Senator Stec: State Budget Hinges on Robust Federal Aid Package

State Senator Dan Stec (R,C,I-Queensbury) today said Governor Andrew Cuomo has proposed an unprecedented state budget for its heavy reliance on federal aid to balance the state’s financial books. Cuomo is seeking $15 billion in state and local aid from the federal government to close a huge budget gap in the upcoming fiscal year.

“The governor says he has a lot of friends in Washington, DC so when it comes to the funding I say ‘go get it’,” said Stec. “According to the governor, New York State is the number one donor state, putting in more and getting back less from the federal government year after year. He said this has persisted going back to the days of Senator Patrick Moynihan who retired from the US Senate 20 years ago.

“The governor has had ten years to address what he calls ‘a chronic injustice’ but he hasn’t. The time is now and he needs to get the job done,” said Stec.

Stec said the governor’s approach of waiting for federal assistance will create an enormous challenge for lawmakers as well as advocates, including schools, hospitals and not-for-profits, trying to figure out what will and won’t be possible to fund.

“On an executive budget presentation day, we might typically say ‘the devil is in the details’ but, based on what we heard today I am thinking this is a budget based on a ‘hope and a prayer’.

“From my perspective, job one is restarting the economy. I have been and will continue to talk with our chambers of commerce and local businesses to see what the State of New York should be doing to help them in the months ahead,” said Stec.