Top News Story of Huletts: 2008

With so many media outlets declaring their top new stories for 2008, we thought we would pick the top event in Huletts for the year.

We had many big stories from the past year. All of the following happened in 2008; the grand opening of the new firehouse, the Washington County budget and beach funding controversy, the Whitehall school district receiving over $700,000 in increased state aid and still raising taxes, the Huletts Island View marina roads being turned over to the Town, the new book – Huletts Landing on Lake George being released, and the passing of longtime Huletts resident and Town Board Member, William McElhenny. All of these were significant events in our small community. There were many other newsworthy items that we could include in this list.

However, the Huletts Current pick for the top story of 2008 was the restoration of the shorefront and beach by the Huletts Landing Property Owners Civic Association and its Junior Members. This major project, which was years in the making, was not only a significant investment for the future, but was a commitment to life and the enjoyment of Lake George. We name it “Top Story of Huletts 2008” and congratulate all those who were part of this great undertaking.

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