DEC Boat Launch Ramps on Lake George to be Closed at Night during 2021

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will begin closing the gates at the Mossy Point and Rogers Rock boat launches on Lake George on April 15, as part of an ongoing pilot program to increase protections from aquatic invasive species, DEC Regional Director Joseph Zalewski announced today. The overnight closure will continue through Dec. 15.

“The pilot program is another tool to support the State’s ongoing efforts to protect Lake George from aquatic invasive species,” said Director Zalewski. “DEC and the Lake George Park Commission continue to collect essential data each boating season to ensure our future actions balance public access for boaters with protecting our waterways.”

“Lake George is one of the most beautiful and heavily recreated lakes in the Northeast. We believe the Commission’s mandatory boat inspection program provides a great balance in protecting Lake George from invasive species without impacting boating activities on the lake,” said Dave Wick, Executive Director of the Lake George Park Commission. “The state and local partnership that created this invasive species prevention initiative has been tremendously successful over its seven years of existence, and it continues to have strong public support.”

A comprehensive public survey was released in February 2021 seeking feedback on the 2020 boating season and input on extending the pilot gate closure program. The survey received nearly 300 responses. As a result of ongoing data collection efforts, DEC and its partners determined that extending the gate closure season to earlier in the spring and later in the fall will provide a higher level of protection against invasive species while meeting the public’s needs. In addition, the longer season allows for increased boat launch steward interaction with boaters.

Boat launch stewards from the Lake George Park Commission will be present when boat launches are open to inspect boats, trailers, and equipment for the presence of aquatic invasive species and to educate boaters about the importance of Clean, Drain, and Dry. Boats, trailers, waders, and other fishing and boating equipment can spread aquatic invasive species from waterbody to waterbody unless properly cleaned, dried or disinfected after use. State law requires boaters to take these steps before launching their watercraft into public waterbodies. Although some invasive species such as Eurasian water-milfoil are readily visible to the human eye, many others are too small to be easily noticed.

Based upon feedback from the public survey, the gates will be opened earlier this season to allow anglers early morning access. Boat launch stewards will open and close the gates following the schedule below from April 15 through Dec. 15, 2021. This schedule is subject to change. Check the Lake George Park Commission for the most current information.

A callbox is located next to the door of the Lake George Park Commission shed at each of the boat launches. Boaters who do not get off the water until after the gate is closed can use the callbox. Calls go directly to the DEC Emergency Dispatch line and a DEC Dispatcher will provide callers with instructions for opening the gate. The callboxes were provided by the Fund for Lake George.

Consistent with this effort to protect Lake George against aquatic invasive species, the Million Dollar Beach Boat Launch will also begin its gate closure program April 15.