Huletts Will Be Watching The AFC Title Game

The last time we spoke to local standout, Adam Terry of the Baltimore Ravens, was before the Ravens made it to the playoffs. Since then the Ravens beat Jacksonville to secure a playoff berth and have gone on to reach the AFC title game.

Adam had a few minutes this week, so we had a chance to interview him and get caught up on the last few weeks.

The last time we spoke, the Ravens hadn’t clinched a playoff spot yet. What has it been like going from needing that win against Jacksonville to get into the playoffs to now preparing for the AFC Championship Game?

“I think we treated that game against Jacksonville just how you have to treat it now. You win, you’re in. You win, you keep moving. You lose, you go home, pack up, and everybody goes their own way until preseason conditioning and everything. It’s a tough one coming up. Pittsburgh’s a sound defense with very good pass rushers off the edge. We’ve got to keep our defense off the field.”

The offensive line hasn’t allowed a sack through the first two playoff games. How much pride and motivation do you guys take from a stat like that?

“It’s a great statistic, but there are a lot of variables that come into play – running backs, wide receivers getting open, [Quaterback] Joe [Flacco] getting rid of the ball. Whether it’s a completion or just getting rid of the ball, that helps out. It’s a good number. Going forward, we’re going to try to keep it that way.”

A lot of people from Huletts Landing and upstate NY have been following you and the Ravens. What message do you have for those people?

“It’s great. That’s where I’m from, and my wife and I will probably end up somewhere in New York between Rochester and upstate New York, Queensbury area. It’s a good feeling. You really don’t get to see it until you get to go back home and everybody congratulates you, and you get to see the support. Sometimes, you get letters and stuff here, but for the most part you really don’t realize until you get back there.”

Adam, we appreciate your time this week. We know you’re headed to Pittsburgh but we just wanted to tell you that all your fans from Huletts Landing wish you well. Thanks again.