Huletts Landing Fans at the BCS Championship

Huletts Landing fans outside the stadium in Miami before the BCS championship game. From left, John McNelis Jr., John McNelis Sr., Pam McNelis, Irene McNelis, Tom McElhenny and Erin McElhenny. Now which team could they possibly be rooting for??

Click on photo to see full scale. Courtesy of John McNelis.

Update 9:00 pm

First quarter action from inside the stadium.

Click on photo to see full scale.

Where in the World …… Am I?

The Today Show has a reoccurring segment entitled: Where in the World is Matt Lauer?

Well today, I am off somewhere doing a story that I will post later next week. It’s been slow lately so if you want to guess where I might be, you can send me an email or use the contact form.

Here are my hints:

I’m working on a story about a major historical event that impacted the lives of Dresden residents. There are pictures involved (both historical and current day).

This is a picture of where I was standing about 20 minutes ago. (Which I will reveal next week.)

If you’re the first one to guess correctly, I’ll send you an autographed copy of: The Hulett Hotel Fire on Lake George.

Saturday Quote

Jiminy Cricket from the House of Mouse

Jiminy Cricket: “Ladies and gentleman of the House of Mouse. Don’t be a fool. No siree. Here’s how to live to be 103. Always let your conscience be your guide. I will demonstrate this advice… now. Savor your youth and beauty, because wicked queens, mean stepsisters, and evil witches will try to steal them from you every time. That reminds me, don’t eat apples unless you know where they came from. Avoid anyone that has a fiendish cackle, a sinister smile, or a diabolical glare, not necessarily in that order. Never sell your voice to a giant sea witch just because you have a crush on some guy. It’s just not worth it. When selecting footwear for the big dance, go ahead and write your name in your shoes. There is nothing to see in the elephant graveyard. End of story. If your first name is Sleeping, and your last name is Beauty, don’t use a spinning wheel. Go out and buy a sewing machine. And hey, don’t steal bread. Maybe you’ll meet someone special. Maybe you won’t. Maybe you’ll have puppies. Maybe you won’t. Maybe you’ll join the circus and learn to fly. Live in the jungle once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in the forest once, but leave before it makes you soft. Treat your elders with respect, and don’t be fooled by bad advice. If a guy named Foulfellow invites you to a place called Pleasure Island, don’t go! I mean, he’s got the word, “foul” right in his name! But trust me on the conscience thing.”

Bits of Everything

Washington County Passes New Budget

The Supervisors agreed this past week to a budget with a 3.1% spending increase. From the Post Star.

Whitehall School Ranked Last in County

Buffalo Business First released their annual ranking of upstate schools and the Whitehall School district was ranked last in the county and 398th out of 430 upstate schools.

Two Private Companies Want to Run Transfer Stations

The Post Star reports on the what may happen to the transfer stations in Washington County.

Old Ticonderoga Hospital to be Razed

Denton Publications reports on the fate of the old Moses-Ludington Hospital.

Scared Yet?? The 45 Best Pictures at a Haunted House

Buzz Feed has some funny pictures of scared people.

Disney to Buy Lucasfilm, New “Star Wars” Movie by 2015

From the Walt Disney Co.

Under the terms of the agreement and based on the closing price of Disney stock on October 26, 2012, the transaction value is $4.05 billion, with Disney paying approximately half of the consideration in cash and issuing approximately 40 million shares at closing. The final consideration will be subject to customary post-closing balance sheet adjustments…

“For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see Star Wars passed from one generation to the next,” said George Lucas, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lucasfilm. “It’s now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers. I’ve always believed that Star Wars could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime. I’m confident that with Lucasfilm under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy, and having a new home within the Disney organization, Star Wars will certainly live on and flourish for many generations to come. Disney’s reach and experience give Lucasfilm the opportunity to blaze new trails in film, television, interactive media, theme parks, live entertainment, and consumer products.”…

Ms. Kennedy will serve as executive producer on new Star Wars feature films, with George Lucas serving as creative consultant. Star Wars Episode 7 is targeted for release in 2015, with more feature films expected to continue the Star Wars saga and grow the franchise well into the future.

Lucas volunteers that he has story treatments prepared for not one, not two, but three more episodes.

Reader Submitted Photo

I received this picture from Peter Ballantyne of his dog, Pippin, behind the wheel of his boat on Lake George.

Peter had this to say; “Here is Pippin driving the ski boat. This took years of training. He’s still learning to pull skiers.”

Click to see full-scale.

Thanks Peter. Swimmers better get out of the way!

Scenes from the Day

Ice cream being handed out in front of the Casino after the children’s parade.

The season ends on a fun note (especially for the kids).

Off-season construction has begun already.

Columbus Day Weekend Events

The Casino will be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, with the Halloween costume party happening on Saturday night.

The children’s parade will start at the Post Office and end at the Soda Fountain between 2 and 3 pm on Saturday afternoon.