2023 Democratic Caucus for Dresden


The Democratic Party Caucus for the Town of Dresden will be held at the Dresden Town Hall, 102 Clemons Center Rd,
Clemons, NY 12819 On Saturday, July 8, 2023 beginning at 10:00 am

The purpose of this caucus is to nominate Democratic Candidates for the following offices:

(1) Town Supervisor- 2 Year Term, (1)Town Justice-4 Year Term, 2 Town Council Seats- 4 Year Terms (1) 2 Year Unexpired Town Council Seat, (1) Town Highway Supervisor-4 Year Term and (1) Town Clerk-4 Year Term

Only enrolled Democrats are entitled to vote at the caucus, and no writein or floor nominations will be accepted at the caucus.
Those wishing to seek any of the above offices, should submit a letter of intent to the Democratic Committee Chairman, Alan Stern, 45 Hartshorn Rd. Greenwich, NY 12834. alan.wcdc@gmail.com The letter must be received by 5:00pm on Thursday July 6th, 2023

By Order of The Washington County Democratic Committee
Alan Stern, Chairman