Taxing Problem Resolved

That old saying about death and taxes being inevitable is only applicable to the taxes part of this post. As part of the agreement on the golf course, the Huletts Landing Property Owners Civic Association is responsible for paying the property taxes attributable to the golf course. A disagreement arose about how the taxes were being apportioned and calculated on the area of the golf course. The amount in question was approximately $4,000 because the issue had dragged on for some years.

It’s nice to report, that all the parties discussed the disagreement by phone with the Town Assessor and that an agreement was reached and the tax disagreement was resolved. The actual amount that the parties were in disagreement about was approximately $600.

The older axiom about calmer heads prevailing is more applicable to this post. Bravos to HLPOCA President, Peter Spiess, and Treasurer, Joseph Campbell, for working through this issue and finding a resolution.

There’s also an expression about a bad day on a golf course being better than a good day at work but the fact remains that in this case the hard work was done so the taxes could be paid and so that everyone could enjoy the golf course peacefully.

Now we just have to keep working together to get the taxes lowered. That gets back to the first saying again.