Bits of Everything

The Governor Doesn’t Want to Pay Taxes Either

While upstate legislators and groups are fighting the proposed cap on NY state paying property taxes on its forest preserve, the Governor for the time being is standing behind the proposal.

GOP Chairmen Weighted Votes Explained

The Governor will also, sometime soon, issue a proclamation calling for a special election to fill the U.S. House of Representatives seat being vacated by Kirsten Gillibrand who will be sworn in to the U.S. Senate on Tuesday to replace Hillary Clinton. In a special election, like this, there will be no primary. Republican chairmen from the 10 counties in the 20th Congressional District will meet this week to discuss how they will select the Republican nominee. Here is an look at how each County Chairman will have their vote weighted.

See Some Great Stuff This Summer

Here is an interesting story about the Adirondack Museum in Blue Mountain Lake getting a surprise donation to put on a show, starting in May, where some of the earliest known pictures, paintings and artifacts of the Adirondacks will be on display. The Adirondack Museum is a great day trip from Huletts.