Bits of Everything

See What Former Supervisor, Joe Rota, is Doing

Today’s Post Star has an interesting story about a project which former Town Supervisor, Joe Rota, is pursuing.

Can You Hear Me Now? – I’m in Lake George Village

Somehow, I missed this press release from Verizon wireless which came out about a month ago, where they announced they had completed a cell phone tower/receiver in Lake George Village. This will help with cell phone calls from the village, parts of southern Lake George, and the Northway.

Lake George Association Starts “Don’t Trash the Ice”

The Lake George Association has started a new public service campaign aimed at winter enthusiasts. The Lake George Association is the oldest environmental organization dedicated to protecting Lake George.

School Enrollment Continues to Plummet – Why No Reduction in Taxes?

The Post Star has a good article on school enrollment in the area. This sentence caught my attention: “Ticonderoga has 960 students, and 88 come from Hague. The high value of property in Hague, the result of homes on Lake George, has its residents paying for half of the school district’s $16 million budget.” Sound familiar?

Readers of the Current may not know, that during the vote about the expansion of the Whitehall school a few years ago, the Whitehall school when asked to release the number of students enrolled by town released the information by zip code. Many Dresden and Clemons residents have Whitehall zip codes. This made it impossible to figure out the number of Dresden school children as a percentage of the total. The Whitehall District knows this number but my guess is that our proportion is even worse than Hague/Ticonderga. Sadly, Hague/Ticonderoga can at least get their number. We just know this …..