Bits of Everything

Wild Unsettled Lake George

The Adirondack Museum will open a new exhibit called, “A Wild, Unsettled Country: Early Reflections of the Adirondacks,” on May 22nd which will highlight the earliest artifacts from the Adirondacks. Many of these come from the Lake George area. The Adirondack Almanac has a nice piece about the exhibit here.

Those Comic Books Are Valuable After All

The Ticonderoga Cartoon Museum will open for the season Wednesday, April 15. This is a great trip for kids and adults alike. The Times of Ti has a story about it on their website. If you haven’t been in Ticonderoga in a while, this museum opened a few years ago and it’s a great local addition.

Bits of Everything

Your Property Just Got More Valuable

According to CBS 6 of Albany, the Lake George Land Conservancy has just finalized a deal for 350 acres and a half mile of shoreline on Lake George in the town of Putnam. This deal has been in the works for some time.

The Train Will Keep Running

The Albany Times Union reports that the recent budget deal restored funding for Amtrak’s Adirondack service from Albany to Montreal. Now if it could only run on time.

All Sides Agree: It’s Good Proposed Tax Cap is Gone

WNBZ has a story about how all sides are happy that the Governor’s proposal to cap taxes on state land has been eliminated.

Now For Some History – 1995

“In 1995…A Line Of Damaging Thunderstorms Developed In The Northern Great Lakes During The Night Of July 14 And Quickly Strengthened As It Moved Into Northern New York By 4 Am On July 15…And Then Into Southern New England By 8 Am. Estimated Peak Wind Speeds In Excess Of 100 Mph Occurred In The Adirondacks And The Storms Themselves Covered Over 800 Miles (From Ontario Province To Cape Cod) In Less Than 12 Hours”

See the Radar Map from that day.

Remember where you were that morning?

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Car

This was in the national news a few days ago but in case you missed it, here it is again. The Terrafugia is billed as the first flying car. It just completed its test flights from the Plattsburgh airport. So here we see it leaving Plattsburgh by land and by air. Click on the pictures to see them in full size. Plattsburgh isn’t far from Huletts, so keep your eyes open for the flying car. (Pictures with permission of Terrafugia.)

Learn more about it at:

Bits of Everything

Gaslight Village Decision Favored by Many

The Post Star has more on the Gaslight Village Property.

“A total of 21 letters were in support of Concept 1 — the removal of both buildings; four letters were supportive of Concept 2; and 249 letters and signatures on petitions supported Concept 3 and the use of both buildings for events in Lake George.”

It’s good to see that a public use area for tourism and people will be incorporated into this plan.

Adirondack Boat Cake

The Pink Cake Box has an Adirondack Lake Boat Cake (with video) that looks too good to eat.

Bits of Everything

If This Isn’t Squatting, What Is?

Isn’t there a sci-fi movie plot where there’s a little town out in the middle of no-where and they do things there “differently?” The Wash Blog has a piece on how the Town of Whitehall goes about occupying their office space. There are only a few problems: they don’t own it, they don’t pay rent, and the owner doesn’t want them there.

A Lot of Suffering in the Adirondacks

North Country Public Radio has a poll about the number of people who say they are really suffering in the latest economic downturn.

Bits of Everything

Plans for County Beach Moving Forward

The Post Star has an interview with Dresden Supervisor Bob Banks about plans for the Washington County Beach this summer.

A Picture’s Worth a 1000 Words

Adirondack Life Magazine has a photo contest every year. Here is the page showing their winning pictures for 2009. If you’re a photographer consider submitting some of your best shots, you just might win!

Bits of Everything

More People Using State Parks

CBS 6 has a story that reservations are up in state parks.

Road Salt is Bad for Your Health

The Albany Times Union has a story about how road salt can be damaging, not only to the environment, but to your health also.

This is Like Asking the Whitehall School District to Let Us Out

The Post Star reports, that some folks in Queensbury and Fort Ann are so fed up with paying high taxes, they want to have their own village.

A Wind Tower Coming to a Hill Near You?

The Post Star talks about an idea that may make some sense for the Adirondacks. We certainly have wind.

Bits of Everything

Flood Watch for Washington County

The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch for an area which includes Huletts.

Bears Be Gone

WNBZ Radio has an interesting story on the DEC’s release of how many bears were taken by hunters in the state this past year.

“Harvest increased in the Adirondacks as well, with a total of 582 bears taken in 2008 compared to 544 taken in 2007 and 318 taken in 2006.”

We Hate To Bring You Bad News…

…but we’ve got some tax increases on the horizon that we can still prevent if we speak up now.

1.) The Whitehall School District is talking about a 6% increase in property taxes for the coming school year. Even though enrollment is falling and with record hikes in education spending the last two years, the district can’t control spending. They’re talking about cutting some positions but they need to probably double the cuts they are considering. Supposedly they are getting federal stimulus funds but they’re continuing down a path to destroy the tax base of the town of Whitehall. The vote on the proposed budget and election of some board seats will be held on Tuesday, May 19th from 12 pm to 9 pm in the large group instruction room. There will be one public meeting on the proposed budget on Monday, May 11th. Why not solicit comments now when the budget is being formulated and not at a shame meeting when they’ve already decided that they’re going to stick it to the taxpayers again? What can we do?

A.) We need to identify committed tax cutters to run for the Board of Education. The current Board is simply not getting it done. Every year enrollment drops and taxes go up 5%-6%.
B.) We need to write letters like the Post Star proposes to the school district. See Post Star editorial.
C.) Know our school board elected officials and let your voice be heard.

2.) The Governor, has not backed down from his proposal to change the way the State of NY pays property taxes on its forest preserve land. Here is a great letter to the editor which explains what he is proposing. If this takes effect in next years budget you’ll see a significant shift in property taxes toward private owners. The Governor’s popularity has fallen to a 30 year low so while he may not get it, at least we do. Hello Rudy or Andrew.

We’re not powerless. Start speaking out.