackburn Gallery in Glens Falls, 286 Bay Street, Queensbury, New York 12804, Tel: 518-798-5499 or

FHHL is always looking for vintage postcards and other vintage photographic and other images of Huletts Landing and Lake George to scan and add to the collection.

Operation Overlord: 67 Year Anniversary

Today marks the 67th anniversary of Operation Overlord which was the code name for the Battle of Normandy, the operation that launched the invasion of German-occupied western Europe during World War II by Allied forces. The operation commenced on June 6, 1944 with the Normandy landings (Operation Neptune, commonly known as D-Day).

A 12,000-plane airborne assault preceded an amphibious assault involving almost 7,000 vessels. Nearly 160,000 troops crossed the English Channel on June 6, 1944.

Freedom isn’t free.

Bits of Everything

Time Running Out on Clam Attack Plan

The Post Star reports on the plan to eradicate the invasive Asian clam.

State Ordered Sewer Upgrades for Lake George

The Adirondack Almanack reports on millions being spent to upgrade sewers in Lake George Village.

Secrets from the First Spaceflight

Yuri Gagarin made history fifty years ago as the first man in space. Astronotes has an article about some secrets from that flight.

For Our Flute Players:

Astronaut Cady Coleman gives a tour of the international space station and a flute playing demonstration!


Saturday Quote

“I participated in the great experience of my contemporaries – humiliation at the hands of evil.”

John Paul II – speaking about living under the totalitarian regimes of fascism and communism.

Bits of Everything

Volunteers Sought to Monitor Spawning Migrations tells you how to become involved monitoring smelt populations.

Albany TV Station Shows Huletts

The Adirondack Outdoors blog, tells us that an Albany television station ran some pictures of Huletts.

New Rules to Help Adirondack Lakes

Denton Publications reports on new federal rules to limit mercury emissions.

Where Did Lake George’s Name Come From

The Lake George Mirror Magazine talks toponomy and Lake George.

Warren County Boat Patrols May Be Saved

The Post Star tells us that Warren County got some good news last week.

Trout Season Begins: DEC Urges Caution

WNBZ advises that cold conditions have led to a DEC warning.

How to Give a Good Slap: Courtesy of Rachael Ray

Susan Lucci visited ‘Rachael Ray’ to school the audience on how to give a proper soap opera slap.