NYS Coronavirus Update

All K-12 schools and college facilities statewide will remain closed for the rest of the academic year. Schools will continue to provide distance learning during that time and be required to continue meal programs and child care services for essential workers. The state will make a decision about summer school programming by the end of May.

Even though New York is still on PAUSE, New York State Parks remain open for solitary walks or hikes. To help beat cabin fever, all fees for state, local and county parks are waived — but you must keep six feet of distance from others and where a mask where social distancing is not possible. (You don’t need to stay six feet away from someone in your own household who is joining you.)

Elective outpatient treatments and surgeries can resume in 35 NY counties. Previously, the Governor announced that the state will allow elective outpatient treatments to resume in counties and hospitals without significant risk of a COVID-19 surge in the near term. The list of counties that have been approved is here.