Palm Sunday, Holy Week Begins

Remember those special family Easter traditions you experienced as a child and as a parent? Easter baskets, egg hunts, family movies, chocolates, the sheer joy of the day!

Is that joy still there? Those family traditions give holy week a special significance for so many of us. Easter’s coinciding with the newness of another spring should awaken gratitude in our hearts! Winter is fading away; the days are getting longer, and we have hope in our hearts.

So don’t forget those traditions, continue them or begin them again. Try even establishing a new one – holy week is here and so are we. The habit of expressing gratitude tends to keep us focused on the good things of life and prevents us from falling prey to negativity.

May this week awake in you those things that give you joy and happiness and may this week bring you renewed hope. Easter will be here soon. Blessings and joy to everyone, whatever your traditions may be.