NYS Coronavirus Update

Starting last night (Friday, April 17th) at 8 PM, if you are in a public space where social distancing is not possible, you MUST cover your mouth and nose in New York. This week Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an Executive Order requiring all people in New York to wear a mask or a face covering when out in public and in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained, such as on public transportation.

The Governor has said he will sign an Executive Order directing all public and private labs in New York to coordinate with the State Department of Health to prioritize Coronavirus diagnostic testing. A key component to “un-pause” New York is ramping up the state’s testing capacity. The Executive Order will help ensure the 301 laboratories and hospitals in the state that are licensed to perform virology testing operate in a coordinated way to help get us reachthe testing capacity we need.

The Federal government has announced new guidelines for reopening states:

The Opening Up America Again guidelines say states that show a downward trend in COVID-19 cases will be able to reopen restaurants, bars, theaters, workplaces, sporting centers and gyms as soon as May 1st.

Phase 1: which recommends continued social distancing, closure of schools, teleworking and sheltering in place for vulnerable individuals. Non-essential travel would be discouraged, public establishments should remain closed and visits to nursing homes and hospitals should remain prohibited, the guidelines warn. “If a vulnerable population needs to return to work, there should be special accommodations for all vulnerable populations. If the schools are already closed, they should remain closed,” Dr Deborah Birx said. “All visits to senior living facilities should continue to be prohibited. Large venues can only be operated under strict physical distancing protocols. Gyms could open if they adhere to strict physical distancing.”

Phase 2: allows schools, and restaurants to reopen with diminished occupancy. Non-essential travel can resume, and people can gather in groups no larger than 50, but teleworking is still encouraged. “This is for the employers. We still would like to encourage telework, and the common areas should remain closed or be physically distant,” Dr Deborah Birx said. “Visits to senior living facilities however should remain and hospitals prohibited.”

Phase 3: allows workplaces to reopen with no restrictions, and visits to senior care centers and hospitals can resume. “It is essentially returning to our new normal. With all of the what we talked about through all phases: continuing the good hygiene practices, continuing the respect for spaces between individuals, because we know that we still have an issue with asymptomatic spread,” Dr. Birx said.

President Trump Comments Today on Governor Cuomo’s ‘Complaining’ & NY’s Terrible Coronavirus Numbers