Memorial Day 2020

Today all across this great land, we pause to remember those who have fallen in the defense of freedom for the United States of America. We give thanks for their final sacrifice, for their love of country, and we say prayers for them, for their families, and for the country they served. We fly flags to honor their service, to observe our own dedication to our beautiful country.

The origins of Memorial Day are difficult to uncover. Some attribute it to former African slaves paying tribute to fallen Union soldiers. There is strong evidence that women of the South were decorating graves before the end of the Civil War. On May 30, 1868, flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. By 1890 all the northern states were observing the day. The South would not observe the same date until after World War I. It became known nationally as ‘Decoration Day.’

However, being the ever optimistic Americans we are, we have turned it into a nation wide party, a celebration of patriotism, family, and summer’s promise. However, Memorial Day is and always will be about the fallen servicemen and women who gave their lives for our country.

We see the news daily; from Communist China to theocratic Iran – there are so many who live under oppressive regimes who are not free. May we always remember the sacrifices of those who have given us the greatest gift after life itself – our freedom. Happy Memorial Day – cherish it and never forget.