Top News Story of Huletts: 2021

Many interesting things happened in Huletts in 2021. An independent film was even filmed in and around Huletts this past summer.

However for the “Top News Story of Huletts” for the year – the biggest one in my mind is clearly how the community again responded to the COVID-19 international pandemic. Life started getting back to semi-normal with vaccine shots, and small gatherings, the Huletts Casino reopened with a shortened and abbreviated schedule and school began again after Labor Day. Masks came off indoors for most of the year. Children and adults were tired of being cooped up for so long.

I received more thank-you letters and emails than I have ever received in one year – the gist of practically all of them – thanks for getting back to normal and having Huletts be a place where fear doesn’t rule. However, I can’t claim credit for that – the community gets the credit. People may have stood a little farther apart but I think Huletts Landing was ahead of the curve in realizing that we can’t shut down permanently – that we have to go ahead with living and being our “best selves.” By trying to follow “best practices” and learning as we go, we can move ahead and get through this.

The recent moves nationally to shorten the quarantine period and keep schools open in response to almost two years of the pandemic, I think reflects this changing thinking. Children have suffered greatly through the pandemic months and there is no better place for children than Huletts. While it appears we are not “out of the woods” yet, hopefully sometime in 2022, we will have the pandemic behind us.

When will things truly return to normal? We don’t know. However we look to the future with hope knowing that we made it through 2021 working together to keep Huletts safe.

May 2022 be a better year, full of glad tidings for everyone.

Happy New Year!