Clean Water in a Septic Tank

How would you like to get clear water without odor in your septic tank? Read about an amazing new product by Aero-Stream.

Excerpted from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Posted: Nov. 21, 2008

Thoughts of gurgling toilets, sewage backup and foul-smelling liquid saturating the lawn flashed across Karl Holt’s mind when he realized his septic tank was nearly full.

It was potentially a very dirty problem, but Holt said he didn’t like the available remedies.

Pumping the tank is a short-term solution, and additives can hurt more than they help, he reasoned. Replacing the system would cost a minimum of $15,000 – not including re-seeding the lawn and replacing the deck.

“I was looking to save that $15,000,” said Holt, 45, president of Aero-Stream LLC in Hartland.

So he began tinkering.

The result is a patented product that sells for less than $1,000 that Holt says homeowners can use to revive failed septic systems and avoid more expensive alternatives. …

Aero-Stream®’s product, called a Remediator, transforms a septic system into one that is filled with oxygen-loving bacteria instead of less efficient, oxygen-hating bacteria, Holt said.

Call it aerobic exercise for a septic system; the Remediator pumps oxygen into the tank through a hole customers drill in its cover.

Holt says that destroys within 48 hours the oxygen-hating bacteria in the tank that have been eating the waste and encourages the growth of oxygen-loving bacteria.

Oxygen-rich liquid begins to flow out of the tank into the leach field. The oxygen-loving bacteria are so much more efficient at gobbling up waste they cut off the oxygen-hating bacteria’s food source by 70% to 80%, Holt said. They also eat the black slimy mix of oxygen-hating bacteria and their secretions that have been clogging the soil, and treated water starts flowing again down into the water table.

“Many people, even in the industry, do not understand the mechanics of the process and therefore find it difficult to comprehend the simple solution,” Holt said.

Read the whole piece here. Read about the company here. If only the LGPC and the environmental organizations would concentrate on products like these, we could improve the environment without taking people’s property rights away.