Director’s Cut – James Brown music video – It’s Man’s Man’s Man’s World

Congratulations to Xavier Fauthoux, who is the Grand Prize winner of the 2012 Music Video Challenge.

In celebration of the James Brown catalogue being re-released on iTunes in May, and the re-issuing of the classic James Brown Live at the Apollo album later this year, Saatchi & Saatchi in association with Universal Music Enterprises, the James Brown Estate, BUG and brought together fresh filmmaking talent and iconic music with songs by the legendary James Brown by sponsoring this contest.

To view all the winning videos look here.

Bits of Everything

The Whitehall Times Profiles the Washington County Sheriff

Learn more about Jeff Murphy, the Sheriff of Washington County.

The Free George Looks at Matthew Brady, the Father of Photojournalism

We’ve all seen his famous civil war photographs, but a recent discovery proves he was born nearby.

NY Times: Info-graphic on Every Olympic 100 Meter Medalist.

How would a 13 year old runner today stack up against an Olympic medalist from the 19th century? Find out here.

The Guardian: I Crash-Landed in the Hudson

An interview with a woman on the plane that crash landed in the Hudson River.

The Post Star: Washington County Again Considering Privatizing Transfer Stations

Will they or won’t they?

The Legend of Spruce Mountain Gold

Spruce mountain stands overlooking lake George.

I came across this story, which I had never heard before, in the history of the town of Dresden from: The History of Washington County New York, 1737-1878 published in 1878.

Here is exactly as it was recorded in 1878.

On the summit of the first ridge of Spruce mountain, and about one and a half miles from Mr. Knowlton’s, is a cave which, though as yet not fully explored, bids fair to prove an interesting and noted feature of the vicinity. It was discovered about a year ago (1876-77) by James Adams, of Dresden, who, while hunting, tracked an animal into the cave. It was soon after partially explored, and was found to extend into the mountain at least some fifty or sixty feet. The outer entrance faces the southwest, and at that time had to be entered in a creeping position. It has since been enlarged, and can be entered by stooping slightly. This entrance is five or six feet wide, and extends into the mountain some ten or twelve feet, opening into a circular chamber fifteen feet in diameter and about six feet high. At the rear of this similar opening passes through a wall of rock to a second chamber, with a higher ceiling. From this chamber, to the right, upon a shelf of rock some three feet above the floor, is the entrance to a third chamber. At the rear of the second chamber another opening, only eighteen or twenty inches in diameter and only two feet above the floor, opens into still another chamber, which has yet to be explored. The walls of it could not be reached with a pole twelve feet in length. The walls and roof of these chambers are a rough grayish rock. The floor is covered with a fine black soil. Tradition has always hinted at the existence of a cave on the mountain and a curious legend is told about it.

Many years ago it was the abode of a white man and an Indian. It was also the secret hiding-place for a large amount of gold and silver that in some manner they had secured. The white man was of French blood, and had a son who was then a small lad. One day he and the Indian got into a quarrel, and a desperate fight ensued, in which the Indian was slain and the white man mortally wounded.With wonderful vitality and persistence, he, however, managed to get away from the vicinity, and communicated to his son, either personally or by letter, the secret of the cave and directions for finding it. Many years elapsed, when one day an old man came to the residence of one of the settlers and wanted to secure board for the summer. His request was acceded to, and he established himself as an inmate of the house. With his staff in his hand and a haversack of provisions at his side, day after day, week after week, month after month, he wandered through the woods and over the mountains. He did not hunt, he did not collect geological or botanical specimens, but simply wandered around in a seemingly aimless search for something. When winter came he left the vicinity never to return, but told his host, before leaving, this story in explanation of his mysterious conduct.

So there it is, maybe there’s gold and silver hidden in a cave somewhere on Spruce mountain. Then again maybe it’s just a legend.

Lost Golf Balls Found

Here are the all the golf balls I’ve found over the course of the summer not on or near the golf course.

Whenever I find a golf ball in the course of my travels around the Landing, I throw it in a bucket I have by the door. Here is my take so far for 2012. One caveat, none of these were found on or near the golf course. I’ve found them in the woods, in the water, and one even in a gutter. For all the golfers out there, better luck next time!

Olympics in the Casino

The Olympics are being shown every night in the Casino.

Staying in Huletts the next few weeks and want to watch the Olympics but don’t have a TV?

Well come on down to the Casino in the evening and watch.

The Casino will be showing the Olympics every night and you can cheer on the USA team!

There’s been a good crowd there every night so far but there’s always room for more Olympic fans.

Friday’s Met Game

If you were in attendance at Friday’s Met game or know someone who was in attendance at Friday’s Met game, I’d like to hear from you.

I saw the last two innings on TV but would like to get the perspective from someone who was actually at the game.

Stop By and Congratulate Them

With the Memorial Day weekend fast approaching, this is one party you will want to have on your calendar!

The Mackell sisters, who have operated the soda fountain for many years, are both finishing college this year, so there will be a graduation party for them at the Casino on Saturday night.

Please stop by and congratulate them!