Hudson Falls Man Killed While Robbing House at Hague
Shot By Artist Harry Watrous
Frank Cardinal Fatally Wounded by Two Bullets from Colt Automatic—His Brother Escapes Uninjured But is Captured and Jailed.
Harry W. Watrous, a New York artist, at 2 o’clock Monday morning discovered Frank and Joseph Cardinal, of Hudson Falls, engaged in burglarizing his summer home at Hague and opened fire on them with a Colt Automatic revolver. Two bullets struck Frank Cardinal in the abdomen, inflicting wounds which caused his death in the Moses hospital in Ticonderoga at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The brother jumped through a window and escaped. He was pursued by Sheriff Richard Bolton, and was captured at 10 a. m. and lodged in the county jail at Lake George.
Mr. and Mrs. Watrous occupied a room in the second story of the cottage and the latter was first awakened by the noise the men made in their operations. She aroused her husband, who took an electric flashlight and a revolver and went to investigate the cause of the noise. Entering the dining room, clad only in his night robe, Mr. Watrous flashed his light and its rays fell directly upon the crouching figure of a man. Not knowing whether the intruder was armed, Mr. Watrous fired at him and at the same instant his thumb slipped from the button on the flashlight, leaving the room in darkness. Again he flashed the light and saw what he thought might be a different man, so aimed a shot at him. The man fell to the floor with a groan and at the same time a crash of glass was heard as the other man plunged through a window in another room and fled in the darkness.
Warrensburg New
June 19, 1913