It’s Not All Legalese

The public comment period for the draft stream corridor rules being considered by the Lake George Park Commission has now expired. Instead of focusing on the environmental or property rights issues involved, I thought this letter was probably the best I’ve seen at explaining the legal issues involved.

It is written by Mark Schachner, an attorney for the Town of Lake George, who at one point represented the Huletts Landing Property Owners Civic Association. It was cc’ed to all the towns in the basin and ultimately floated out to you on the Huletts Current.

Mr. Schachner raises some serious questions about how the Lake George Park Commission has handled this process and points out some apparent deficiencies in their legal methodologies. This letter only focuses on the legal process of adopting the draft stream rules, it does not address any environmental issues of the current debate.

As citizens of our great country, the legality of our laws should be paramount to all. Read the whole thing. (It’s four pages and the download is over 1 MB, so it will take a few seconds to load.)