DEC Statewide Forest Ranger Highlights

Town of Bolton
Warren County

Wilderness Rescue: On Saturday April 17 at 7:20 p.m., DEC’s Ray Brook Dispatch received a call from two lost hikers in the Tongue Mountain Range. The pair was concerned about becoming lost in the woods after dark. The hikers were still on the trail, 3.5 miles from the nearest trailhead, and an additional five miles away from their vehicle. The hikers were encouraged to continue making their way out of the woods. About an hour later, the hikers called back as one of them was having a panic attack, fearful that their cell lights wouldn’t last much longer. Forest Ranger Kabrehl responded to assist the 26-year-old women from Montgomery, NY, and Oradell, NJ. By 10:14 p.m., Ranger Kabrehl and the hikers were out of the woods.