DEC Statewide Forest Ranger Highlights

Town of Bolton
Warren County

Wilderness Rescue: On Oct. 2 at 9:30 p.m., Warren County 911 transferred a call to DEC’s Ray Brook Dispatch from two hikers who became disoriented on Pole Hill Pond. The hikers, from Brookhaven, did not have a light source or warm clothing with them as temperatures dropped. Dispatch advised the hikers to stay where they were until help arrived. Warren County 911 shared coordinates to the hikers’ location as their only working cell phone battery died. Forest Rangers Donegan and Kabrehl responded to assist, arriving on scene at 10:30 p.m. Voice contact was made at 12:15 a.m., and the hikers were found off the trail at 12:33 a.m. Forest Rangers escorted the couple back to their vehicle at the trailhead.

Town of Bolton
Warren County

Wilderness Rescue: On Oct. 3 at 7:53 p.m., Warren County 911 transferred a call to DEC’s Ray Brook Dispatch from a hiker stating that she and her eight-year-old daughter were stuck on the trail for Pole Hill Pond. The hiker stated that they did not have any light sources and that she had fallen, causing minor injuries. Forest Rangers Donegan and Kabrehl responded to the pair’s location along with Bolton Fire and EMS. Rangers proceeded up to the trail to locate the stranded family from Saratoga Springs and Ranger Donegan advised that he was with the pair at 10:48 p.m. After being assessed by Rangers, the mother and daughter were provided light sources and safely escorted back to the trailhead. At 10:58 p.m., the incident concluded and all emergency service providers were cleared the scene.