Gaslight Village – In Brief – Decision Due Soon

An interesting project is close to being finalized by Warren County, the Town of Lake George and Lake George Village. There is an approximately 12 acre parcel which is now owned 62% by Warren County, 19% by the Town of Lake George and 19% by Lake George Village. It is the former location of Gaslight Village (the Opera House and Cavalcade of Cars).

A group of environmental organizations have partnered to obtain a conservation easement to build a man-made wetland on approximately 10 acres. There are three different options being considered for the remaining 2 acres. To read about the different options, click here.

Man made wetlands have been the subject of much debate as to whether they actually work but the taxpayers of Warren County and the two municipalities will be paying for the maintenance of the entire parcel going forward. The environmental organizations have advocated Concept # 1 (all buildings removed from the remaining two acres) but a number of people would like to use the existing structures on the two acres, not subject to the conservation easement, for public use.

The subplot of all of this, is to see what the respective governments agree to. A decision may come as early as today.

Updated 3:45 pm – March 20, 2009

The Warren County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously today to approve Concept #3. (Cavalcade of Cars renovated as closed structure; Opera House renovated as open air pavilion.)