This from the Post Star on Washington County’s 2009 Proposed Budget:
“You know when it snows, and they say on the radio that only “essential employees” must report to work? How about counties start their budgeting with the premise that only essential government employees, services and functions be preserved? Washington County must have some fat in the budget. So what do they decide to hack? The night sheriff’s patrol. Other than forcing cutting back on some car purchases and park hours, what else did Washington County do of any significance to save taxpayers money? Oh wait. They did come up with a hiring freeze they hope will save taxpayers $100,000 next year. But in a $117.3 million budget, that’s less than 1/10th of 1 percent. One hundred out of 900 county employees quit or retire each year. Are they all “essential?” How about a plan not to replace any employee who leaves? For that matter, why does Washington County need 900 employees in the first place?”
Read the whole editorial here.